The Company of the Rose, also known as the White Rose or the Winter Rose, is a sellsword company operating in Essos made primarly of self-exiled Northerners from Westeros.
Company of the Rose
A cross of roses circled by an array of swords and standards.
To be determined
500 horse and 600 foot
As primarily Northmen the Company of the Rose have mainly First Men features however in the fifty years they have spent in Essos many have married locals, and many Essosi have been recruited to the cause, or rather many Essosi have been happy to pretend for coin.
The Northmen in Essos often carry chunks of weirwood as a connection to their faith and the heart trees that reside in Westeros. When a weirwood is found in Essos it is not uncommon for those of the company who believe in the Old Gods to stop and pray and they have been known, in unclaimed lands, to turn a weirwood into a heart tree.
Notable Founders
- Balthar Bolton, brother to the Lord of the Dreadfort
- Garmun Stout, father to Gareth Stout
- Brandon Karstark and his wife Harriet Stark
- Mason Stark, brother to Harriet, cousin to Torrhen, Lord of Winterfell
- Rhaelle Woodfoot, and her companion Jorah Mormont
Founded by those of the North who rejected Torrhen Stark's submission to Aegon the Conqueror and thus chose exile over bending the knee, the company of the Rose has long held out hope that Aegon the Conqueror would be brought to heel, or perhaps that the Comapany of the Rose might find aid from the Free Cities to topple the Dragon King. They found in time however that the people of the Free Cities supported Aegon Targaryen's conquest and settled into a life of exile and mercenary work.
Alongside the Second Sons, the Winter Rose helped guard Qohor against roaving bands of Dothraki. While they did not enjoy the fame the Bright Banners earned defending the city against Khal Temmo who the Second Sons had defeated a hundred years earlier, the work taught them much of Essos and it's politics, as well as the threat of the Horselords.
The majority of the Companies time has been spent in and around Norvos which they found "strange and beautiful" preferring the cool stony hills and waters of the Noyne of Norvos to the warmth. dirty and sand they found toward the south in the Flatlands or Golden Fields.
Their work in and around Norvos was primarily in resisting Horselords who reached far from the Dothraki sea, and the Hairy Men who came from the Hills of Norvos.
The Sorrows
More recently, on their way toward the Disputed Lands for rumors of a Targaryen landing in Lys, the company fought a battle with 'ghosts' and Stonemen in the fog of the Sorrows. Despite winning the fight and making their way past the Sorrows a number of the company were afflicted with Greyscale in the days and weeks after, leading to a refusal to enter Selhorys.
The company pushed West and settled a camp between Tyrosh and Myr, suspecting even if they cannot find work and perhaps a return home with the Targaryen in Lys, they can find work among the many companies that call Myr home.
Recent Events
The Company of the Rose made contact with the court of King Daemon I, but are still unsure working with a Targaryen will see their goals met.
Family Tree