Fossoway of Cider Hall

House Fossoway of Cider Hall is a noble house from the Reach, one of the principal bannermen sworn to House Tyrell. Cider Hall is located at the fork of the Mander and the Cockleswent. Their banner is a red apple over a golden field. Their words are "A Taste of Glory."




Like most First Men of the Reach the Fossoways have fair skin, brown hair and a variety of eye colors that range from icy blues to greens and golds.  


Their fascination with their ties to Foss the Archer has lead to a deep interest in archery and the art of bow and arrow.  

House Fossoway
A red apple on gold
A Taste of Glory

Cider Hall
Lord Trenton Fossoway
Lord of Cider Hall
Edwyrd Fossoway
Tyrell of Highgarden

Family Tree




House Fossoway is an old noble house of First Men origin from the Age of Heroes. The Fossoways claim descent from Foss the Archer, a son of Garth Greenhand renowned for shooting apples off the head of any maid that took his fancy.  

Aegon's Conquest

House Fossoway is one of the few Reachland houses that refused King Mern's call to the Field of Fire and for this was one of the principle supporters of house Tyrell when they rose to power, offering their might to the Tyrells to solidify their rise to power.  

First Dornish War

As one of Lord Orlan Tyrells primary supporters, the Fossoway's offered a great number of men to his host against Dorne, and suffered greatly for it, not just losing men from their lands but a considerable amount of gold that had been paid to equip those men in finery one would expect of a Reachland host. Lord Corwyn Fossoway is said to have fallen sick and died over the amount of money in horses, arms and armor that vanished into the sands, others say that throwing yourself out a window; While falling, isn't quite 'falling sick.'  

Recent Events

After the Night of Bright Candles house Fossoway distanced itself from the Poor Fellow's and Warrior Son's both, and though they have suffered some harrassment for it, they have found themselves in a marginally better position entering the King's Court, as they are able to claim having enforced the King's Law more than some of their neighbors.  

Seat and Holdings

Located near the confluence of the Cockleswhent and the Mander. The castle is named after the alcoholic beverage which alongside a nearby septry the Fossoway's produce in large numbers and sell to every corner of the Realm. The vintage of the Arbor may be more famous, but the cider of cider hall is more common.   The lands of ciderhall themselves are as one would expect mostly orchards and Cider Hall is more a town than anything else, the central piece of a cozy crop of orchards with some sturdy wooden walls and a large strong hall where Lord Fossoway hosts his people and guests.  


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