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Elemental Magic

Die Quarzsucherin

By LindeWeber

15254 4 4 61703

„Es ist normal, Angst vor dem Unbekannten zu haben, besonders wenn es so mächtig wie Magie ist. Erlaube dir, der Stimme deines Herzens zu folgen, und mir, dich dabei zu begleiten.“ Chattenberg im Jahre 1790: Glanderas Fingerspitzen kribbeln wohlig, sobald...

Unlocked Element

By NathaliaBooks1993

7679 0 0 28369

Aless just arrives at the academy and is ready to learn everything there is. Initor just wants to unlock a new element this year, he has no need for romance.

The Crystal Spotter

By LindeWeber

21354 0 0 63873

“It's normal to be afraid of the unknown, especially when it's as powerful as magic. Allow yourself to follow the voice of your heart and allow me to guide you.” Join Glandera on her journey of self-discovery. Awakening powers and a fascinating world full...

Fate of the Sun Wielder

By laurakroll

3297 1 0 2959

Luna Morrenden doesn't have what it takes to fulfill her destiny as heir to the throne of the Fulminian Desert. As a descendant of the two strongest bloodlines of sun-wielders - mortals who harness solar magic - she should be an unmatched force. But Luna's...

The Queen's Protector (The Prologue and First Two Chapters)

By Tonia A Viles

7220 0 0 6716

Nestled in between several mountains is the small, quaint town of Saltville, Virginia. Two young queens live there. One is an infant, the other has just celebrated her sixteenth birthday. On the forested mountain between their homes is a camp where a portal...

On Elemental Magics Aeliana Ravenshade.

By farnethr

18756 1 0 3373

The following manuscript was retrieved from a cave on the outskirts of Voortham. The text appears to be the research notes of the scholar Aeliana Ravenshade. Her exploration of elemental magics led to her expulsion from the Magitech Academy in Gullyweed. Her...