Upcliff of Witch Isle

House Upcliff is a noble house from the Witch Isle off the coast of the Vale of Arryn. They blazon their arms with a cresting wave, sea green on black. Their words are "Follow the tide."  




Upcliffs have been known to have dark eyes, pitch black hair and skin and lips as pale as a corpse pulled from icy waters. They are tall and slender with gaunt features.  


The Upcliffs have a sinister reputation. It is said that the Andals passed Witch Isle not because it was of no interest, but because they could not see it. There are stories along the Fingers that pale men with eyes of deep blue would come ashore near Witch Isle and take away anyone they could find, however many attribute such stories to ghost tales of the Others from the North.   Still, it is commonly taken as the truth that the Upcliffs practice some form of witchcraft, and few doubt that they might dabble in human sacrifice, possession or worse, necromancy.  

House Upcliff
A cresting wave, sea green on black
Follow the tide

Witch Isle
Lady Selyne Upcliff
Lord of Witch Isle
Arryn of the Eyrie

Family Tree




House Upcliff dates back to the Age of Heroes. During the coming of the Andals to the Vale of Arryn, Ursula Upcliff supported Robar II Royce, High King of the Vale, the Fingers, and the Mountains of the Moon. Ursula was slain by Torgold Tollett in the Battle of the Seven Stars.  

Targaryen Dynasty

The Upcliffs have been seen a single time since the Conqueror came to Westeros and that was among the army that Lord Royce brought to the Eyrie to bring justice to Paul Arryn. They carried no banners and were few in number and it is said they came to the Eyrie almost as if expressly to see the Dragons land, and the executions held. The Knights of house Upcliff watched the men condemned to die hang, or be carried out into the sky and departed the Eyrie that very night.   Some say this is entirely a fabrication, however a few who were there swear after the presence of men bearing the wave of Upcliff on their arms and armor.  

Recent Events


Seat and Holdings

Little is known about Witch isle however it is known to be small and shrouded in fog for how it sits between the cold Northern winds pushing South and the warm winds that come North off the Narrow Sea.   The Keep at Witch Isle is a small one and seems generally undefended and the lands are poor however there is trade that comes to Witch Isle from the Vale, Braavos and passers by along the Narrow Sea.  


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