Tarly of Horn Hill

House Tarly of Horn Hill is a noble house of the Reach, one of the strongest sworn to House Tyrell. Horn Hill is located in the foothills of the Red Mountains. Their sigil is the striding huntsman on green. Their motto is "First in Battle".   Marcher lords of the Dornish Marches, the Tarlys are a family old in honor with rich lands and a strong keep. They are also the keepers of a Valyrian greatsword called Heartsbane.




With First Men ancestry the Tarly's commonly have dark hair and dark eyes, some claim there is some Dornish blood in them for the depth of their dark hair and eyes but the Tarly's are quick to deny this.  


The Tarly's are quite fond of a good hunt, be it game or Dornishmen and often treat one hunt as practice for another.  

House Tarly
A striding red huntsman on green
First in battle

Horn Hill
Lord Chester Tarly
Lord of Horn Hill
Ser Samuel Tarly
Tyrell of Highgarden
House Hunt

Family Tree




House Tarly is an old noble house of First Men origin from the Age of Heroes. The Tarlys claim descent from twin sons of Garth Greenhand, Herndon of the Horn and Harlon the Hunter. They built their castle atop Horn Hill and took to wife the beautiful woods witch who dwelled there, sharing her favors for a hundred years. The brothers did not age so long as they had intercourse with her whenever the moon was full.   In the Age of the Hundred Kingdoms, before the Reach was united under the Kings of the Reach, House Tarly was part of the kingdom of the western marches, which extended from Horn Hill to Nightsong.  

Aegon's Conquest

Tarlys were present on the Field of Fire.  

First Dornish War

House Tarly remained upon the Marches, guarding them against any Dornishmen who thought to try to take advantage of the movements of the Westerosi armies, or the presumed lack of men in the Reach.  

Recent Events

During the reign of Aelyx I Targaryen, Lord Chester and Sniffling Sam Tarly were among the marcher lords who participated in the Vulture Hunt acquitting themselves quite well in the fighting.  

Seat and Holdings

Located on an eponymous hill, the castle lies south of Highgarden and a hundred leagues northeast of Oldtown among the thickly-wooded foothills of the Red Mountains. The Tarlys are marcher lords of the Dornish Marches.   Horn Hill has a sept and a library. Horn Hill's walls are said to be less formidable than the city walls of Oldtown. A pond lies below the castle, and the woods around Horn Hill are teeming with game. The Tarlys employ huntsmen and hounds during their hunts.  


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