Chapter 4: In Light and Shadow

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Nyx, Astarion & Tav POVs


There was something odd about Tav's behaviour. Nyx found her around the campfire and Tav gave her a brilliant smile, "Good morning! I wanted to speak to you."

Nyx schooled her face and queried cautiously, "How are you feeling?"

"Exceptionally good, all things considered."

Which is odd. That psychic attack was viscous and you're much too chipper.

Tav's bardic intuition picked up on Nyx's posture and Tav provided, "I want to thank you for saving me last night. I can't remember much, but I do remember you protecting me."

Nyx blinked, "Oh, I see.", and Tav continued before Nyx could get her thoughts together, "I feel horrible for being so useless during the whole thing."

Nyx gave her a long look, "You were brutally attacked, physically and mentally. You were injured, not useless, there is a difference."

"But it didn't affect you, I -"

Nyx raised her hand to stop her and said, "Not only do I have a myriad of techniques at my disposal, but I have half a century of experience in fending off such attacks."

Tav chewed her lip still looking embarrassed and fretting at her braid.

Nyx offered instead, "I can teach you some of these. Especially when you start to remember what happened. You'll need something to help you work through it."

Halsin approached them and stated, "That won't be necessary. I have sealed those memories away."


Nyx was dumbstruck, although her face did not betray her shock.

He continued, "She'll only remember once we lift the seal. If she would ever want to lift it.", and he smiled warmly at Tav's appreciative face.

Nyx didn't know what she was feeling, Anger? Disbelief? Outrage? The whole situation struck her as deeply... wrong. Yet Tav did not seem to think so.

Gale joined the discussion and voiced his approval at the decision as well. Some of the others arrived; relief and gratitude on their faces that Tav was healed and back to 'herself'.

It is not right.

Nyx excused herself and retreated to her tent. Astarion had left and Clive was back, snoring softly.


Clive gave Nyx one look and prompted in the Tufani vernacular, "What happened?"

Nyx was blinking away the swirl of emotions, "I'm all right. I just need to remind myself that it is none of my business. They are all happy with it, so it's not my place to judge."

Nyx gave him the clipped version of events.

He nodded sagely, "Aye, not everyone deals with these things the same way."

"I understand, but locking it up is like bandaging a festering wound. It'll rot in the dark. Once you notice the smell, it'll be too late."

He offered, "Perhaps it won't go that route? It seemed like the first time she suffered such an attack. Perhaps it'll heal in the dark by itself."

Nyx let out a long breath, "Perhaps. Or maybe I'm envious of the ease of the solution she had been given."

Clive grumbled to himself then stated, "Nye lassie. It seems unfair, but ye know as well as I do that for certain things there is no shortcut. Ye had the misfortune of having to take the long road more-often-than-not and me thinks yer stronger for it."

Nyx hmmed not entirely convinced and rubbed her forehead, "Thanks. I think I'm over it."

Clive harrumphed amused and bid her farewell. Nyx fretted at the creases in her bedroll mulling it over.


Sanika had similar techniques to seal away memories. Debilitating memories that would have left a person bedridden without; unable to care for themselves, let alone others. Nyx queried her about it, trying to convince her to do so with some of hers, yet she refused. It was infuriating and frustrating that she insisted Nyx should face what Streeaka Valsharess'uh has done to her and to gain strength from it. No matter how frightful or painful it was.

"The fear you repress becomes the fear that controls and ultimately Streeaka Valsharess'uh will use it against you. I can teach you to keep the flood of your power at bay, but I will not shelter you from its cause or consequence."

And Keetjah agreed, remarking that 'one day' Nyx would understand and appreciate their decision.

"We are here to teach you how to survive, first and foremost. From there you can fight. You cannot fight from a place of fear, and I will not see you live in it either. Not like I had to."

Nyx dearly hoped that Halsin's seal would be the end of Tav's fear, and not its catalyst.




Overhead the shifting shroud of the Shadowcurse folded in on itself. Similar to thick thunderclouds brimming with rain; it was in a constant state of flux. It would behave as though they were in the mountains; in some areas it would lift upwards and remain far off the ground. The curse would be lighter too with improved visibility and less threatening moving shadows. In other areas, the shroud would lower to the ground, thick and heavy like fog. Visibility wasn't as poor as the intervening plane, but still suitably uncomfortable and suffocating.

Shadowheart helped Tav with navigation, leading the group through the 'thinner' areas, which remained dark and foreboding, nonetheless. Tav was keen on inspecting the patrol route Wyll, Lae'zel and Astarion had come across the previous night, hoping it would indicate the road to Moonrise Towers.


The patrol route signified a crossroads of sorts. They spread out, trying to discern which way to go, but kept each other in sight. Wyll's brows were furrowed when he called Nyx over. He pointed at the ground, "What do you make of this?"

Nyx squinted her eyes at the feint lines in the soil, "Wagon tracks.", she surveyed the area, "Several of them."

He nodded, "I can't pinpoint which way they went."

She followed some of them and crouched, tracing her finger over nearly imperceptible footprints. He crouched next to her, "Soldiers and supplies?"

Nyx shook her head frowning, and Wyll's expression went from surprise to worry. She confirmed his concerns, "Simple ox-drawn carts accompanied by travellers and at most three armoured individuals."

He sighed heavily looking down at the tracks, "Hells. They shouldn't be here."


--- --- ---


Shadowheart remarked, "They seem cozy."

Astarion scoffed and waved a dismissive hand, "I have no idea what you're talking about, darling."

She snickered, her smirk growing, "You do know that it is better to use actual daggers than to glared them into someone's back. Right?"

He frowned at her, "They are discussing tracks in the dirt."

"Oh, so you were snooping."

"Ugh, I don't snoop."

"Eavesdropping then,", and her grin widened at his squirming. She continued, "Making sure he's not going to 'track' himself into her bed?"

Astarion was trying very hard to keep the composure, but by the look of the smugness on her face, he was failing miserably. He made a dramatic sway of his body and declared, "Nyx can bed whomever she pleases."

"And I'm sure you won't care either way?"

He glared at her then, "It makes very little difference to me, yes, my dear."

Shadowheart nodded and she gave him a knowing look, "You keep telling yourself that."

He continued to glare daggers after her.


--- --- ---


Tav was shaking, anger rolling off her akin to Karlach's flames. She stood over the bodies of the slain tieflings clenching her fists. Her magic light barely enough to illuminate their faces in this dense part of the curse. Gale sidled next to her, gripped her shoulder and gave it a squeeze.

"It's always harder when you knew them.", he remarked solemnly.

"Why?", her voice shook, and she swallowed, "Why did they not go around?"

Gale sighed releasing her shoulder. Halsin answered, "There is a route through the mountains, but I doubt their carts were able to traverse it."

She didn't reply, staring down at the broken corpse of a tiefling. Danis was his name. He and his wife, Bex, were planning on settling down once they reached Baldur's Gate... His wife!

Her eyes snapped to each of the other bodies in turn, but she did not see her among them, Did she escape? Is she alive?

Hope warmed her chest briefly, but an unfamiliar voice called from the shadows. Her heart lurched.


--- --- ---


"You are surrounded, identify yourself or be put down.", a stern female voice announced.

Nyx and the others had drawn their weapons, but Tav requested them to stand down and addressed the voice, "I am Tav, and these are my companions. We seek Moonrise Towers and a way to rid these lands of the Shadowcurse."

"Aw, pish", a gruff male voice answered, "Just bunch of would-be adventurers here to play hero, Boss."

"May that be, but we are not here to turn away the able and the willing.", the person to whom the voice belonged to stepped out from their ambush location behind the trees.


A steely appraising gaze surveyed their group. Tav took a breath to speak, but the woman waved her down, "You don't seem to be Absolutists, we shall escort you to Last Light Inn. If what you say is true, then the High Harper would wish to speak to you."

Nyx's brow rose into her hairline, Well, any help is welcome at this point.

Tav fell into step next to the Harper. Nyx and the others shared glances amongst themselves and gazed dubiously at the other Harpers.

There were four Harpers, and as per their reputation, they were a mixed bunch of people. A surly looking man with greying hair, a dwarf whose eyes never left the shadows, and a woman who seemed a little too reliant on her torch light.

Tav queried their leader, Lassandra, who provided that they were sent on a search-and-rescue for any other tiefling survivors.

Tav prompted cautiously, "Others? You mean to say the some of the tieflings have survived the attack?", and she clutched her hands together waiting for the reply.

"Yes. Some of them made it to the Inn.", and a small smile quirked Lassandra’s lip at Tav's sigh of relief. Shortly followed by a quizzical eyebrow to which Tav explained how their group knew the tieflings. Tav's subsequent questions about what happened went unanswered when Shadowheart, Halsin and Nyx unsheathed their weapons in unison. The others of Tav's group followed suit.


"Jumping at shadows?", Grey-beard mocked next to Nyx. Shifty-eyes and the Torch-barer chuckled nervously.

She gave him a flat look, "Rather jumpy than dead."

The words barely left her mouth when the shadows moved to seize and drag him off in rapid succession. Nyx grabbed at his receding hand, but she was too late - the shadows have claimed him.

"Yonas!", Torch-barer shouted and Lassandra instructed, "Keep to the light and prepare for battle!"

Tav prompted, "Nyx, Shadowheart, Halsin. Numbers, locations?"

Shadowheart confirmed 'Five Shadows' and Halsin added 'Moving quickly'. Nyx admitted, "I can't sense the shades, but I can sense Yonas."

Yonas cried from the shadows, confused and pleading for help. Lassandra called out to him asking him to follow her voice. He moved out of Nyx's sphere, and she searched for him with her cone, but he was out of range. Yonas' pleas became screams and Torch-barer cried out in reply.

Nyx glanced at Astarion. He wrinkled his nose, and she signalled askance, Gone? Astarion gave her a curt nod, but then she felt Yonas' shambling form through the darkness again. Nyx nocked her arrow and levelled it in his direction.

Yonas' voice drifted from the shadows, "I found you."

Nyx held her breath and aimed at his feint curse-induced glow when Torch-barer cried out again, "No!" and unceremoniously shoved Nyx off her feet.

Shit!, Nyx fell to the floor flailing while Yonas spoke one last time, "Join me."

The darkness moved and the Shadows lashed out.


Nyx bounded to her feet. Her companions were engaged with the Shadows in groups of two to three. Nyx had Astarion and Wyll in her line of sight, the others became fighting silhouettes in the shroud. Nyx snapped her head when Torch-barer cried out again; wrestling with Yonas over her bow.

"Uro", Nyx's arrow flared and Yonas screeched when the flames engulfed him. More incendiary arrows met the Shadow reaching out to Torch-barer. Torch-barer stood quivering in place firing arrow after arrow into the Shadow, fruitlessly.

Nyx called out to her, "Back away towards me. I'll cover you. Get back into your firing rhythm and aim."

Torch-barer's frenzied assault continued, By the Abyss!

Nyx was too exposed. She backed away slowly toward Astarion and Wyll, still shooting at Torch-barer's Shadow, but covering her companions' position instead. Astarion and Wyll had figured out an effective strategy against their Shadow, regardless of it stepping-to-and-from the surrounding shroud. Astarion would carve pieces from its body after Wyll had landed a successful Eldrich blast against it.

Nyx's incendiary arrows were being swallowed by her Shadow, she wrapped them with her magic, forcing the arrows into its body. Torch-barer was out of arrows, she spun around and ran towards Nyx, but tripped and fell in her haste. The injured Shadow inched towards Torch-barer, clawed hands reaching to feed from her life force. Nyx continued her onslaught, and enough ectoplasm had leaked from the resulting wounds for it to catch fire. Flames lapped along the ooze and into the Shadow itself, consuming its body. Torch-barer shrieked and crawled out of the way when the flaming Shadow toppled to crash over her.

Nyx turned to find Astarion and Wyll's Shadow disintegrating on the ground as well. The surrounding shroud was lifting. Nyx, Astarion and Wyll assumed ranged assault on the remaining Shadows until the last one dematerialized.




Nyx puffed out her cheeks inspecting Lae'zel's necrotic burns on her arms and rummaged through her pack for a local anaesthetic. Shadowheart was tending to Lassandra, who was badly injured, whereas Halsin was treating Torch-barer for minor burns.

Nyx informed Lae'zel, "After the anaesthetic takes effect, I'm going to cut away the necrotic part."

Lae'zel grunted in acknowledgement and replied with her usual ruthlessness, "No need to wait. Remove the flesh."

Nyx gave her a flat look and ignored the suggestion. Once Lae'zel confirmed that the area was indeed numb, Nyx made a clean incision. She removed the dead parts, and thankfully enough healthy flesh remained to magically stitch together. Nyx rose to dispose of the contaminated implements. She turned and came face-to-face with Torch-barer.

Torch-barer was fuming, fists at her side and her shoulders locked, "What is your problem?"

Nyx blinked at her, I am not interested in arguing with a fool, especially a hapless one at that.

Her accusations continued, "You just left me out there for the Shadows to kill me."

"Chk! Watch your tongue Ishtik. Lying ones get cut out", Lae'zel growled.

Nyx regarded Torch-barer wordlessly and she started to wilt under Nyx's gaze. Shifty-eyes stepped in, pointing up at Nyx, "How are we supposed to trust you? When you so readily abandon Meygan like that?"

Nyx turned her gaze on him, "You ought to be mindful of making such claims, seeing as you were not there."

Shifty-eyes didn't back down and glared up at her, "Is that all you have to say for yourself?"

"There is nothing more to say. I saved her life, twice.", Nyx retorted and looked pointedly at Meygan, "From what I recall, it was your hesitation that nearly cost you yours."

Astarion remarked snidely from behind, "Next time, why don't you just throw yourself at the Shadows instead? That way we'll have a better fighting chance when you're not present to be a dim-witted obstruction."

There were some gasps and Shifty-eyes glared between Nyx and Astarion.

Meygan looked to be on the verge of tears and said meekly shrinking into herself, "But you wanted to kill Yonas."

Nyx said without emotion, "The Yonas you knew was already dead."

Meygan started to cry into her hands.

Nyx turned, leaving Shifty-eyes to console Meygan. She met Astarion's gaze, receiving a wink, and she inclined her head in return. She found a suitable spot to bury the contaminated waste.




The trek to Last Light Inn was mercifully uneventful and the depressing weight of the shroud lifted as they drew closer. One could hear the low hum of the protective dome around the structure long before its pulsating power hazily came into view.

Before they could cross the bridge toward the sanctuary another voice called them to a halt.

Lassandra replied projecting her voice, "Harper Lassandra, Harper Meygan and Harper Karrow. We have escorted travellers from the fallen caravan."

A female voice declared, "Four Harpers had departed."

Lassandra confirmed that Harper Yonas was lost to the curse and Meygan whimpered again.

Graces give him peace.

The voice said, "You may step into the dome, but only proceed one at a time through the gate for inspection."

Lassandra did as instructed and the rest of them followed her example. Nyx held her breath as they passed through the barrier. The remainder of the curse lifted, including its slick omnipresent oiliness. Her relief collectively joined the others in a sigh.

Lassandra quipped smirking, "Last Light indeed. We are safe within the dome, and I suggest you follow procedure to avoid any incidents."

Tav's group shared amused or curious glances with one another and watched the Harpers. The Harper guard would beckon one of them forward and wave a jar at them. Nyx squinted, but she couldn’t ascertain what the jar contained. Nothing happened, which seemingly signalled them passing the test and they were allowed to continue. All the Harpers made it through.

Tav took a breath and presented herself for screening. The guard barely waved the jar at Tav when Tav's fingers went to her temple - the same movement the others made when their tadpoles activated.

"True Soul! Harpers to arms!"



Tav lifted her hands above her head and projected, "We mean you no harm!"

Halsin, Karlach and Lae'zel almost made it to Tav. Vines burst from the ground and rapidly ensnared them all. They were immobilized, but Tav ordered her group once again to stand down. The Harpers on the ramparts had their nocked bows levelled at all of the rest.

It'll be a bloodbath if we fight.

Nyx took a deep breath and relaxed against the vines. Their grip responded in kind and lessened somewhat, though still holding her in place. Scowls and glares were exchanged between the two groups, tension mounting.

An older half-elf Harper approached Tav. Her hands were aglow with druidic magic, and she addressed Tav, "We have grown wise to the Absolute's manipulation, and apparent kindness is often a decoy,"

Lassandra spoke, "High Harper, if I may. These people helped us fend off the Shadows when they attacked."

The High Harper retorted, "A simple ploy, do not be so easily fooled. You know as well as I do that the tadpoles recognize their own."

The jar.

Halsin interjected, "High Harper. These people are no mere puppets under the Absolute's control. They are working against the zealots and have not only saved my life, but that of the Emerald Grove's as well."

The High Harper's eyebrows flashed for a brief second and her piercing gaze returned, "You speak with no authority. Why should I believe a word you say?"

"I am Halsin. As a fellow druid, my word is my bond.", and he demonstrated his own power by weakening the High Harper's influence on the vines and they slackened around him.

The High Harper gaped at him, "The Halsin? Archdruid of Emerald Grove?"

"Former Archdruid", he said smiling.

She recovered and gestured releasing Tav and Halsin, but not the rest. She looked between them, "True Souls with minds their own... How is that possible? And for so many?"

Tav replied, "I am going to reach into my pack to show you.", and she made slow deliberate movements.

The Harpers tensed collectively, tracking her closely as she retrieved the artefact. Tav cradled the artefact in her hands, its power pulsed in response and Tav said, "This is the reason. It weakens the Absolute's hold on our tadpoles."

The High Harper gestured to the guard, who approached carefully and waved the tadpole jar over the artefact. Nyx couldn't see what happened, but the results were clearly to the High Harpers' approval.

"Nature does not lie.", the High Harper declared, and the vines released from the rest of the group. She continued, "Come, from what I have witnessed, we have much to discuss."




All things considered; the Inn is in remarkably good condition. The Harpers had likely done some work while they were cooped up by the curse, Nyx surveyed the buildings beyond the gate.

The High Harper had introduced herself as none other than Jaheira, one of the saviours of Baldur's Gate during the Bhaalspawn uprising over a century ago. There were many admirers in the group, Karlach being the most enthusiastic, practically squirming while Tav less-than-subtly introduced Karlach to Jaheira. Karlach caught herself and attempted a more 'formal greeting' complete with a stuttering 'Milady' and an awkward bow. An unfazed Jaheira simply smiled and returned a friendly greeting.

Jaheira instructed the other Harpers to 'double up' on existing rooms and free up space for the 'new helpers'. Their group were instructed to settle in and reconvene with Jaheira in the main hall for a debriefing. Nyx's lips quirked in amusement after Jaheira's receding form.

Jaheira has very specific plans for us.


The tieflings had caught wind of Tav and the gang's arrival. They were greeted with a mixture of brilliant smiles and grateful sobs. Tav gave them the items she had retrieved from their departed friends and loved ones. Tav listened to each of their stories with sympathy and patience, both consoling and uplifting their spirits. Then declared that her group was here to help with the Absolutists and the curse.

Nyx wondered whether Tav was descendent from a line of saints to be able to handle so much emotional outpouring in such a graceful manner, It is overwhelming to say the least.

Afterward the groups dispersed. Nyx accompanied Karlach, who spotted Dammon at the Inn's forge.


Dammon smiled softly at Karlach and Nyx in turn, "I believe I speak on all of our behaves when I say that: It is a gods-sent that your group showed up here."

Karlach quipped rolling her shoulders, "The welcome at the gate could use some work."

He wiped his hands on his apron and nodded grimly, "We haven't been the only ones who had lost people to the curse. The Harpers have grown more vigilant the past few days."

Dammon elaborated that their caravan group was naïve to the dangers of the curse, convinced that they could past through quickly enough and that Zevlor's protections would allow them to pass undetected. They had paid dearly for it. The Absolutist's ambushed them, some of the tieflings were killed outright and others dragged off, "If the Harper's hadn't intervened when they did," he trailed off not finishing the sentence looking away.

Flames were lapping over Karlach's skin and Nyx had to gesture for her to take deep breaths. Karlach declared with a curled lip, "I can't wait to fuck them up."

Nyx made a noise of agreement, "We'll return the sentiment in kind."

Dammon smiled, although his eyes betrayed his sadness. He sighed and prompted Karlach instead, "Have you found more infernal iron?"

Karlach grinned like a maniac producing the metal. Dammon explained that the second round of cooling will require more preparation from his side, and she should check in with him again later. Wyll and Gale joined. The collective discussion turned to potential enchantments for the group's weapons to assist against the Shadows. Force and radiance energy being preferences.




Astarion's exasperated pitch came from behind, "You gave the Shroudwalker's ring to the dog!? My dear cleric, I think the curse has taken a hold of you, because you are clearly not in the right state of mind."

Shadowheart answered by way of warning, "And if you remove it from Scratch's collar, I'll be sure to return Lathander's mace to your face."

Nyx and the others shared raised eyebrows. Halsin and Shadowheart had departed to retrieve and return with, Scratch and the Owlbear cub. Halsin briefly mentioned that they had 'arranged' suitable protective wards for them to pass through the curse unnoticed. Tav queried why the wards were so effective and Halsin provided that the curse isn't 'interested' in animals. Thus, the threshold to provide adequate protection was much lower. However, unprotected animals do eventually succumb to the curse's corruption.

"Darling, and if you hadn't already saved Tav with the mace I'd be inclined to take it back for safekeeping from your questionable use of scarce resources."

"It is my ring, and I may use it as I see fit. Besides, I prefer Scratch and Bean's company to yours anyway."

Nyx and the others snickered.

The tiefling children were already cooing over the animals from a distance, asking Shadowheart whether they may touch them. Astarion made his disgusted face and left them to it. Karlach strolled over and the children beamed while she helped Shadowheart with supervising the interaction. Scratch and Bean were more than happy at receiving so much attention.

Nyx grinned, We all benefit from our creature comforts and now they have even more adoring fans.

The children squealed delighted when Scratch and Bean started chasing each other around the nearby dried-up fountain. Nyx glanced at the smiling faces all round from children and adults alike, Sometimes the smallest of moments are a reminder to stay strong.

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