The Stormlands

The Stormlands, historically the Kingdom of the Storm, are one of the constituent regions of the Seven Kingdoms on the continent of Westeros. The Kingdom of the Storm was a sovereign nation until Aegon's Conquest, in which the last Storm King was slain. The region is so-named for the savage and frequent autumn storms that batter the coast after beginning in the Summer Sea.

The stormlands are ruled from the castle of Storm's End by House Baratheon, Lord Paramount of the Stormlands. Notable bannermen of the region include Buckler, Caron, Connington, Dondarrion, Errol, Estermont, Penrose, Selmy, Staedmon, Swann, Tarth, and Wylde. Noble bastards raised in the stormlands are given the surname Storm.


Map of Westeros



  The stormlands are bordered to the north by the crownlands, west by the Reach, south by Dorne and the Sea of Dorne, and east by Shipbreaker Bay and the narrow sea. They are one of the smaller regions of Westeros, a land of harsh mountains, stony shores, and verdant forests, including the kingswood and the rainwood along Cape Wrath. Major rivers include the Slayne and part of the Wendwater.
  The windswept plains and grasslands of the Dornish Marches, located in the south-west in a long salient along the Red Mountains, serve as an effective buffer zone between the stormlands and their old enemies of the Reach and Dorne.
  A few islands, including Tarth and Estermont, are also considered part of the stormlands. Ships coming across the narrow sea avoid the notorious Shipbreaker Bay and its storms, though the seas along the stormlands can be clear and blue. The waters around Tarth are particularly famed for their clear blue color, earning Tarth the name "Sapphire Isle".

People and Economy

The stormlands are thinly populated compared to most of the Seven Kingdoms, and their people have a reputation for being stormy like their weather. The province is known for its fierce warriors and sailors, and for moss-covered cottages among its rainy woods and green hills. Many smallfolk in the stormlands claim descent from a promiscuous Storm King, Ronard Storm.
  Although it is rainy, the region is fertile enough. The Weeping Town is a thriving port on the Sea of Dorne. The kingsroad runs north from Storm's End to King's Landing in the crownlands.

Military strength

The population of the stormlands is diffused, and the region can perhaps raise some thirty thousand men.
  The Dornish Marches of the stormlands are the first line of defense against Dornish incursions from the south, so they have strong martial traditions and a number of strong castles, especially the marcher lords. The marcher lords are acclaimed for their bowmen.


Storm Kings

  During the Dawn Age, the woods of the stormlands were inhabited by children of the forest, while giants dwelled in the foothills of the Red Mountains. The land was then settled by First Men who came to Westeros across the Arm of Dorne. Deities worshipped by the stormlanders of antiquity included the sea god and the goddess of the wind. War ensued between the elder races and the humans until the Pact. The First Men of old often carved their tales into wood.
  The stormlands were consolidated by the Storm Kings, House Durrandon of Storm's End, who were founded by Durran Godsgrief. In time, the Durrandons gained dominion over Cape Wrath and the rainwood, what would become the kingswood, Massey's Hook, and islands in the narrow sea, such as Tarth and Estermont. Storm Kings fought river kings for control of lands north of the Blackwater Rush, and sometimes Storm's End controlled lands as far as Maidenpool and the Bay of Crabs. The Dornish Marches were created as bulwarks against Dorne to the south and the Kingdom of the Reach to the west.
  The Storm Kings defended the stormlands during the coming of the Andals, but eventually the First Men intermarried with the Andal newcomers. Himself aided by Andals, Gyles III Gardener, King of the Reach, conquered the lands north of the rainwood, but he failed to capture Storm's End after besieging it for two years. King Arlan III Durrandon vanquished the river kings of House Teague, extending the Storm Kings' domain north to the Neck for three centuries.
  Stretched thin by their conquests, the power of the Storm Kings gradually declined due to pressure from House Gardener and Dornishmen. King Arrec Durrandon lost the riverlands to Harwyn Hardhand, who became King of the Isles and the Rivers, although the stormlands fended off Harwyn's son, King Halleck Hoare. The rivermen found the ironborn to be crueler masters than the stormlanders.
  Arrec's grandson, King Argilac Durrandon, killed King Garse VII Gardener at Summerfield and also fought alongside Pentos and Tyrosh against Volantis during the Century of Blood.

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House Baratheon

King Argilac Durrandon stood against Aegon as perhaps one of the few contemporary Legends. Many view the Starks, Arryn’s and Tully’s as Lords comparable to themselves, but those who are a true part of history, such as house Durrandon, and Hoare hold a special place in stories told around a burning hearth. Though Aegon fought harder against Lords like Buckler, Erroll and Fell who fled with Meraxes fire at their backs, King Argilac and his stormlords standing defiant against Orys Baratheon, half brother to Aegon I Targaryen, near Bronzegate is a tale that finds more telling.


The Last Storm is a tale that will stand the test of time, with many certain that in a thousand years people will speak of how Orys slew Argilac the Arrogant before taking his lands, his titles, sigil and daughter in an act not of barbarity, but chivalry, cloaking her as his wife when she was offered to him stripped of her finery and dignity. By the end of the Conquest Orys was not only the new Lord Paramount of the Stormlands, but the Hand of the King to house Targaryen.


Dornish Wars

  King Argilac Durrandon stood against Aegon as perhaps one of the few contemporary Legends. Many view the famous houses such as Stark, Arryn and Lannister as Lords comparable to themselves, but those who are a true part of history, such as house Durrandon, and Hoare hold a special place in stories told around a burning hearth. Though Aegon fought harder against Lords like Buckler, Erroll and Fell who fled with Meraxes’ fire at their backs, King Argilac and his stormlords standing defiant against Orys Baratheon, half brother to Aegon I Targaryen, near Bronzegate is a tale that finds more telling.
  The Last Storm is a tale that will stand the test of time, with many certain that in a thousand years people will speak of how Orys slew Argilac the Arrogant before taking his lands, his titles, sigil and daughter in an act not of barbarity, but chivalry, cloaking her as his wife when she was offered to him stripped of her finery and dignity. By the end of the Conquest Orys was not only the new Lord Paramount of the Stormlands, but the Hand of the King to house Targaryen.
  And though this would make a wonderful story for young Knights and Ladies, the Stormlands was not to enjoy a happily ever after. In the years that would follow brave Orys would suffer as Storm Kings had suffered over the ages, constantly resisting Dornish attacks, and working with the naval houses of the Stormlands to rebuff piracy from the Stepstones and Free Cities. Orys would in the neverending fighting eventually lose his hand, and then his life.
  During the reign of Baelon, House Baratheon has remained fiercely loyal to the Dragon, though they have not necessarily agreed with all house Targaryen has done. Some say it is because the Stormlands have been graced with a measure of autonomy from the crown. House Caron is not so eager to offer their praise to the Dragon, speaking out against the atrocities done to the Faith despite the laws against such criticism, sometimes a little too vocally for Lord Orys and now Lord Duncan’s liking. House Caron and Swann both are less than pleased with how little support they have earned against Dorne from King’s Landing and the Dragon’s within it knowing how freely fire is poured upon their neighbors who do serve the Crown.
  While the King fought the faith, and itself, the Stormlords have fought against the Vulture King and his thirty thousand men who have been allowed to raid with impunity. Dondarrion, Caron and the minor houses of Selmy, Lonmouth, Peasebury and Trant bore the brunt of the fighting having seen the loss of both Lord Dondarrion and Caron leaving behind young heirs, one just old enough to take their seat, the other with a sister to rule in their stead.
  Vengeance was on offer against the Wyls who had provided the greatest support to the Vulture King in 37AC. As the Vulture King led a huge army to raid the lands north of the Red Mountains, focusing on Blackhaven and Nightsong. The Vulture King split his host, having one half led by Lord Walter Wyl besiege Stonehelm, the seat of House Swann. Orys Baratheon and the might of Storm’s End, eager for revenge against the Dornish, led his forces from Storm's End one last time to participate in the Vulture Hunt.
  While Wyl's host sat besieging Stonehelm, Orys' forces crushed the Dornishmen beneath the walls of the castle. When it was all said and done Walter was brought to Orys, wounded but alive. Lord Baratheon chopped off Walter's sword hand, then the other hand, followed by both feet which Orys called his "usury." On his return to Storm's End, Orys died of the wounds he had taken seeking vengeance for the Stormlords, and himself. His son Duncan Baratheon claims Orys died content in what he had accomplished, proud that he and Argella had raised such a fine family, and ruled over such a strong people and that Orys died content smiling at the rotten hands and feet dangling in his carriage. Unfortunately his death did not put an end to the Vulture King who had faded back into the Red Mountains with his men to become Duncan’s own unfinished business and while the raids are far less frequent than they were during Aegon’s rule, they persist to this day.
  Led now by Duncan Baratheon, the Stormlands lick their wounds and rebuild in preparation for the return of the Dornish, and the Vulture King who leads them. Certain that he is but a proxy for the will of house Martell, and the Lords who are not brave enough to stand on their own like Walter Wyl.

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