House Celtigar of Claw Isle rules Claw Isle, an island in the narrow sea off the coast of Crackclaw Point. The Celtigars are sworn directly to Dragonstone and House Targaryen.
Their arms depict red crabs strewn on white. Their words are "We Hold Fast."
House Celtigar has few of the traits common to other Valyrian houses having spent a few hundred years mixing blood with the Westerosi around the Blackwater Bay. They are a people of pale skin with hair of a pale brown and their eyes are frequently a brilliant blue.
Despite Valyrian ancestry house Celtigar has integrated with the Westerosi considerably and though Valyrian rites are known to them they commonly forgo the Fourteen Flames for ceremony of the Faith of the Seven.
The dead of house Celtigar are often given to the tides with words of High Valyrian spoken for the dead, a rite they share with House Velaryon.
Red crabs strewn on white
Claw Isle
Lord Davos Celtigar
Lord of Claw Isle
Serene Celtigar
Targaryen of King's Landing
Family Tree
House Celtigar is an ancient and proud house, with the blood of old Valyria in its veins. Lord Crispian Celtigar served as master of coin to King Aegon I Targaryen and his son Lord Davos Celtigar serves as Master of Ships to King Baelon I.
The Celtigars claim dominion over Crackclaw Point, but the inhabitants do not acknowledge their claim. When they surrendered peacefully to Queen Visenya Targaryen during Aegon's Conquest, the people of Crackclaw were freed from pledging fealty to anyone but the Iron Throne. The Celtigars occasionally send men there to collect taxes despite this. Its said if Lord Celtigar sends enough collectors, a few come back to him.
The Celtigars' castle is rumored to hold fabulous treasures that bear witness to their wealth. Among Lord Celtigar's property there are Myrish carpets, Volantene glass, gold and silver plate, jeweled cups, magnificent hawks, a trained sea eagle, an axe of Valyrian steel, chests of rubies, a horn said to summon krakens from under the sea, and many fine wines.
First Dornish War
House Celtigar offered few men to the land war with Dorne however their Navy occupied the sea of Dorne alongside the might of house Velaryon and house Celtigar was in charge of the occupation of Ghaston Grey, sorting through the men imprisoned there to build an army of killers and thieves to fight the Dornish Lords for King Aegon.
Recent Events
With the distrust of house Velaryon because of their ties to the exiled Dowager Queen and the claimant to the Iron throne, Lord Davos has been appointed Master of Ships to King Baelon I, and he has thus far served quite satisfactorily though his loyalties are not quite assured either because of house Celtigar's ties to house Velaryon.
Seat and Holdings
Settled long ago by the Valyrian's of House Celtigar, the island seat Claw Isle lies a few hours sail north of Dragonstone. The people of Crackclaw Point refer to the island as Crab Isle.
Prior to Aegon's Conquest, the Celtigars and the Velaryons of Driftmark controlled the middle portions of the narrow sea with their ships without contest. Celtigars from Claw Isle attempted to conquer Crackclaw Point prior to the Conquest, and some have sent tax collectors to the mainland even after the peninsula was made part of the crownlands.
Claw Isle's castle is reputedly stuffed with Myrish carpets, Volantene glass, gold and silver plate, jeweled cups, magnificent hawks, a trained sea eagle, an axe of Valyrian steel, a magic horn said to summon krakens from the deep, chests of rubies, and numerous wines.
The lands around the castle itself are sparsely settled, and the island holds a single dry dock used more for repair of ships than construction which is mainly done at Hull on Driftmark.