Time and Travel
Sim time operates on a 2:1 scale of 2 IC days for every 1 OOC day.
Because of the nature of written roleplay time dilation is sometimes extreme with a scene of multiple people that might be an hour long meeting taking multiple hours and being the only scene a person gets in any given day writers are allowed to 'fudge time' if all parties involved in a scene agree, within reason. A scene set the previous IC day, taking place the following OOC day as part of the road to planning something larger is acceptable so long as they take place before the culmination of the planned events. The exception to this is; As previously stated, scenes planning large important events AFTER such events occur, an example would be two writers having a scene planning a jailbreak, OOCly after the scene of the jailbreak itself has taken place. This is considered retroactive continuity, or revision of history to support story and would be meta gaming.
If time cannot be found to make plans or alliances personally or through intermediaries before a critical event occurs, then use the haste of the event, or the lack of commitment of the characters involved as part of the story.
Surrounding large events such as war, tournaments, etc, time might be established more 1:1 to give more time for planning or for whole court travel time might be accelerated to get past the 'boring bits.' If applicable this will be plainly stated in sim announcements or event postings but unless explicitly stated otherwise, time is 2:1, and travel times (read below) apply to all inter regional travel.
Player Travel Times
It is our intention to focus entirely on roleplay and not have people hanging round in travel camps or worse the OOC area losing valuable RP time. To that end we have devised what we believe is a relatively simple travel time process. Travelling in small groups or individually this is the system that we will use.
The way this is worked out is that the further you have to go. The longer your stay in that location will be. Travel times will be instant. (though you may be asked to roll a dice to see if a travel dungeon may have to be conducted before you arrive.)
Travel is done through Story Request tickets which are to be submitted the day you intend to travel.
Travel will make use of the same 'zone map' that Martial Combat uses, so if you are in an area you have reasonable access to all the available locations in that area without need for further travel though It is unlikely there will be multiple builds on sim on any one zone and this is more for a players 'reach' in story. Each zone "passed" will be 2 days of travel. So if you travel from King's Landing to Tumbleton (Westeros 1, to Westeros 3 in the movement zones on the map you will arrive immediately when you decide to go, but you will need to remain in Tumbleton for 2 days before you can return to King's Landing, and again once in KL you will not be able to travel to another zone from there until those 2 days have passed. Most locations in Westeros (not the North) are 4 days.Below are some more examples.
In the top right, select "movement zones."
- King's Landing (Westeros 1) to Lys (Essos 1) would pass Westeros 2 and go to Essos, so 2 zones = 4 RL days hold once arriving in Lys (8 IC days of travel)
- King’s Landing (Westeros 1) to Casterly Rock (Westeros 5) 4 RL days hold once arriving at Casterly Rock (8 IC days of travel)
- King’s Landing (Westeros 1) to White Harbor (North 5) would pass Westeros 8, again, 4 RL days once arriving.
- King’s Landing (Westeros 1) to Old Town (Westeros 4) would pass through Westeros 3, again 4 RL days.
- King’s Landing (Westeros 1) to The Wall, passes through 5 Zones, 10 RL days wait once arriving (20 IC days of travel)