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Romantic Comedy

In Which a Demon King Meets His Human Partner's Parents

By sbdrag

6621 0 0 26833

Malson's wife, Jaevve, finally arrives with their two children - and brings with her former king and queen Ebener and Eweylona Ealdwine, Braelin's parents. While Jurao is happy to see his partner's family whole again, he finds the reunion stirring other feelings...

In Which a Demon King and His Partner Enjoy Time with Their Friends

By sbdrag

6347 0 0 29146

An old secret is revealed, affecting the relationships between Jurao and Braelin's friends. Old friends arrive and are soon settled into life at the castle. Meanwhile, Jurao and Braelin consider their future together - and how they might extend it. 

In Which a Demon King and His Partner Attend Events

By sbdrag

6317 0 0 25758

In an effort to calm the conservative court faction's ire - and the progressive faction's enthusiasm - Jurao and Braelin continue to attend public events together. Meanwhile, they learn more about old acquaintances and make new friends as their relationship...

In Which a Demon King and His Partner Do Something Exciting

By sbdrag

6687 0 0 28041

Malson and Beneford get settled in as Braelin gets back to work... and as the King and his parnter prepare for their first court event together. Though perhaps there are other things on things on Jurao's gardener's mind than just mandatory social events...

In Which a Demon King Takes Care of His Romantic Partner

By sbdrag

6733 0 0 28141

Braelin recovers from his recent surgery, and Jurao - after consulting his patron deity - takes some time away from the daily work of kingship to be with him. He ends up spending more time with his partner's family, and an old friend pays a visit. A ceremony...

In Which a Demon King Meets His Romantic Partner's Family

By sbdrag

6205 0 0 29271

Jurao and Braelin are, after all the hijinks, officially courting romantically. But their story is far from over... The first members of Braelin's scattered family - the elf-human twins Meir'ril and Ayelma, along with Braelin's fully human uncle, Owren -...

In Which a Demon King Has a Realization and Attempts to Court His Human Gardener

By sbdrag

6361 0 0 32711

After a bit more encouragement, Jurao realizes he does have a romantic interest in Brealin - and decides to pursue it. But what should have been a simple matter of confessing his feelings turns out to be more difficult than the Demon King anticipated when...

In Which a Demon King Does Not Have a Romantic Interest in His Human Gardener

By sbdrag

150473 1 0 34492

Demon King Jurao returns from his successful thirty-year Union Campaign and discovers something amiss - the castle gardens have a secret caretaker. Using his authority over the sentient plants, he discovers the gardener is... a human! But after hearing the...