House Templeton of Ninestars is a noble house from Ninestars in the Vale of Arryn, a powerful knightly family sworn to House Arryn. The head of the family is given the title of Knight of Ninestars. The current head of the house is Ser Symond Templeton.
Although they are landed knights, the Templetons are very powerful, and their strength and influence are comparable to many lords. It is said they can easily raise a thousand men.
They blazon their arms with nine stars, one of 7 points and eight of 6 points, upon a gold saltire on black. Their words are "Follow the Stars."
Descended from a strong line of Andal knights the Templetons are typical of their blood with blond hair and blue eyes. Their features are not as strong as some other Vale houses but they still bear square jaws and strong noses despite not living up to the eagles beak some lords sport.
Nine stars, one of 7 points and the rest of 6 points, on a gold saltire on black
Follow the Stars
Ser Benedikt Templeton
The Knight of Ninestars
Ser Kevan Templeton
Arryn of the Eyrie
The Templeton's take Knightly tradition quite seriously and the boys of the house spent the early years of their life training in anticipation of squiring. Templeton's who fall short of what is expected of a proper Knight are commonly shunned if not stripped of their ties to the house.
Family Tree
During the Andal invasion of the Vale, Ser Luceon Templeton, the Knight of Ninestars, was an Andal knight that participated in the Battle of the Seven Stars under the leadership of Ser Artys Arryn. Ser Luceon may have slain King Robar II Royce during the battle.
Targaryen Dynasty
Since Aegon's Conquest house Templeton has kept busy, offering their might to Valesmen and Riverlords alike, testing their mettle against the tribes in the Mountain's of the Moon, the Giant of the Trident and on the field for King Balon against Vaemon the Uncrowned and the rebels in the Reach.
Recent Events
Seat and Holdings
Ninestars sits in the mountains of the moon, a tower built in the shape of a nine pointed star overlooking the valley between Strong Song and the Trident. House Templeton has watched the narrow valley's and waters that flow from the Strongsong for ages guarding the treacherous gateway into the Fingers.
Considering it's position in the Mountains of the Moon, the tower itself is otherwise lightly defended with no walls worth mentioning considering it is difficult to approach even in good weather, and nearly impossible to approach with a full army considering Templeton's might, and view from the height of Ninestars.
A winter at Ninestars is a harsh thing even with all the fires lit and the people who live around Ninestars often travel down to the Trident until winter passes.