Cargyll of Cargyll

House Cargyll is a noble house from the Crownlands. Cargyll is small farming community and though it is uncertain which is named after which, the Cargylls themselves say; And no one really argues, that the former is named for the latter. Their seat sits in the simple wooden hall at the center of the farming town and Lord Cargyll himself maintains a plot alongside his people. The Cargylls are sworn to Dragonstone directly but it is widely accepted this loyalty is to House Targaryen rather than the Lord of Dragonstone personally.   The house blazons its arms with a golden goose on bendy sinister black and red. Their words are "Good as Gold."




Descended from the first men house Cargyll has intermarried frequently with surrounding houses of Andal blood and now claim they are simply Crownlanders, feeling no pull to either ancestral blood. They are a plain people with fair skin and hair ranging from light to dark brown, with eyes of brown and hazel green.

House Cargyll
A golden goose on bendy sinister black and red

Cargyll Hall
Lord Aerrik Cargyll
Lord of Cargyll
Ser Martin Cargyll
Targaryen of King's Landing

Family Tree




House Cargyll is a house that has for a long time minded their own business in most respects. They rarely weighed in on the many wars for what became the Crownlands and when forced would raise men to whichever cause seemed the largest threat to them, though a long tradition in the community of every Farmer being a Fighter and every Fighter holding a farm has lead to them being an island in a sea of turmoil.  

Aegon's Conquest

It was the arrival of Aegon the Conqueror and his Dragons that changed this for the people of Cargyll with Balian Cargyll and his community choosing to march in support of the Conqueror. Some say the Cargyll's were so impressed by Aegon they painted their banners in his colors, other say this was to ensure the approach of their army would be welcome. No matter the cause they have since Aegon's conquest raised a banner of red and black rather than the pale blue they held before the conquest.   Clarence Cargyll, brother to Lord Balian was one of the few casualties of house Cargyll during the conquest, dying in the fighting with the Storm King under Orys Baratheon. His body was returned to Cargyll and buried in the community cemetary where his brother Balian would join him some years later.  

First Dornish War

When Aegon raised his banners to march on Dorne Lord Cargyll was one of the first to answer the call though nearly half the men who marched south would not return between the skirmishes and the disappearance of the Tyrell host. Lord Balian was among them leaving a young Aerrik Cargyll to be raised with his mother Erica Cargyll as his Regent.  

Recent Events

Aerrik Cargyll now sits as the Master of Law to King Baelon I.  

Seat and Holdings

Cargyll is a simple village, like much of the crownlands, in the midst of many humble farms. The village itself is sturdier than the typical Crownland faire with sections of strong stone outerwall, and what isn't stone is a fairly well crafted barricade of layered wood. For their martial tendancies Cargyll sports a number of watch towers along the outer wall. Lord Cargyll's hall is a robust one, well constructed and large enough to house the entire village in times of celebration, poor weather or dire need, though most of the village have their own simple homes inside the strong walls of Cargyll.  


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