Songs of the Seven Realms ___________________________________

Inspired by A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin

It has been little more than a single generation since the arrival of the Dragon and the great change that came to Westeros with them. What many thought would be an age of unity and prosperity has seemingly ended with the Death of the Conqueror leaving house Targaryen split due to arrogance and ambition, the realm stands divided between those who believe in the rule of the Gods and the Faith that represents them, and those who believe in the authority of men. And beyond all that war with Dorne looms on the horizon, an ever-present threat for the provocation of their neighbors, and men who aspire to stand forever as legend.   The future of an entire realm hangs in the balance, will it be your hand that tips the scales?

Songs of Seven Realms is a Second Life roleplay sim with dark themes inspired heavily by A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin. The characters and storylines represented here are just that, characters and storylines do not represent the thoughts or feelings of their writers, or the staff that have created this sim for wonderful writers like you to have such diverse and dark stories. While we are delighted to have a lighter, more loving story on this sim to contrast the dark RP that we allow, this is a dark age of Westerosi history full of people scrambling for power and scraping to get by. It is an age where few are protected and many are empowered to be their vilest selves. If you are sensitive to abusive themes be they sexual, verbal, physical, emotional, or behavior that may be phobic or otherwise discriminatory this may not be where you want to play as these themes are allowed as part of a darker story in a less enlightened fantasy world. Having said that we DO NOT under ANY circumstances tolerate ANY discriminatory, phobic, or abusive actions on an OOC level. Demonstration of such will be handled with an IMMEDIATE ban once we receive a verifiable report. If you are interested in looking at the sim or the community information please see the links below. An application is required to roleplay on sim but visitors are welcome with appropriate tags. We simply ask that they dress appropriately in the medieval theme of the sim and that visitors are respectful of players and their scenes and do not cause disruption for either.
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