Wylde of Rain House

House Wylde of the Rain House is a noble house from the Rain House in the stormlands. It is one of the principal houses sworn to House Baratheon. They blazon their arms with a blue-green maelstrom on gold. Their words are "All consuming"



Descended from the Firstmen the Wyldes are a dark haired and dark eyed people with strong builds and gaunt features though despite this they have a certain charm and beauty.  


The Wyldes are known to be a fairly serious and inflexible house, taking their loyalties to house Baratheon and their responsibilities regarding Shipbreaker bay quite seriously.  

House Wylde
A blue-green maelstrom on gold
All consuming

The Rain House
Lord Spenser Wylde
Lord of the Rain House
Ser Stennar Wylde
Baratheon of Storm's End

Family Tree




The Wyldes have long ruled over the Rain House and guarded Shipbreaker bay against those who might do the Stormlands harm, or helped keep out of control ships from bursting their hulls on the many hazards they might find.  

Dornish Wars

House Wylde had a small role to play in the fighting with the Dornish over the years however they have sent their ships to the Sea of Dorne to assist those of Celtigar, Velaryon and Grafton, and have policed the waters around Cape Wrath for when the Dornish or pirates of the Stepstones sought to take advantage of the distraction of others.  

Recent Events


Seat and Holdings

Rain House, also called the Rain House, sits in the eastern rainwood along the southern shore of Shipbreaker Bay near the northeastern tip of Cape Wrath.   The Keep of rainhouse sits high above the waters however stone steps have been cut into the cliff face overtime down to a modest dock where the fleet of house Wylde is anchored and a small floating town has grown beneath Rain House. Though it is poorly defended except by what Rain House can do from above, the nature of the fleet of house wylde and the other naval powers of Shipbreaker bay make the dock fairly secure.  


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