House Caron of Nightsong is one of the principal noble houses in the stormlands, sworn to Storm's End. They rule from Nightsong and hold the title Lord of the Marches, although they do not hold dominion over other marcher lords in the Dornish Marches.
Their blazon is a field of black nightingales on yellow. Their words are No Song so Sweet.
Descended from the First Men, the Carons have fair skin with dark hair. Their eyes range from blues to browns depending on the mother house.
As Lords of the Marches the Carons have long been responsible for helping to slow or stop Dornish incursions into the Stormlands and Reach and because of this have a long martial tradition that impacts the ladies as well as the Lords in more dire times. Much like the North or Dorne itself, the Carons value strength over proper social bearing despite this however they are not ignorant to how to present
A field of black nightingales on yellow
Lady Regent Deny Caron
Lord Royce Caron
Lord of Nightsong
Lord of the Marches
Deny Caron
Baratheon of Storm's End
oneself in court which has lead to a number of 'songbirds' from house Caron being highly valued members of the courts of both Kings of the Reach and Stormkings both.
Family Tree
The Carons date back to the Age of Heroes, and they are a family known for creating warriors and singers. They claim their nightingale sigil has been in a thousand battles. Maester Yandel states Nightsong has been sworn to Storm's End since time immemorial, but also that the Kingdom of the Reach once included western marches from Horn Hill to Nightsong. The Carons and Swanns both claim to be the oldest of the marcher lords.
First Dornish War
During the First Dornish War, Lord Fowler burned Nightsong and took Lord Caron and his family captive. Lord Caron and his family were eventually ransomed after the defenestration of sunspear, by Orlan Tyrell before his disappearance.
The first Vulture King besieged Nightsong with a host of Dornishmen, but was unable to capture the castle. The rebel was eventually defeated in the Vulture Hunt by Lady Deny Caron, Lord Weylon Dondarrion, and Lord Chester Tarly.
Recent Events
Seat and Holdings
The formidable castle of Nightsong is located in the Dornish Marches, north of the Prince's Pass and the Red Mountains. Despite being burned in 10 AC, it's mostly stone construction saw it quickly returned to the residence of house Caron. It stands with a view down to the Prince's Pass and a wide view of the Red Mountains. The walls around Nightsong are lined with scorpions and the castle itself is surrounded by a deep spiked pit that is, in peaceful times covered with wooden treads.
Nightsong is known for its singing towers which on windy days produce music.