Grafton of Gulltown

House Grafton of Gulltown is a noble house from the Vale of Arryn, one of the main families sworn to House Arryn of the Eyrie. They rule over Gulltown, a main port and populated city, as well as the only city in the Vale.   They blazon their arms with a burning tower in yellow, within a black pile, upon flaming red.




Like the Andals they descend from the Graftons have strong features including square jaws, aquiline noses and blond hair.  


The Graftons are a house of merchants as much as anything else. they involve themselves deeply with the goings on of Gulltown and the management of the port. Perhaps to the chagrin of those who's entire job is the management of the port. Because of this they are also a deeply naval house with interests in the ships and seafaring traditions that keep them coming and going.  

House Grafton
A burning tower in yellow, within a black pile, upon flaming red
Light the way

Lady Regent Polina Grafton
Lord of Gulltown
Lolise Grafton
Arryn of the Eyrie

Family Tree




The Graftons were founded during the coming of the Andals to the Vale. Ser Gerold Grafton was an Andal knight from Andalos who supported King Osgood III Shett of Gulltown in battle against House Royce, marrying his daughters to Shett and his heir, while taking King Osgood's daughter to wife. While the Shetts defeated the Royces, Osgood III did not survive the battle, with some claiming that it was Ser Gerold who struck him down.   When Ser Gerold returned to Gulltown, he took King Osgood's crown and disposed of his son, establishing the rule of House Grafton over Gulltown. When the town rose against Gerold, he brutally quelled the protests and the rule of House Grafton remained uncontested. Gerold proved to be a sage and clever ruler and Gulltown prospered under him and his successors, growing into the first and only city in the Vale.   When King Robar II Royce united the First Men against the Andals, Royce sent his sister instead Gulltown to persuade the Shetts to rise against the Graftons and open the city gate, allowing Royce to take the city by storm. However, Royce was eventually defeated and rule of the Vale fell to House Arryn.  

Targaryen Dynasty

During Aegon's Conquest, the fleets of House Arryn and House Targaryen met in the battle in the waters off Gulltown, resulting in the destruction of both fleets. Queen Regent Sharra Arryn later strengthened the defenses of Gulltown, though the Arryns and Graftons soon bent the knee to Aegon I Targaryen.  

Rebellion in the Vale

House Grafton were one of the primary supporters and a key architect of Paul Arryn's betrayal of his brother Rickard and are cited as perhaps the key to how he was able to accomplish the inevitable kinslaying at all.   A number of Graftons who were a the Eyrie when Visenya landed were killed, the late Lord Benwyl's father among them.  

Recent Events


Seat and Holdings

Gulltown is the major port city of the Vale of Arryn. It is located in a fine natural harbor at the northern tip of the Bay of Crabs, southeast of the Eyrie and south of nearby Runestone. It is the largest settlement in the Vale, but is much smaller than King's Landing, Lannisport, and Oldtown.   Gulltown is ruled by House Grafton and also contains a cadet branch of the Vale's rulers, House Arryn of Gulltown. According to semi-canon sources, there are branches of House Shett in the city as well. The demonym used for its inhabitants is "Gulltowner".   Gulltown is a walled city. Gull Tower is the home of Grafton in Gulltown. The Motherhouse of Maris is located on a stony island in the city's harbor.  


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