Risley of Risley Glade

House Risley of Risley Glade is a noble house from the Reach, sworn to House Tyrell of Highgarden. Their seat is Risley Glade.   They blazon their arms with a black knight on a black rearing horse on white, bearing a golden lance and a white shield, upon which is seen the above in miniature. Their words are inspired by their tactics and are "On we ride!"




With primarily Andal ancestry the Risley's commonly had blond hair and blue eyes though intermarrying with First Men over time has softened the shine of their features and Risley's can now be found with brown hair and a variety of eye color depending on their mother house, though Andal to Andal marriages often easily return them to blond and blue.  


As a house with origins in Andalos, the Risley's take great pride in their Martial traditions and it is said that every son of house Risley learns to ride as a Knight even if they do not follow the path to Knighthood.  

House Risley
A black knight on a black rearing horse on white, bearing a golden lance and a white shield, upon which is seen the above in miniature
On we ride!

Risley Glade
Lord Carlyn Risley
Knight of Risley Glade (formerly)
Ser Laurel Risley
Footly of Tumbleton

Family Tree




The Risley's are one of the houses that were part of the coming of the Andals and followed Togarion Bar Emmon south pushing the Stormlanders from Massey's hook, claiming part of what is now the Kingswood for themselves. Overtime the Risley's held the glade and endured long enough to be part of the integration of the Andals with the First Men, establishing the four towers they used over time to ambush invaders and now use to watch over the glade.  

Aegon's Conquest

House Risley proved a thorn in Orys Baratheons side when he moved through the Kingswood seeking Storm's End. while Risley Glade was never quite in danger, the riders of house Risley would ravage the advancing Targaryen camps at night, riding in black armor upon black steeds they would tear through the camps lancing any man who made himself a target. This began after Meraxes burned the Kingswood and carried on at random for weeks. When the camps began being suitably guarded at night the Knights of house Risley took to less dishonorable but no less effective tactics riding through the Targaryen lines when they marched, stalling the movement of the army repeatedly despite archers, and dragons chasing them.   When Orys Baratheon married Argella Durrandon, it is said he asked after the black knights that had harassed him so greatly, but the Storm Lords had no names to offer, perhaps out of loyalty, or perhaps because house Risley were not of the Stormlands.  

First Dornish War

House Risley is said to have provided 300 knights and light horse however when they reached Dorne they found the sands nearly impossible to ride upon. Some of the men of house Risley sought out Dornish steeds, others simply returned to the Marches where they would be of more use. In the end most of the men Risley sent south returned home however some 60 men were lost in fighting or with Lord Orlan's host when it vanished.  

Targaryen Dynasty

House Risley has fought in a number of battles, from the Dornish Marches against the Vulture King as North as the Trident. Riseley is one of the few Reachland houses that heeded King Baelon's call against Vaenor the uncrowned and also provided some fifty cavalry to Lord Piper who set out to fight the Ironborn and reoccupy the Islands for Lord Tully.  

Recent Events


Seat and Holdings

Risley Glade is located just inside the edge of the Kingswood on the border of the Reach. The lands of house Risley are generally open with four tall towers built up into the trees covered in lichen camoflauged at the edges of the wide open glade. There are also homes in the forest for the people who live with and serve house Risley.   The household typically shifts between the four towers with the heir claiming one as they age, and the seat of the house shifting to it, and then the tower taken by their heir and round and round with the other towers used by aging dowagers, guests, or as a garrison or shelter for others in poor weather.   The four towers also serve a more sinister purpose historically, having been used to box in and ambush those passing through the glade. Archers would assault a force moving along the road that passes through the glade and then cavalry of house Risley would ride through them, tearing a passing army apart before they could enter the Reach, or the Stormlands in the few short times when house Risley owed its fealty to a Storm King.  


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