Chapter 1: About Act II

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Series Title: The Chaos Bringer


- Act I (Where Darkness Hides)

- Act II (When Darkness Strikes)

- Act III (What Darkness Reveals)


Major characters: Original Female Character (Nyx), Female Tav, Astarion, GOAT Clive, Karlach, Gale, Shadowheart, Wyll, Lae'zel, Halsin, Scratch, Owlbear Cub, Jaheira

Romances: Nyx/Astarion (Major), Tav/Gale (Minor)

PoV: Third person. Nyx (Major), Astarion (Mid) and Tav (Minor)

Updates: Once a week on a Friday or Saturday (when all goes well). Usually ~ 15:00 UTC.



Italics used for thoughts and emphasis. Bold used for more emphasis.

--- is a scene/event breather

--- --- --- is for a PoV change




Hello my fellow beautiful people, and Astarioniestas! Nyx, Astarion, Tav and the gang are back!

For those of you who are new readers: Welcome! I would highly recommend starting with Act I.

Per usual, this section discusses what you can expect for Act II.

Numero Uno, the break was great. I had a rest and recharge as well as revisiting and revising my plans - glorious plans!


On that note, I think I'll blanket warn on triggers for Past Abuse, Trauma and general Dark Topics. Act II is 'proportionally' going to have more 'dark' chapters than Act I, but I'm going to navigate the stormy waters as best I can so that you, me and the gang have a nice balance between the dark/gut-punch-to-the-feels and the light/feel-goods. Including some chapters that are going to have us all grinning like idiots.
This means me trying to be brave by both 'broaching' and well as 'emphasizing' dark topics (again without it becoming a Telenovela or Stephen King Horror)... More towards suspense and thriller-ish vibes. Some of these will be gradual (because of their sensitivity), whereas others will smack you as hard as they do the characters. Because as a writer, I strongly feel it is my job to do so, not only to challenge my own writing, but to do right by the story and its characters. However, per usual, I am dealing with the topics of trauma and abuse respectfully (i.e., not kink).


Anyway, another thing... the characters are starting to take on a life of their own, which means that I'm going to deviate from in-game dialogue and 'interpersonal' scenes a lot more - but remain true to the characters and the plot, no doubts about that. However, because I've made significant changes to the environment and the monsters, both the characters and their relationships are going to reflect that. I've ditched many of the chapter tags, because almost everything will have either a character development and/or relationship tag from here on forward.


I have my initial road map, but I am flexible and I'll let some things evolve naturally as the story progresses and characters develop... There are a few key scenes with Nyx and Astarion that I'm heavily reconsidering on moving away from the in-game ones (i.e., 'the Tav ones') and opt for fresh ones that are more inline with their relationship. So, let's see.


I'm going to end of with the following, more as a reminder to myself and then we can get started! Whoo! Wiggly arms dance...

Main focus:

- Real People

- Real Problems

- Real Stories

Emphasis on:

- Great characters

- Strong dialogue

- Immersive stories

Writing ingredients:

- Interpersonal relationships

- Inner conflict

- Monsters

- Battles

- Banter

- Symbolism

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