Open Roles
The Crownlands
Crown Servants
Grand Maester Duffield, 57, A man of humble beginnings Duffield was raised in the Riverland city of Maidenpool as the son of a Scribe. From a young age he wished to go to the Citadel, a dream long held by his Father as well. Duffield was chosen for the Citadel a few short years before Aegon’s arrival to Westeros. His entire life has seen him pulled toward the house Dragon. While he is not necessarily the most learned man, his dedication to the people of the realm and service to the pursuit of knowledge has made him well beloved in the Citadel and he is more than capable of finding the answers he needs to find.
Open Role
Ser Raymond Swygert, 34, perhaps King Baelon’s most eager defender, many compare this particular Kingsguard to a dog more than anything else, noting the unsettling look in his eye and the way his teeth clench when he stands in defense of the King in Court, almost as if he’s waiting for an excuse, any excuse to reach out and drag someone behind the ranks of guardsmen and White Knights to turn his white a shade of red. He has supposedly been known to curse that people don’t take more opportunities to try and kill the King because of the depth of his boredom.
Open Role
Lord Davos Celtigar, 35, recently appointed as Master of Ships, Davos was settling into his position attempting to learn how to traverse the choppy waters that can be Baelon’s moods. He formed a close bond with the Hand of the King. His understanding of what should be done and what needs to be done grew exponentially. However he was recently stripped of his position having only served a few short months. His current whereabouts are unknown, seemingly at sea, and many are waiting to see how he takes having been replaced by an Ironborn when he returns to King's Landing. Davos is a careful man, never one to jump right in; he weighs every option with sometimes a frustratingly clinical thought process. A widower, he raised his children alone since their mother died in childbirth. With his aunt being Lady Velaryon Davos' allegiances can never be truly understood. When the time is right the crab will make his move.
Open Role
The North
Lady Harlene Condon, 36, late of house Frey, Harlene met Kenneth when he rode south to fight for King Baelon and was immediately enchanted by the man. A widow herself she found him to be all consuming and after striking up a friendship, followed him North, eventually convincing him to marry her nearly five years ago. Though she is not terribly fond of the cold, she finds the Northern people to be ‘charming’ enough though she is often encouraging her Lord Husband to travel to White Harbor, something he’s not opposed to because there’s always a good book to be found, and of course she always manages to find a wonderful new dress, or a necklace, or some beautiful bangles…
Open Role
Symon Condon, 19, the heir to house Condon, son Marie Norrey, Kenneth’s first wife. Symon is a quiet studious young lad who aspires to be a Knight more than a Maester or Councilor. He finds the house's reputation for sage wisdom exhausting but appreciates that it’s better to be known for something than forgotten for nothing. He gets along well with Harlene, often getting between her and his sister Morgan.
Open Role
The Reach
Lord Carlyn Risley, 45+, a renowned knight and respected Lord, Carlyn has fought in more battles than perhaps any other living Reachland Lord, having found himself fighting everywhere from the North as a squire in service to a member of house Manderly down to Dorne alongside Stormlords as part of the Vulture Hunt, Lord Carlyn lives for a good fight though his failing health has seen him looking more toward commanding than charging as he once did, three decades of wounds have compounded leaving the man walking gingerly and mixing milk of the poppy into his wine to rest and squinting when he reads.
Open Role
Ser Grover Tully, 22, cousin to Peytor Tully and the heir presumptive to Riverrun, a loose supporter of Peytor and an admirer of his late Father, Grover holds the terribly dark secret of being the one who started the nickname ‘frog’ for young Peytor! How shameful. Grover was raised by Lord Edmyn Tully after his own father died fighting bandits and he looked to Edmyn as a Father and Peytor as a brother in many ways, but was never truly blind to his place as an adopted cousin rather than a true son, something that does, on occasion, surface when Grover has been drinking or feels particularly put out. Grover has become fast friends with Lady Saoirse and her Bracken kin, some say perhaps too close of friends.
Open Role
Lord Darren Harroway, 47, a well respected Knight of the Seven, his father still sits as the Lord of Harroway’s Town, but is an old and infirm man who has sworn to cede the town to Harrenhal, and Darren, joining the holdings upon his death. Darren has kept himself well free of the politics of the wider realm, focusing on supporting Lord Tully, he is a relatively serious, if not a slightly dim man, or perhaps that’s just what he wants people to think of the new Lord of the largest Fortress in all the realm.
Open Role
Ser Warren Paege, 30, the younger brother to Varren, known as Warren the Weaker, though he has fought in nearly as many battles as his brother Varren, many say some of the scars Varren wears were taken in defense of his brother who has no real business plunging headlong into the fights his brother picks. Though he is a skilled and accomplished knight, he is not the legendary monster that his brother is, and it is well known that following his brother's lead will one day get him killed.
Open Role
Corwyn Paege, 19, Corwyn the Squire is the son of Varren and heir to house Paege, though he has fought in a handful of battles and acquitted himself quite well, some even claiming he is as ferocious as his father, Varren refuses to knight him until he has entered a battle from the absolute front, something that Corwyn can’t really do with the way his Father plunges into battle, though there isn’t truly any resentment there because frankly, the way Varren rides into battle is genuinely psychotic.
Open Role
Lord Derrik Dondarrion, 18, recently elevated to Lordship, Derrik is still finding his feet. Refusing to sit idle he took a company into the Red mountains and was almost killed. Since then his mother has kept a close eye on the young Lord. Not the strongest, bravest or most intelligent man. Derrick is normal. He is young, he makes mistakes and he learns from them. With guidance he will make a fine lord.
Open Role
Lord Albion Staedmon, 34, a participant and 'survivor' of the last great expedition into Dorne known as the Vulture Hunt, Albion has since then grown rather bitter due to the debilitating wounds he wears because of it. He was once known as one of the more jolly members of the Baratheon court and though his former joking nature can sometimes shine through, these days he is a bitter vindictive man who yearns for the days his body worked without complaint and he didn't need milk of the poppy to get out of bed. Beyond his need for a Maesters cure, he tends to compliment the poppy with ale. Despite all this he is quite clear headed most days, and painfully vocal about the costs of war, even if everyone knows he will be one of the first to offer his sword to house Baratheon if it comes time to return to fighting.
Open Role
Lady Ulma Staedmon, 36, late of house Peasebury Ulma deeply regrets the course of her life. She was never a particularly joyous woman having left the farms and fields of Poddingfield for the stone and gloom of Broad Arch but her husband's turn to a bitter man full of regrets has pushed Ulma further from him, and her family as a whole. She hopes that a visit to the Court of King's Landing will provide her something more to fill her time with than the duties of a wife to a minor house, or that perhaps purpose in court for her husband will bring back some of the little kindness there once was in her home, rather than the cold stone that echo's her husbands foul moods.
Open Role
Lord Spenser Wylde, 30, a widower whose wife died in childbirth along with their son. Spenser has thrown himself into his work. Often irritable and downright stubborn, his endeavors seem to always lead to a life or death situation. It is said he has a wish to join his family but the frenzied way in which he fights suggests otherwise. It was why his men and others named him the Maelstrom. Given his moods and way he fights once you are caught in his storm there is no way out. An intelligent man he designed and tested a towed landing craft that can be released then rowed onto a beach to disembark soldiers and or cavalry. The Maelstrom has been raiding up and down the Dornish coast with impunity as they have no fleet without Duncan’s approval. Expanding his wealth exponentially much to the annoyance of other lords.
Open Role
Gerald Stone, 24, a bastard of Benwyl’s uncle Polina recognised him as Stone and now he is her right hand. No knight but a fighter nonetheless. He doesn't care how he wins, just that he does. Blindly loyal to Polina he is rumored to carry out her dirty work in the streets as well as the sheets but many who have whispered of such bedroom hobbies have disappeared never to tell the tale again.
Open Role
Ser Yohn Royce, 19, is not half the knight his father is. But that still makes him better than most. Young and impulsive he makes mistakes. Drinks too much and is not pious enough for his father. His ambition is to fight in a war and though he has entered tournaments he has won none yet. Falling to Kingsguards and Virgil Arryn in the ones he entered. Never giving up, he trains hard to win.
Open Role
Ser Kevan Templeton, 23, does not sit in the shadow of his brother. Is more than an equal for Ben yet he would support his brother and die for him if needed. Kevan rides in Virgil’s Talons and does so proudly for both his house and his liege. His one weakness is pretty ladies and never knows his limits where they are concerned.
Open Role
Ser Jason Lannister, 35, as Lyonel Lannister’s uncle, and the previous Lord's brother. Jason has spent a considerable amount of time lurking in the shadows of the golden child of Casterly Rock, and this has led to a fair amount of resentment. Though Jason did as he was told by his brother and liege, the jury is still out on his son and heir. Jason is nearly always looking for alternatives to suggest and perhaps someday just… make use of. Though he understands why many resist the King, Jason has begun to wonder if house Lannister might be best served to reclaim their place as truly loyal vassals of house Targaryen in preparation for the inevitable end of the current regime and as insurance against the possibility that that end is many years in the future.
Open Role
Ser Tybalt Lannister, 19, cousin of Lyonel, Tybalt’s first loyalty is to his father as any son might have, but he wholly understands the politics that lead to Lyonel’s position as Lord of Casterly Rock and finds himself torn between loyalty to the ideals of his father and the longevity that comes with leal service and the ideals of his liege and cousin even if those ideals seem to be withering beneath the callow man child. With a growing family alongside his wife Cerissa he understandably hopes to see his children grow up, but at what cost?
Open Role
Lady Janice Estren, 19, late of house Yew, Janice is Lord Malcolm’s second wife and Regina’s best friend, despite having grown up practically alongside each other and having been friends for ages Janice was quick to slip into Lord Malcolm’s bed after his wife’s death. Janice was never particularly shy about wanting to secure her future and a certain amount of freedom in it and she has done exactly that. Lord Malcolm has recently fallen somewhat ill and Janice and Regina look toward Regina’s future as Lady Estren hoping to find some poor sap to sit as her Lord Consort so they don’t need to reach into extended lines of the family for a cousin from Granny’s line. Meanwhile Janice is just going to enjoy herself while she prays every single day that her husband will get better.
Open Role
Margot Estren, 18, as her Mothers doppelganger Margot spent much of her life being raised in a more conservative fashion than Regina, though this is as much to do with the fact that she was not spoiled by Lord Malcolm as because she and her Mother agreed on practically everything. She was absolutely crushed when her mother and younger sister died and was furious when Malcolm took a second wife so quickly, while she understood his need to secure his line and his desire to avoid placing Regina at the head of the house, something she too would greatly hope to avoid, she also knows that Janice is a terrible choice as a Lady for house Estren. Margot hopes that Janice and Regina’s poorer natures get the better of them and Margot is left to run the house in her Father’s stead purely for Janice’s apathy. At the very least she hopes she can find a few powerful friends who might be able to find the cause of Malcolm’s suffering which she has no shortage of suspicions about.
Open Role
Lord Gerion Lydden, 24, when Lord Lannister called the banners to support King Vaenor Gerion’s father Robert Lydden bid his son to remain home with a token force to defend the pass in case they failed. Gerion was there with his men when he received news of his father’s death at the battle of the Blackwater Fork. Since this day Gerion has maintained a relatively small presence in the Lannister court, or really any court, departing Deep Den to meet with Lord Lannister after the burning of Deep Den which was the punishment for his lack of answer to the charges laid upon him for the many crimes of the Westerlands in supporting the Warrior Son’s, and Vaenor’s claim to the throne. Charges that Gerion denies, though the freedom of movement Gerion allows the Red Dog and his men is, perhaps purposeful, Lord Lydden claims it is simply just another case of a Lord being unable to stop the outlaw.
Open Role
Damion Lydden, 35, Uncle to Gerion Lydden, Damion spent the majority of his young adulthood drunk, whoring, or more likely both, but since the death of his brother and the ascension of Gerion, he has done his best to try to become the man that he believes his brother needed at the Blackwater Fork, and the man that Gerion needs to survive Baelon's reign of terror. Damion shamefully occasionally succumbs to his vices, but refuses to be absent from his duties again like he was when he was called to march, and fight, with his brother Robert.