Beesbury of Honeyholt

House Beesbury of Honeyholt is a minor noble house from the Reach, sworn to the Hightowers. Honeyholt is located next to the Honeywine river, which flows towards Oldtown and the Whispering Sound.   Their arms are three yellow beehives on a black pale over a paly black and yellow field. Their words are "Beware our Sting."

Family Tree
Aegon's Conquest
First Dornish War
Targaryen Dynasty
Recent Events
Seat and Holdings



With their origins supposedly reaching back to Ellyn Ever Sweet and Garth Greenhand the Beesbury's have deep First Men ancestry though mixing with the Andals over time have given them to looking a bit more the bees they keep, with members of the house having blond or sandy brown hair from their Andal blood and eyes in shades of greens, hazel and browns.  


House Beesbury are renowned for their skill at beekeeping, it is known that even Maesters of the Citadel travel to Honeyholt to learn about beekeeping rather than establish a school of their own.  

House Beesbury
Three yellow beehives on a black pale on a field paly black and yellow
Beware our sting

Lord Jerome Beesbury
Lord of Honeyholt
Ser Cameron Beesbury
House Hightower

Family Tree




The Beesburys descend from the First Men. They claim to have been founded by Ellyn Ever Sweet, a daughter of the legendary Garth Greenhand.  

Aegon's Conquest

Lord Alvin Beesbury was too old to join the force sent to the Field of Fire, sending instead his heir Lord Bertram, who was killed on the field of fire.   When Aegon Targaryen called men to travel to the Iron Islands, Lord Beesbury, still too old to fight, sent his second son, now heir to the Iron Islands, where he was killed in the defense of Aegon during the attempted assassination by Vickon Greyjoy.  

First Dornish War

When the time came to march on Dorne Lord Alvin Beesbury was, to the surprise of no one, still too old to travel south to Dorne, despite the objections of his third son who had been named heir, he traveled with the men in his stead and were all lost with Lord Orlan Tyrell in the shadow of the sands.  

Targaryen Dynasty

When Lord Alvin finally passed in 18 AC at the ripe old age of 81 name days, the house passed to Richmond, the eldest son of Alvins original heir, who died on the Field of Fire. Richmond passed two years later at 52 name days and was followed as Lord by his son Orryn, who ruled Honeyholt until 32 AC, suffering an attack of the heart at 46 name days, passing it to his son Jerome Beesbury who rules to this day.   In 42 AC, Ser Dickon Flowers, the Bastard of Beesbury, was one of the seven Warrior's Sons to face King Baelon I Targaryen and his six champions in a trial of seven. He was reportedly the first slain in the fighting while yelling "beware my sting."  

Recent Events


Seat and Holdings

Honeyholt is the seat of House Beesbury in the Reach. It is situated along the eastern bank of the Honeywine river between Brightwater Keep and Oldtown.   The lands are as well maintained and colorful as Highgarden, the fields full of hand picked flowers and other plants that will cultivate the healtiest bees and the finest honey. Despite the depths of effort put into the gardens around honeyholt and the careful use of the honeywine to feed them, the lands around honeyholt look as natural as possible, almost as if untouched by man despite their beauty.   The castle itself is laden with slender dark towers in the Andal style and strong tall walls in yellow stone that resemble the sigil of the house in their own way. Inside the outer walls are a number of well ordered hives and a lean market and the keep where the Beesbury's live which is a short squat thing with sharp angles that stretches along the back wall, not quite a hexagon, but... Not, not a hexagon.  


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