Nyx and Astarion PoV
They were gathered at the back of a large chamber discussing how to approach the orthon. Karlach's silhouette was outlined by the fires burning at the other end of the hall, "Orthons hate it when you lob their projectiles back at them."
Wyll scratched one of his horns and asked, "Only their own bombs?"
Karlach said, "I don't know, never tried."
A malicious grin spread on Nyx's lips, regardless of whether they could see it in the gloom, and she offered, "Clive takes a liking to explosives as well. I'm sure I have a few interesting ones in my pack."
Astarion scoffed, "Unless he used them up during that wretched dog chase."
Nyx gave him a quizzical eyebrow. Before Gale could finish his query about 'what dog chase', amusement coloured Tav's voice and she said, "I'll show you mine, if you show me yours."
Tav was keen for more information while they divvied up the various grenades and explosives. Nyx had sourced her collection of grenades throughout her travels whereas Tav had a few choice ones created by the Ironhand gnomes from Last Light.
Tav addressed Karlach, "Anything else of use for the coming ambush?"
"They have a reputation as bounty hunters and mercenaries. Big, brutal and clever. Merregons are tough, but not very smart. He'll likely be directing them though."
Tav nodded sagely and directed into the darkness, "Lae'zel, Karlach and Gale with me. The rest of you get into position. We hit them hard and fast."
They dispersed with grunts and various noises of agreement.
Nyx made her way carefully stepping over carrion while avoiding the heaps of bones stacked around the area. Their towers included both human and animal remains. She passed a heptagonal platform demarcated with pillars at each point. Beyond led to another room with two visible floors. The top floor had partially collapsed onto the ground floor below, its rubble creating a natural staircase between the floors. Wyll and Shadowheart slipped out of the ground floor's main entrance to take up a position in a small corridor that overlooked second floor.
Tav's party had purposefully avoided the main entrance and scouted the area thoroughly. Part of their plan was to use every possible advantage the terrain could offer. Nyx caught a glimpse of Astarion gracefully ascending a crumbling slanted pillar and a smooth leap eased him onto the unlit section of second floor above. Nyx spotted a throne to the right of the second floor lit by torches. She narrowed her eyes and decided to stay put for now.
Tav, Gale, Karlach and Lae'zel were making boisterous small talk while they passed beneath the second-floor overhang leading to the natural staircase. Large crouching figures moved on the second floor. Nyx took a deep steadying breath, her heart picking up speed in anticipation.
Tav stopped before stepping into the well-lit and uncovered area of the ground floor. She announced, "We know you're up there. We've come to talk."
The figures moved again and the largest stepped into the light. A deep rumble asked, "What's this? Fresh entertainment."
Nyx reached out to her magic and delicately snuffed one of the torches near the throne. The red fiend continued looking down at Tav's group below, "But you're too fresh for this place, aren't you? There is a whiff of surface to you."
Another torch went out on the second floor.
Karlach feigned surprise, "Holy Shit. An orthon. Powerful devils - I wouldn't get on their bad side without good reason."
The crowned head of horns snapped to Karlach, and he pointed with a sharp claw, "You - tiefling."
Tav's group froze, and Nyx's heart pounded. The next torch went out and Nyx crept forward.
He took a long, deep sniff of the air, "You've got the stench of the Hells about you - the stench of home. And a whiff of the surface besides."
Nyx wrapped her legs in magic and flited to the second level, now partially shrouded in darkness. Astarion's silhouette signalled, Most. Kills. Wins.
Nyx grinned this time and signalled back, Good. Hunt(ing). Sure that she caught a flash of fangs in the dark.
Nyx's attention returned to the orthon who mused with a claw to his lips, "A servant of Zariel, if I'm not mistaken. I'd know the stench of her infernal machinery anywhere."
He was a good deal taller than Karlach and seemed twice as wide. A huge cleaver-like sword hung at his belt adorned with human skulls. Several skulls lined his neck linked together by brass chains. More brass gleamed in the shape of infernal symbols slotted into the skulls' foreheads.
Karlach asked, "What do you know of infernal machinery, orthon?"
His cape stirred as he shifted his weight, leaning onto a giant crossbow, "It's Yurgir, and only what I can smell. And whatever engine burns within you is grinding to an inevitable explosion. Burning and fear - you reek with it."
Nyx frowned.
His nostrils flared, he straightened and gestured with his crossbow, "There's something else, almost hidden by your fear-stink... cherries, musk... and sulphur."
Nyx startled at the outburst, but managed to keep still.
The orthon levelled his crossbow at the group below. "I can smell him all over you. Where is he?!"
Shit. She moved into position as quickly and quietly as her shaking legs allowed.
Tav played dumb and asked innocently, "Wait - you know Raphael?"
Yurgir relaxed somewhat, "That perfumed trickster swindled me - trapped me here. I don't know how, but I know it’s him."
Nyx spotted Wyll and Shadowheart also making it to their positions above.
Tav informed him in an even tone, "He wants you dead."
Yurgir gestured with his crossbow, "Where is he? Spit it out - Now."
Tav didn't reply.
A threatening scowl darkened Yurgir's face, "If you won't speak, then you don't need to draw breath. Tell me what I want, or I'll feed you to my pet over a tenday, and keep you alive to watch."
Nyx reached out to her magic and held her breath. Gale's magic swelled as well. The ringing of weapons being drawn echoed along with Gale's incantation.
Yurgir chuckled darkly, "Bold of you. Stupid, but bold."
Tav's gamble paid off, Yurgir was so assured of his own ambush that he never considered being sprung into one himself. A swirling whirlpool of freezing water materialized above, and its vortex crashed onto the second floor, snuffing any remaining torches and instantaneously cooling the surrounding air. The merregons were all but incapacitated, sprawling on the frozen second floor while Yurgir's bellowing rage shook the chamber.
Nyx shadow stepped over the slippery ice and stood in the centre of several strategically placed smokepowder sachets; deftly delivered by no other than Astarion. Yurgir locked eyes with Nyx, his fury evaporated when they fell to the sparkling fuse in her hand. Nyx grinned and winked. Before the smokepowder bomb made it to the floor, she was gone.
Nyx shadow-stepped in front of Astarion and threw her magic against the impending blast, absorbing the force and dispersing it around them. Another boom followed shortly after its sound bouncing off the cavern and more debris rained down. Her ears stopped ringing, and she surveyed the result through a haze of dust. The merregons have been thrown clear of their tight formation, where Astarion and Nyx proceeded to thin their ranks - each striking at the one closest within reach.
Something clinked behind Nyx and she snapped her shield in place, but her ears were met with a whizz instead of another boom. Noxious fumes crowded her throat and nose, she forced the gas away from her face and covered her mouth with a thick layer of her magic. Her whiskers and Astarion's heaving guided her to him, the dust and gas creating a thick smog. She hooked her arm in his, raised her other hand and send a wave of her power in the general direction from whence they came. Her magic cut a quickly fading tunnel through the smog and she shoved a coughing Astarion after. Following close behind.
Astarion leapt in the direction of the column, whereas Nyx flung herself off the edge. Astarion misjudged his jump, and his chest connected with the pillar, eliciting a loud thudding grunt from him. He dropped the rest of the way down. More explosives whirred through the air.
By the Abyss.
They tore off to take cover behind the heptagonal platform's wide columns. A series of smaller explosions had them huddling away from the impact, the coolness of the air replaced by an uncomfortable heat.
Nyx shook the ringing from her ears and a deathly silence followed. Her breath loud in the darkness. She shot a cautionary glance to Astarion and signalled whether he was injured. He shook his head. Nyx blew out a breath and search for the others. Her heart beating in her ears, struggling to find them.
Yurgir's voice came from above, "I know you're down there. Nice little trick, I'll to give you that."
Nyx hazard a quick look. He was hunkered down behind his throne, Nyx barely ducked when a massive bolt thudded into her column chipping away at the stone. He barked orders in an unfamiliar language and several clamouring armoured boots responded.
Nyx steadied her breathing and collected her bow.
Nyx and Astarion took turns engaging with Yurgir, merregons marching down the staircase at the far end. Other figures moved in the dark around the periphery. The group of merregons passed underneath the second floor when the others intercepted them. Tav's song gave the next signal and Nyx ducked behind the column closing her eyes. Shadowheart, Wyll and Gale simultaneously lit up every torch and brazier in the room. A string of snarling curses came from Yurgir, whereas his merregons screeched. Nyx and Astarion kept him pinned behind the throne while the rest engaged the merregons below, outside of Yurgir's assistance. Another bellowing war cry announced the arrival of more explosives.
Those furthest away from the merregon horde ran toward the heptagonal platform while Nyx and Astarion kept Yurgir engaged. Karlach shoved a merregon hard enough to send him sprawling onto one of the explosives, Tav flung an explosive way from her while Gale locked the rest behind ward. They too ran for cover. The explosives ripped the remaining merregons apart, Gale's ward successfully diverting the blast onto them.
Yurgir roared from his position, "I will saviour the moment I get to sleep on your carcasses!"
Nyx gaped as explosives rained from above.
Karlach had warned them of this, but the sight of it made her blood run cold regardless. Karlach's hellion fury replied, and her great hammer's scooping blows batted the explosives back at Yurgir. Nyx joined her, blasting several away from their cover position behind the columns. Shadowheart, Gale and Tav collecting more from the ground and simply flinging them into any direction to get rid of them. Astarion, Lae'zel and Wyll either shooting them down from the air or keeping Yurgir in place. Another series of explosives rebounded on the second floor, pieces of the throne and entire braziers flying in wide arcs to crash onto the floor below.
The dust settled. The unsettling silence was punctuated by the jingling of the swinging chains overhead, some of their former prisoner's decomposing pieces falling to the ground. Nyx resisted the urge to look up and scanned the top floor for movement.
A rumbling chuckle came from behind and Nyx's heart lurched.
How!? How did he get there?
They turned to find him standing in the centre of the heptagonal platform heaving, blood dripping from multiple shrapnel wounds. He flourished his last explosives held between the fingers of each hand. He spat blood on the floor and grinned sardonically taking in each of their horrified expression, "You've proven worthy opponents, I thank you for that." He inclined his head and said, "Perhaps it is time to go back home. But I intend on taking you all with m-"
A distant pattering drew his attention to the cavern far behind them. Karlach seized the opportunity and lunged at him, a cracking blow. He cried out and the explosives in that hand were thrown clear, clattering uselessly out of sight. Lae'zel threw herself around his other arm, Gale casting vines to ensnare the same arm. Yurgir's free hand caught Karlach's hammer on the next swing, and he ripped it out of her clutches, turned it over and brought it down toward Lae'zel. Nyx threw her magic against it and Karlach wrestled him for the hammer.
The distant pattering had grown into the sound of a raging river. Tav and Astarion were dangling from Yurgir's hand trying to pry the explosives from his fingers; Lae'zel and Gale straining against his strength. Wyll and Shadowheart had joined Karlach and Nyx in wrestling with the hammer. They groaned and grunted straining against one another, caught in the infernal's tug-of-war.
Movement caught Nyx's eye, but she dared not to look away for a single moment, sweat running down her brow. Shadowy lines snaked towards them from all directions, Nyx felt one brush against her feet heading for Yurgir. It pooled at the floor around Yurgir and a hair-raising shrilling shriek came from it along with Yurgir's face contorting in pain. He cried out dropping both the hammer and the last unprimed explosives. The others staggered away from him when the mass seized his legs.
By the Abyss!
Nyx and the others watched gaping, panting and shaking while the sea of swarming rats consumed Yurgir piece-by-piece. Death by a thousand little incisor bites rendered the giant orthon into a bloody withering mass. He tried to scream, but the rats plunged down in throat and his cries turned to muffled gurgles. It was horrendous. Nyx stepped away from the scene covering her ears against the gruesome noise. More rats streamed from cracks and fissures in the floor and the walls. The floor trembled. Nyx concentrated on her breathing instead, closing her eyes and lowering her head.
A while later the trembling stopped, and Nyx took a cautionary glance. Yurgir had been reduced to his skeleton, stripped of flesh his white bones slowly disintegrated into ash. Nyx shared a disbelieving glance with the others.
"Hells great fire! A devil eaten by rats!"
"Fuck yeah!", Karlach clapped her hands together and the sound echoed starkly through the chamber, "That never gets old. Fucking devils getting what's coming to 'em."
Nyx realized Karlach was addressing the rat swarm, whose beady little eyes collectively turned to them. Nyx swallowed.
I don't want to be eaten by a rat plague. Karlach please ask them nicely not to.
Karlach's guffaw continued, and a single rat broke away from the swarm. The mass dispersed into neat little lines, filing out the way they came. Nyx sidestepped one and decided to remain stock still until they left.
"Hey ho", Karlach sobered when the little rat leader squeaked up at her. She kneeled, albeit pointless since she towered over it regardless. The conversation carried on for a few rounds and she finally bid the tiny blood-soaked furry animal goodbye.
Nyx's body relaxed and she shook out her cramping limbs.
Tav announced to herself, "I'm going to sit down now", and some of the others followed suit. Nyx scrunched her nose at the smeared floor and decided against it, shaking legs or no. Astarion made a dramatic sway of his body and scoffed, "Well, I'll be sure not to offend any rats for as long as we're down here."
Karlach had her shit-eating-grin on, "Or lick your chops when you see one."
Astarion stuck his nose in the air and said primly, "I did no such thing."
Nyx snorted and some of the others chuckled.
Tav drawled from her seated position, "So, what was that about?"
Karlach elaborated while retrieving her hammer, "The Legion said", a few scoffs and smiles went round at the title and she continued, "That they were once a guy called Lyrthindor, one of Shar's Dark Justiciars."
Nyx's eyebrows shot into her hairline, and she said under her breath, "Wow."
"Raphael sent ol' Yurgir over there", she hooked a thumb over her shoulder to his ashes, "To kill all the Justiciars down here while the rest battled in Ketheric's army up top. But-", pointing with a sharp finger, "Raphael helped him to turn himself into the Legion. Yurgir couldn't finish the job and got stuck here."
Gale blew out an exasperated breath, "Almost beyond belief."
Shadowheart quipped, "Says the guy with an ancient bomb in his chest."
Gale grinned and conceded, "And let's not forget the rest of our extraordinary company", he made a swooping motion to the others.
Astarion preened his hair, "Why thank you," and a few eye rolls replied.
Nyx pursed her lips, "I guess the Legion and Yurgir have been at odds ever since?"
Karlach nodded, but frowned and said making air quotes, "They were part of his 'entertainment'."
Tav mused, "And he never figured out why the rats were harassing him?"
Karlach shrugged and Wyll ventured, "Probably didn't know about rats, or how they ought to behave."
Tav thought on it and nodded.
Karlach's shit-eating-grin lit up her face again, "Oh, they gave me directions to a safe place to camp."
"Tymora bless you!", Tav clasped her hands together, "And the entire Legion's vengeful little hearts."
The cavern looked like a warzone. Craters blown into the floors and walls rimmed with black dusty star imprints in radiating patterns. Bones and other debris littered the floor punctuated by merregon blood and viscera. The natural staircase had collapsed further, and its edge continually broke off in small crumbling cascades.
They were crowded in the cleanest part of the chamber, patching up burns and setting dislocated or broken bones. Many of which were the casualties from the explosions rather than melee combat.
Note to self. Explosives should be a last resort, Nyx surveyed the room rubbing her freshly healed, itching arms. She decided the area was less unsettling when the torches were snuffed. It’s disturbing décor now fully on display. The remaining standing braziers were filled to the brim with bones, recent rotten additions added to the pile. Other corpses swung from chains mounted into the ceiling making her wonder with morbid fascination how they even got them there.
The most grotesque was the bed made from carcasses. Nyx had to cover her mouth with her magic against the stench. She kept her distance along with the others, who had their tunics or cloaks over their mouths and noses. Tav was helping Shadowheart find the next entrance to the Gauntlet by searching Yurgir's sleeping quarters.
Tav croaked in exasperation after a while, "Sorry Shadowheart, but I'm out.", and she retreated gasping for less putrid air.
Shadowheart's determined search did not yield anything and she returned to the rest, a deep scowl furrowing her forehead. Her ponytail swayed looking around for more clues.
A faint chirrup brought Nyx out of her own annoyance. She turned to Astarion, he tilted his head, and she prompted, "You heard that too?", garnering curious gazes from the rest.
He listened for a moment longer and pointed to the crumbling staircase. An inspection of the area revealed an outline of a door beneath the caved-in portions of floor.
Karlach, Lae'zel and Nyx combined their efforts to remove the rubble. Afterward, Nyx gave up on patting herself down; her clothes and her person a disgusting mixture of grimy muck.
There was another chirrup, Nyx tried to make out what it was while Tav and Shadowheart investigated how to open the door.
Nyx remarked, "It sounds like an animal... A large feline?"
They looked at her askance and she shrugged. Wyll ventured, "Yurgir's pet?"
Weapons were drawn when the door slid open, and they followed a marching Shadowheart inside. After a short corridor another chamber came into view bringing with it more rancid smells of decay. The chirrup came from behind a dead spider carcass on the floor. They approached with caution, Nyx taking the lead.
She peered around the large, bloated abdomen and snarling teeth greeted her. She gasped in awe, holding her ground. The beast didn't attack but held onto a piece of meat between its claws making it clear that it had no intent on sharing.
Tav prompted in a low tone, "Nyx?"
"It's a displacer cub."
Several exacerbated whispers of disbelief replied followed by shushing. Tav asked, "What is it doing?"
"Having a rather good time," Nyx quipped and straightened slowly raising her hands when it hissed again. "Easy, easy," Nyx made her way forward.
Astarion groused, "Are you insane? Get out of there!"
Nyx replied plainly, "Give me a moment."
Nyx reached toward the spider carcasses. The adolescent feline made a mock attack and Nyx growled at it, her magic flaring. It backed off and allowed her to cut a piece from the spider. Next, she inched over to the spider's head and with slow deliberate movements squeezed a few drops of venom out of its fangs onto the meat. The cub’s ears and interest perked. She held it out to her and spoke in a soft cooing intonation, "Come on girl, you'll like this one a lot more."
The cub's pupils were already blown from feeding on the spider and its intoxicating flesh making her even more susceptive to the spiked meat Nyx offered. The feline's muscles tensed, and she lunged at the meat, swatting at it when Nyx pulled away. Nyx wiggled the meat in the air, "Hmm yummy, come on. Here we go." She backed away from the spider gesturing for the others to get out of the corridor.
Astarion huffed at frustrated, "What exactly are you doing? Please don't tell me you’re going to befriend that creature!"
Nyx shot him a flat look and said evenly, "I'm leading her away from here and preferably out of the temple. She doesn't belong here."
Before anyone could protest Karlach announced, "I'll help.", and strolled after, shortly followed by Astarion. Leaving the others gaping.
Nyx yelped when the cub pounced, its four front feet pawing at the meat while it stood on its hind legs. She sidestepped the cub and chuckled, tempting it to follow her again.
Astarion and Karlach were trailing behind. Astarion scoffed crossing his arms, "My dear, why do you insist on doing this? It is a dangerous creature and it's much simpler to just get rid of it."
Karlach gave him a disapproving side eye, "The same could be said about us."
He harrumphed, "Hardly, I'm not some mindless monster."
Nyx set her mouth in a line, keeping her eye on the cub, "She's an animal and she is behaving on instinct."
"She is a devil's pet!"
Nyx sighed briefly glancing at him and provided, "She is an unwilling captive. This," she dangled the meat in the air, still glistening with the sticky spider venom, "Came from a mesmerfang, their venom causes hallucinations and when eaten puts you into a trance." The cub chirruped and leapt into the air again, her tentacles squirming in delight.
Karlach curled her lip, "He drugged her?"
Nyx nodded, "Makes people and animals highly suggestible."
"Scary", Karlach mused, and her eyes widened with alarm, "Is it permanent?"
"No, fortunately not. It should wear off in a few hours."
Karlach sighed in relief and grinned at the cub wiggling her rear readying herself for the next pounce.
Astarion's scowl had eased, and he lulled, "And are you planning on escorting her like this all the way out?", he waved a hand down the corridor.
A smirk quirked the side of her mouth, "I was hoping to make it to the elevator and send her on her way. Karlach?", she briefly locked eyes with her, "Would you mind giving her directions?"
Astarion sighed dramatically.
A cold shiver ran down Nyx's spine while she watched the cub ascend with her prize, Karlach grinning like a maniac. Shadowheart had initiated the next trial, and the shadows quivered in response. Nyx regretted channelling into the Gauntlet's magic, it clung to her again even at this distance. It wasn't as acute as before, but the intent rung through her body and mind. It wanted to have Shadowheart purge herself of attachments and be purified in Shar's darkness.
Whatever that meant.
Nyx shook the intrusive impressions from her head, and listened to Karlach whistling a light tune instead while they made their way back. Astarion's hands were fisted at his sides and his shoulders were locked. He seemed deep in thought.
--- --- ---
A sharp claw of anxiety had seized Astarion's chest.
I did it... we did it.
It was unbelievable, like a daydream. The orthon was dead and he was literally on the verge of a life changing revelation. Finally, after centuries, he could know what his scars meant. Why Cazador had carved them into his back to begin with. His thoughts spiralled down the possibilities and he was suddenly filled with the dread of 'What if.'
What if I was never meant to know?
What if it doesn't change anything?
What if it is a curse? And simply knowing that would doom me further?
He inadvertently glanced at Nyx; his eyes drawn to the mark on her neck. She caught him watching and he averted his gaze feeling foolish. He stared at the walls, not really concentrating on anything specific.
Her fingers softly brushed against his. He didn't recoil and reached out to her. She took his hand in hers. He turned to meet her gaze again; her amused quizzical expression asked him a silent question. She smiled warmly and squeezed his hand. A small sigh of relief escaped him, and he brought her hand to his lips, caressing her skin briefly.
Such a simple thing, he squeezed her hand back and released it. Her affections quelling the rising tension in his chest.
--- --- ---
They found the rest waiting for Shadowheart. Gale was frowning at the spider carcass, hand stroking his beard. Karlach took in the room's serious expressions and merrily informed everyone that the cub has been safely escorted to freedom. The news brought equally brilliant smiles from the rest. Nyx decided to distract herself from the yawning shadows in the room by settling herself next to the spider's head again.
Astarion huffed in annoyance, "Really? Don't tell me you're going to lick it too?"
Nyx snorted. Gale looked appalled at the suggestion and blurted, "Weave's Woe. Why would she do that?"
Astarion made full use of the opportunity Gale's obvious discomfort provided. He lilted, "My dear wizard, I was under the impression you knew how this works", waving a lazy hand in Nyx's direction.
A silly smile was plastered to Nyx's face. Gale searched Astarion's scheming expression with knitted eyebrows, "I surely have no idea what you’re referring to."
Nyx removed her hunting knife and proceeded to make a clean incision starting at the base of the spider's fangs cutting toward its head.
Astarion shifted his weight and said, "Everyone knows that when you like something you lick it."
"Entirely immature. I'm sure Nyx has no intent of doing that. Why would you even consider such a thing?"
Astarion's sly smile spread, and he looked pointedly between Gale and Tav, then said while appraising Nyx's neck, "Because licking something means it’s yours." There were a few coughs.
Gale's frown fell and his mouth moved several times. Nyx extracted the spider's intact salivary gland and held it up for them to see. She couldn't help herself and informed Gale, trying to keep a straight face, "Mesmerfang venom is highly prized as an aphrodisiac too."
A pink hue crept up Gale's neck while he sputtered, "I assure you, I do not require any such... assistance."
Nyx burst out laughing and several of the others snickered.
Gale glared down at her, even more colour flushed into his face, "You were having me on, weren't you?"
She sobered, a hand hiding her smile. "Guilty as charged."
Gale looked between Astarion and Nyx, wagging his finger between them in feigned offense. "I'm not speaking to either of you anymore."
Astarion shared a wink with her and queried seriously, "Truly, what are you going to do with that?"
Nyx retrieved a jar from her pack and some cheap alcohol. Filling the glass jar, she said, "It's a valuable tranquillizer and sedative. I intend on selling it."
"Quite the entrepreneur," Astarion drawled, and Nyx rolled her eyes.
Seeing as the preservation of spider organs weren't of any further interest to anyone else, Nyx was left to her own thoughts. A chill crept up Nyx's spine, sensing Shadowheart nearing the completion of her trial and the sacrifice it sought to extract from her.
It was a choice this time and Shadowheart was presented with a dagger. Two figures appeared before her, both familiar in some way. One a friend, the other an acquaintance – Nyx could only glimpse their silhouettes, the former was an adult and the latter a child. Nyx winced, closing her eyes when Shadowheart drove the dagger into the smaller figure.
She took a steading breath, My ‘dearest mother’ would have revelled in this.
After a few moments Shadowheart appeared from the portal once more. Her face hard set into indifference and another umbral orb was rewarded to her.
Shadowheart turned to Tav and said in a cool and distant tone, similar to the one she had when they all first started travelling together, "One more remains."
Tav nodded after giving Shadowheart a long evaluating look and stated, "We need to rest first."
Shadowheart agreed and Karlach led the way.
Mesmerfang is made up. I wanted to refer to something that had a similar effect as scopolamine, also known as Devil's Breath, which is a dangerous deliriant. Because I want to free the displacer beast not kill it ...*cue stubborn pout*... and there is no way to do it in the game so I did here.