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George and the Dog

By BroAndrew

6367 0 0 35069

A Kwerksiverse Production Escaped from the same stabIe... Whoah who said anything about being stable!! (Not forgetting the epic passionate love story ‘Bradford For Lunch’ and many more. It has been said that it’s just a phase the perpetrator of these creations...

Starship Taurus - Draft

By BroAndrew

1836 0 0 4301

A Long time ago in a garaxy far away. A small insignificant vessel Boldy wented where no one had wented before.... Fasten your seatbelt's for a voyage into the unknown.... Why you may ask? That's because the author has no idea where you are going nevermind...

The Owl and the Cabbage Dragon

By BroAndrew

3755 0 0 7473

You could be forgiven for thinking that being ‘as free as a bird’, flying here, there and everywhere was the ideal. Go where you wish with no restrictions but you know, you’d be quite wrong because with great power, i.e. flight, comes great responsibility....

Once upon the Embers

By Toncoroc

6158 0 0 18517

A collection of tales taking place in the Age of Embers. Reading with a white background is not recommended.

Flash Fiction of Pastoria

By loremother

72002 29 13 4759

In February of 2021, Morrigan Robbins took on the Flash Fiction February challenge with The Storytelling Collective. This is the collection of those stories. Visit Morrigan's Website: Find out more about The Storytelling Collective...