House Velaryon of Driftmark rules the island of Driftmark, the largest island of Blackwater Bay in the crownlands from Driftmark castle. The head of House Velaryon is titled Lord of the Tides and Master of Driftmark. The Velaryons are sworn to Dragonstone. Their arms depict a silver seahorse on sea green. Their words are "The Old, the True, the Brave".
seahorse on sea green
Castle Driftmark
Lord Corrin Velaryon
Lord of the Tides
Master of Driftmark
Ser Vaymar Velaryon
Targaryen of King's Landing
House Velaryon is of Valyrian descent but has over many centuries intermarried a number of times with Summer Islanders, some say, rather that Velaryon began as a house of Summer Islanders and intermarried with Valyrians maintaining the distinct mix of blood that make them who they are. Beside the trademark rich darker tones of the Summer Islands, members of house Velaryon often have Valyrian features such as silver-gold or silver hair and purple eyes, or blue however Velaryon's of old have been born with grey-green eyes.
A traditional name of the Velaryons is Jacaerys in honor of a number of famous Jacaerys throughly Velaryon history, most recently the Lord who helped house Targaryen establish themselves on Dragonstone before the century of blood.
It is traditional for the sons of House Velaryon to be given a taste of a seafarer's life when young. The position of master of ships and lord admiral have been given to House Velaryon for Targaryen's frequent use of the family for their naval might, counting on them to provide most of the royal fleet.
Family Tree
House Velaryon is an ancient and proud family, with the blood of old Valyria in in their veins. According to their family histories, the Velaryons have a storied Valyrian lineage and came to Westeros before House Targaryen, settling on the island of Driftmark in the Gullet. The castle of Driftmark houses their ancient high seat, the Driftwood Throne, which according to legend was given to them by the Merling King to conclude a pact.
Their close proximity to the Gullet enabled the Velaryons to fill their coffers from trade in the narrow sea and Blackwater Bay. They allied with House Targaryen of Dragonstone and House Celtigar of Claw Isle, both houses of Valyrian descent; while the Velaryons and Celtigars dominated the middle reaches of the narrow sea with their ships, the Targaryens were dragonriders who ruled the skies with their dragons. The Velaryons are the oldest and closest allies of the Targaryens.
Aegon's Conquest
The close relations between Houses Velaryon and Targaryen resulted in multiple marriages between the families, both before and after the Wars of Conquest. From one such marriage was born Valaena Velaryon. She married Aerion Targaryen, the Lord of Dragonstone, with whom she had three children: Visenya, Lord Aegon, and Rhaelyx.
House Velaryon allied with the Targaryens at the start of Aegon's Conquest, and the Velaryon fleet transported Aegon the Conqueror's men across Blackwater Bay for Aegon's Landing. Lord Daemon Velaryon was made master of ships by Aegon after the mouth of the Blackwater Rush had been secured. Daemon died fighting for Aegon in the battle in the waters off Gulltown, however.
First Dornish War
Alongside house Celtigar, the Velaryon Navy provided the backbone of Aegon's force at sea, claiming and holding the Sea of Dorne well after the sands of Dorne themselves were considered lost. House Velaryon maintained an interest in the Stepstones after the war, one they dabble with even to this day.
Targaryen Dynasty
In 10 AC Ser Corlys Velaryon became the first Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. His elder brother, Lord Corrin Velaryon became master of ships for King Aegon I Targaryen. Lord Corrin thus succeeded his father as Lord Admiral, and in turn was succeeded by his own son, Lord Daemon Velaryon. Lord Corrin fought against Sargoso Saan, a pirate-lord, in the Stepstones.
Corrin's daughter, Alys, was married to Aegon's elder son, Prince Aelyx Targaryen, heir to the Iron Throne, in 22 AC, with whom she had five children (Rhaela, Vaenor, Gaemon, Daemon, and Rhea).
Alys Velaryon became Queen at the coronation of her husband, King Aelyx I Targaryen. When Aelyx died in 42 AC, his younger brother claimed the Iron Throne as King Baelon I Targaryen over Aelyx's sons by Alys, who became Baelon's prisoner on Dragonstone. In 44 AC Alys fled in the confusion that followed the death of Dowager Queen Visenya Targaryen, and Alys's last surviving son by Aelyx, Daemon, put forward his claim for the throne. In anticipation of betrayl by house Velaryon, Baelon named Lord Celtigar the Admiral of the fleet, breaking a century of tradition and trust.
Recent Events
Seat and Holdings
Driftmark is the largest island in Blackwater Bay, distinct for it's long slender shape and its long point. The Gullet separates Driftmark from Massey's Hook to the south. It is a low-lying and fertile island, named after driftwood brought by the tides.
On a clear day Dragonstone and Driftmark are close enough to see the other island from land. When sailing in between the islands it is possible to see both islands at the same time. Driftmarks position between Crackclaw point, Dragonstone and Sharp Point has lead to it being a hub for signals sent between the locations to provide quick though simple communication to all sides of the Blackwater Bay.
Settlements on the island include the castle of Driftmark, the towns Hull and Spicetown, and shipyards at hull and on the other end of the island. Hull focuses on the construction of ships and the maintenance of the Velaryon fleet, while the shipyards on the other side of the island focus on for profit repair of visitors to the island.
Castle Driftmark is known to be a cramped and damp place, grim despite the fine decor the Velayons have clad it in, ancient as any other castle of Westeros, some say predating the Velaryons who claimed it.