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Specials: Arch-Nemesis Origins book III - The Vulpes vs. the Midnight’s

By Killer_Korax

2556 0 0 32746

The Vermillion Vulpes Toronto’s triumphant vulpine vigilante is on the hunt—but this time, she’s far from her familiar stomping grounds. Pursuing a notorious mobster into the heart of Montreal, she quickly discovers that this city’s streets are as treacherous...

Specials: Arch-Nemesis Origins Book II The Vulpes vs Wonderland

By Killer_Korax

8574 0 0 65869

The life of a hero is never easy. Hardship, struggle, and sacrifice define the path of Toronto's newest vigilante, the Vulpes. As she dives deeper into her crusade against crime and corruption, she uncovers a tangled web of greed and deceit woven by the city's...

Specials: Arch-Nemesis Origins Book I The Vulpes Vs Psychedelic

By Killer_Korax

8978 0 0 66103

Every hero’s journey begins with a test, and for Toronto’s Vulpes, it comes in the form of chaos personified. Just a few months into her life as a masked crimefighter, the Vulpes has been carving her legend in the shadows, taking down criminals and mobsters...

Miracles of Arx Nubibus

By mimikilstories

744769 44 6 272694

After the old world was wiped away, humanity took to the sky. They've lived in the city of Arx Nubibus for over 200 years now, and few think about the broken world outside Arx's pressurized environment. Joey Queen is a normal college student living in Arx...

Ruby Mage

By KajetanWrites

10385 0 0 640

Ania Kot is a 23-year-old student at the Warsaw Academy for Magical Arts. Recently, she crafted a ruby dagger, a magical weapon that enhances her abilities. With it, she is ready to stand up to the Elementalists, the most powerful magical gang in Europe....