Roles & Houses

House Velaryon
House Rosby
House Celtigar
House Hayford
House Cargyll
Kingsguard Shield
House Targaryen


Targaryen of King's Landing
Though they are a newcomer to the lands of Westeros, House Targaryen has a long and storied history that stretches back into the early days of the Valyrian Empire, though as the new Kings of the once divided realm house Targaryen seeks to put away their past as a minor house among Dragonlords and fully embrace their role above all others, as the one true Royal family of all Westeros.

King Baelon I Targaryen, 36, Baelon is a cunt, pure and simple. Not another word needs to be said on that. Rider of Balerion the black dread.

Played by Kemal Omizu

Queen Rhaela Targaryen, 31, widow to Vaenor the Uncrowned, Queen Rhaela has perhaps the most freedom of any of the Queens for having bonded to Dreamfyre during the reign of Aelyx I. She often flies with King Baelon and Balerion enjoying the rides as one true distraction from her circumstances. Some in court whisper that because of this she is the closest of Baelon's Queens and does not carry the burden of being a true ‘black bride.’ Still, despite the freedom of a Dragon and family in far off lands, the ever present danger that is King Baelon keeps Rhaela on a short leash, and her place as a Targaryen and all the history that comes with being a Princess of the house of the Dragon has left her distant from the courtiers that flock so quickly to the Ladies that have become Queens. Rider of Silverwing.

Played by Jetis Umia

Queen Mallory Royce, 21, the most recent of Baelon's brides, while she came after the Black Brides she is still commonly referred to as one both for having replaced Elinor Mallister as well as the ‘mourning’ house Royce took to during and after the ceremony at Runestone’s Sept. Mallory is well regarded in court, young, beautiful and polite. Perhaps trying to bring the charm and dignity one would expect of a Queen to an otherwise morose royal Court. Even still, for her youth both in life and as a Queen nobody is quite sure what to expect of the comely and courteous Royce.

Played by Callie Alderton

Queen Ellyn Rowan, 23, widow to Arthur Mullendore, the late brother of Lord Mullendore, Ellyn’s Husband was found guilty during Baelon and Visenya’s trials in Old Town and subsequently burned at Blackfield as punishment for his crimes. Since then Ellyn has continued to lose those close to her, she had despite all odds found a friend in the late Queen Elinor Mallister, who threw herself from the Red Keep after birthing a monstrosity, and then Ellyn nearly lost her life, as well as a child of her own and what little beauty she had due to the poison that Teneah of the Towers had fed her to kill the child growing inside her. Though she is now recovered from the dangers of her last birth she moves with a weakness and looks sickly and pale as any could while still living. Despite this she is said to be rather ingenious, perhaps even making a show of how frail she is but what is certain for her crafty nature is she has over time earned the support of many courtiers and through them many gifts and favors that she might some day cash in to her benefit.

Played by Ura Cutie

Princess Daenys Targaryen, 18, daughter to Queen Rhaela, she is heir to the Iron throne as ordained by Baelon until he has an heir proper. Typically Targaryen she has youthful features and exudes beauty and grace. Many in court look to be in her presence as she is pleasant and warm to those she meets. Constantly schooled by Baelon as he tries to mold her into the same ruler as he was, she stands firm. Her firm belief that fear is not the only way to rule guides her. She is guarded by what many call the “Shadow” as Baelon does not trust any man to be alone with her should the Targaryen line be tainted in any way. Untainted by the backstabbing at court, Daenys is a beacon of light in a dark world. Many hope that she will continue to remain so. Rider of Meleys the Red Queen

Played by swimmyswim

Sworn Swords and Servants of King Baelon I

These people have regular and trusted access to the King and his family and a higher station than those that would otherwise be their peers. They have proven over time to be worthy of this trust and high status and no matter what one might think of the people they serve, their dedication is something that cannot be questioned.

Cait Blackstone (not real name), ?, 47 AC at a tournament in Tumbleton. A knight with crimson shield rode and unhorsed two Kingsguard on their way to victory. When presenting the prize the winner would not remove their helmet. When the King intervened and ordered it a woman was found to be the mystery knight. As Lord Footly ordered her taken and flayed, Baelon stepped in and took Cait with him to the Aegonfort. There he charged Cait with protecting the young Princess Daenys as she came of age. She was to inform Baelon of every move she made, and every person she met. Eventually only known as the “Crimson Shadow.” A reflection on how close she always was to the Princess and the colour of her shield. Cait eventually succumbed to Daenys innocence and goodness, they became firm friends. Cait has stopped reporting everyone Daenys met with to Baelon, though does give him the innocent and non threatening ones so he does not grow suspicious.

Played by Rosalie Kytori

Mean Rick Dean, 38, not much is known of Rick Dean before he came to fame by stepping forward to aid King Baelon in his challenge to the Warrior Son’s. Some say the man was a disillusioned Warrior Son himself, others that he was a raper or a robber who lucked into a new life, others still claim he is a disgraced knight or a disowned son hoping to earn his nobility back, what is certain about Rick Dean is that he’s a real son of the stranger, a proper bastard who will do anything and everything that needs doing so long as his tab is paid. He has proven himself as House Targaryen’s iron fist and these days people fall quiet when he enters a room hoping he won’t be looking for them.

Played by Docholy

Grand Maester Duffield, 57, A man of humble beginnings Duffield was raised in the Riverland city of Maidenpool as the son of a Scribe. From a young age he wished to go to the Citadel, a dream long held by his Father as well. Duffield was chosen for the Citadel a few short years before Aegon’s arrival to Westeros. His entire life has seen him pulled toward the house Dragon. While he is not necessarily the most learned man, his dedication to the people of the realm and service to the pursuit of knowledge has made him well beloved in the Citadel and he is more than capable of finding the answers he needs to find.

Open Role


Sworn Brotherhood of the Kingsguard

Known poetically as the White Swords, or colloquially as the White Cloaks, they are the newly minted bodyguards of the Iron throne. Chosen from the finest knights in all the Realm they are sworn for life to protect the King and his Family, obey his commands, keep his secrets and in the interest of doing so they hold no lands, take no wife and father no children. They have already proven useful to house Targaryen stopping a handful of assassination attempts against Aegon, Aelyx and Baelon, though they also have failed in their mandate when King Aelyx, admittedly against the advice of his Kingsguard, confronted the Poor Fellows and was, like his Septon before him, torn limb from limb.

Ser Jacob Towers, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, 33, Jacob Towers gave up his place as the heir to House Towers to become a Kingsguard to Aegon I shortly before the great King’s death. Having served the order for a decade he has become one of the most respected and most loyal men in all the court. His skills with a blade are not often on display but some say he is perhaps not the most skilled swordsman but he seems to have a mind made for command and the memory of an elephant. Little happens surrounding the King that Ser Jacob does not know of or account for.

Played by Aeros Farstrider

Ser Symon Tollett, 25, a quiet sentinel in the King’s Service Ser Symon seems almost absent in most moments, though that is perhaps what one wants from a guardsman who may very well see too much. He is a skilled hand with the blade in training which is perhaps comforting despite his seeming lack of presence or interest in his day to day duties.

Played by Montell Gynoid

Ser Richard Blackwood, 24, perhaps the least serious of all the Kingsguard he is known to be a bit of a joker however when push comes to shove he is, possibly because of his less than professional bearing during the lighter moments, the most ferocious and stubborn Knight in the King’s service, refusing to back down unless brought to heel by the King’s command, or Ser Jacob’s shouting.

Played by Maledict Hexen

Ser Winston Edgerton, 42, one of the longest serving Kingsguard. Winson has twice refused the position of Lord Commander during the reigns of previous Kings, feeling he serves better as a Knight than a bookkeeper. Winston is a calming presence in the Red Keep and well liked by nearly everyone.

Open Role


Ser Glen Haigh, 26, Ser Glen has, until now spent a considerable amount of his time in relative seclusion though with the deterioration of King Baelon’s popularity and a sense of how things might end for him he has become a touch more known to the public in the few hours he has free in his life. He, notoriously, made use of a Pitchfork, the sigil of his house in the defense of King Aelyx I when attacked in the streets using it as the Free Cities use a control fork, though the middle prong proved more lethal around a poor fellows throat than the free cities ‘shepherds hook.’

Played by Xavier361

Ser Olyver Mallister, 22, the youngest and newest of the Kingsguard, Ser Olyver proved himself first against the Ironborn at Seagard and then against the Westermen at the Blackwater Fork. When the King was in need of new Knights after the battles were over Olyver was one of the first names mentioned, admittedly; by his own Father, but still, it was an honor that Ser Olyver quickly supported his nomination for. Some around Seagard wonder with the news that comes from King’s Landing if he regrets following his Father’s ambitions to place the Eagle in the Book of the White.

Played by Suntaici

Ser Raymond Swygert, 34, perhaps King Baelon’s most eager defender, many compare this particular Kingsguard to a dog more than anything else, noting the unsettling look in his eye and the way his teeth clench when he stands in defense of the King in Court, almost as if he’s waiting for an excuse, any excuse to reach out and drag someone behind the ranks of guardsmen and White Knights to turn his white a shade of red. He has supposedly been known to curse that people don’t take more opportunities to try and kill the King because of the depth of his boredom.

Open Role

Laqaria, a traveler of the world, this Tyroshi has stories from many ports along the Narrow sea having been raised upon the tides, having settled in Kings Landing they, like many others who find themselves standing on the dry shore of a land far from home do whatever they feel they must to get by.
Played by Lucydechants
  Nyessa Voss, 42, a monied, but simple brothel owner, Nyessa was raised in the streets of King's Landing and over time built the empire they now gold, from the Silk Harbor, the Garden, all the way to small nameless pillow houses across the city. Still despite this front as a common Madame, many whisper of her other names. The Shadow, the Blue Widow, a broker for all things subtle or ilicit be it secrets or substances, they are said to cater to the powerful and powerless both so long as their price is paid.
Played by Ilivurra Dimitriaski
  Xhalha Qo, a summer islander who has come to King's Landing not by choice, but by necessity, fleeing something far worse than a world away from her own.
Played by Choco Yeu
  Aileen Ravenshade, born on the Three Sisters, Aileen from a young age was groomed to serve like many others who shared the circumstances of her birth and now she is a trusted maid of house Grafton, serving Lady Polina, some say created by her, from the ground up.
Played by Lili Parabola
  Mala Zaan (smallfolk), an explorer, a sailor, who has found her way to King's Landing seeking to learn more of the ways of the people North of the Summer Isles.
Played by Water.Witch
  Bell (smallfolk), a beautiful mummer with a past full of question marks, she is a sure call when one is in need of entertainment!
Played by Narniapoq
  Seryn (smallfolk), a mysterious figure clad in red, first seen stepping off an Essosian ship, she has become the focus of a fair amount of whispers among the smallfolk who wonder if she is the Lord of Lights answer to the Sept of Remembrance and the flames that consumed it so many years ago.
Played by Violet Cloud
  Ser Guiles the Hauke, a Hedge Knight of the Vale, Ser Guiles is modestly known to serve as a true knight should, humbly and for those in need.
Played by Stupid Footpad
  Argyle, a sellsword from Essos who has come to Westeros to satisfy a dream of travel, he brings skills earned in the hard lands across the narrow sea and a hope to find service that will see him live comfortably in his golden years.
Played by Wolfe Deckard
  Lucius, a lowborn sellsword who has curious connections but seems to be a decent bloke. Recently arrived to King's Landing with his arms and armor in search of new beginnings.
Played by Mars Mercury
  Laina Rosefelt, a lowborn woman from a long line of tavern keepers she aims to see her family's legacy survive Baelon's reign, and many more.
Played by FreeMyTapir

Cargyll of Cargyll
Known fondly in the Crownlands as the ‘Golden Geese’ house Cargyll is a small but strong house that boasts a number of knights and maintains the people of their holding as well trained men at arms alongside their common roles as farmers, or other sorts of common folk. One of Aegon’s primary supporters, such is their dedication to their new liege that their sigil was changed a generation ago from a golden goose on blue to a golden goose on bendy sinister of red and black, the colors of house Targaryen.

Lord Aerrik Cargyll, Master of Law, 38, sits in the precarious position of Master of Laws. As such he has made the wise decision to back all of King Baelon’s actions. Not a weak man but one with a keen intellect and a strong sense of survival for both himself and his house. Born an only son he was kept away from knighthood for the dangers it constituted to a sole heir. Tutored intensively to make sure he was as ready as he could be for Lordship. That does not mean he was not trained martially, he is a skilled swordsman and keen hunter. A passionate tactician and strategist he relishes the chance to cross wits with those in court. Making his way through the treacherous day to day of court with aplomb.

Played by Toscajarvis

Lady Elyse Cargyll, 35, late of house Rosby, Elyse supports her husband in all his endeavors. She is a well known figure in court, amiable and pleasant on the outside but she has a ruthless streak. She is not above wrecking a life to make sure her family is secure. Her temper is legendary in the halls of the red keep. A woman who looks younger than her 35 name days she catches the eye of many young lords. Toying with their emotions and leaving them forlorn in her wake.

Played by Lunar Witch

Ser Mertin Cargyll, 20, ser Mertin is an only child. Typically he has been spoiled by his mother. It is said she bought his knighthood from a hedge knight but any who speak of such find the wrath of Lady Cargyll quickly focused on them. Mertin is all you would expect of a spoiled only child, demanding, arrogant, quick to temper and unable to accept his own mistakes.

Played by Angelicabarroso
Celtigar of Claw Isle
The Celtigars claim dominion over Crackclaw Point, but the inhabitants do not acknowledge their claim. When they surrendered peacefully to Queen Visenya Targaryen during the Conquest, the people of Crackclaw were freed from pledging fealty to anyone but the Iron Throne. The Celtigars occasionally send men there to collect taxes. If Lord Celtigar sends enough collectors, a few come back to him. The Celtigars' castle is rumored to hold fabulous treasures that bear witness to their wealth. Among Lord Davos Celtigar's property there are Myrish carpets, Volantene glass, gold and silver plate, jeweled cups, magnificent hawks, a trained sea eagle, an axe of Valyrian steel, chests of rubies, a horn said to summon krakens from under the sea, and many fine wines. Despite being an ally to Vaenor, house Celtigar has been given a great boon in recent years as Master of Ships to King Baelon for his lack of trust in house Velaryon because of their blood ties to the exiles and rivals for the throne.

Lord Davos Celtigar, Master of Ships, 35, recently appointed as Master of Ships Davos was settling into his position attempting to learn how to traverse the choppy waters that can be Baelon’s moods. He formed a close bond with the Hand of the King. His understanding of what should be done and what needs to be done grew exponentially. However he was recently stripped of his position having only served a few short months. His current whereabouts are unknown, seemingly at sea, and many are waiting to see how he takes having been replaced by an Ironborn when he returns to King's Landing. Davos is a careful man, never one to jump right in; he weighs every option with sometimes a frustratingly clinical thought process. A widower, he raised his children alone since their mother died in childbirth. With his aunt being Lady Velaryon Davos' allegiances can never be truly understood. When the time is right the crab will make his move.

Open Role


Serene Celtigar, 21, if there were ever twins that were more different it has yet to be seen. Serene, who many consider ugly, rarely dresses like a lady when not in court. She is an expert sailor, fearsome fighter and relentless adventurer. Sailing since she was young she now commands her own ship, the Sea Bitch. Trading and exploring the free cities and the Summer seas. It is said she has a man or woman in every port. Hard drinking, hard fighting, she is a typical sailor. Unable to deter her, Davos encouraged her, allowing her to carry the Valyrian steel axe named “the Claw.”

Played by Triabunny

Marissa Celtigar, 21, on the other side of the Celtigar twins Marissa is exceptionally beautiful, it is even said she is the most beautiful woman in the realm. She has devoted her life to the pursuits of a gentile lady, whilst shadowing her father and understanding all it took to look after a noble house and growing those holdings. A smiling assassin. It is said that one never sees her devastating blow coming till it is too late. Be it from her quick wit, financial acumen or political machinations.

Played by Elysium Evergarden
Hayford of Hayford
Hayford sits in a precarious place these days, having recently been executed completely to extinction the holdings and name of Hayford were granted by King Baelon to a lowborn Mystery Knight, Willem of Stonebridge, at a tourney held in Hayford Castle expressly to see who had the strength to take what had been lost by the late Queen’s disloyal kin. The elevation of a complete nobody to nobility is seen broadly as a slap in the face to those of Noble Birth, but despite this the new Lord Hayford has made inroads in royal court using King Baelon’s tenuous favor to their benefit.

Lord Jora Hayford, 26, son of Willem of Stonebridge who earned nobility for himself and his son before promptly dying of wounds earned in the Tournament that changed their fortunes. So deep is Jora’s appreciation for King Baelon, that he named his son after the King. Jora is fairly ignorant of how others view the role he has inherited and how pure dumb luck played a factor, giving all credit to his Father’s strength, and King Baelon’s generosity.

Played by Markski Glom

Lady Brindle Hayford, 25, once simply “Brindle of Blackcliff” she never thought in all her years that she would be a noble woman, but three years and two stillbirths after marrying Jora of Stonebridge she sat in the stands of a Tournament and watched her good father fight very nearly (and eventually) to his death for the prize of a Castle and a Name. The time since has been a whirlwind but with the help of a proper Maester, and the comforts of noble living she has finally given a living child to her husband Jora and sits as the Lady of a household of people she knows must loathe her for her luck and the name she stole from their former masters.

Played by Rita Rowley
Rosby of Rosby
As one of the Kings closest banners in beyond the gates of King’s Landing, house Rosby rules over what is perhaps one of the poorest seats in all of the Crownlands with trade passing them by in favor of Duskendale or King’s Landing, and workers from even the seat itself flocking to those same cities but what Rosby lacks in size, industry and wealth it makes up for with quality goods. There is no finer an apple in the Crownlands than what comes from Rosby, and no finer an ale than what is made with Rosby barley. While many look to the Reach to fatten their stores, Crownland lords and King’s Landing bakers who are truly wise find themselves making deals with Lord or Lady Rosby for inexpensive quality supplies.

Lady Gissele Rosby (Steward to King Baelon), 20, late of house Byrch, Gissele is the third daughter of a house nearly as poor as Rosby itself and though she is happy to be married to more than a knight, she detests the idea that her children will fail to inherit because of bastards, though considering the ages at play she hasn’t rid herself of the thought that if one of the bastards finds their name the right amount of Demon’s Dance or Sweet Sleep from a local wood’s Witch will solve the issue of her husband Yoren and she could just keep her place as Lady Rosby… For now however she keeps busy with her work in King's Landing, visiting Rosby now and again so her husband doesn't forget she exists.

Played by Ravyn Carver
Velaryon of Driftmark
House Velaryon have always stood side by side with the Targaryens. Of Valyrian origin with an intermingling of Summer Island blood from the Freehold they hold true to the ancient values of Valyria. Alys Velaryon became Queen at the coronation of her husband, King Aelyx I Targaryen. When Aelyx died in 42 AC, his younger brother claimed the Iron Throne over Aelyx's sons by Alys, who subsequently became Baelon's prisoner on Dragonstone. In 44 AC Alys fled in the confusion that followed the death of Dowager Queen Visenya Targaryen, and Alys's last surviving son by Aelyx, Daemon, put forward his claim for the throne. Lord Corrin Velaryon, Baelon's admiral of the fleet, publicly supported Baelon, but had turned against the cruel king. Working secretly to persuade the great houses of Westeros to join with him in support of his grandsire.

Lord Corrin Velaryon, Lord of the Tides, 55, father of the dowager Queen in exile Lord Corrin has to walk a tightrope. Baelon would behead him if he knew the work Lord Corrin was doing to depose him. Lucily with Baelon’s focus elsewhere Corrin is free to wield his considerable power and influence. An expert captain it is said he has never been beaten in a sea battle. The Velaryon fleet feared throughout the realm and into the free cities. Even the Ironborn think twice when they see Velaryon sails. Holding great sway in court Lord Corrin is an expert player of court politics. Using his wealth and influence to turn many to his point of view.

Played by Izaiah Christenson

Lady Melissa Velaryon, 52, late of house Celtigar. Melissa is a stalwart woman, understanding well the power her husband holds and wields it just as efficiently. It is said that she is the keen mind behind Lord Corrin's court maneuvers. Holding a small circle of friends they can make or break a lady new to court on a whim. She is known to be favoured by her granddaughter Queen Rhaela.

Played by Dragonofdreams93

Ser Vaymar Velaryon, 25, the heir to High Tide. Vaymar is much like his father, salt in his veins. Well traveled he has seen many ports of the free cities though perhaps due to ancestral ties, or its objective beauty he prefers the Summer Islands most of all. Vaymar has engaged many times with pirates around the Stepstones and is known as the “Corsairs curse.” One such endeavor earned him a curved Valyrian steel cutlass that he named “shark bite.” The link between his sister and their father he uses his trade trips for his house to convey messages and people to his sister in Lys. Also smuggling others back into the seven Kingdoms for meetings.

Played by Hecka Cutie

Dowager Queen Alys Velaryon, 41, see Essos.

Targaryen Sigil Essos.png
Company of the Rose.png
House Fowler
House Martell
House Vaith

Dorne and Essos

Court Across the Sea
With the death of Vaenor, the surviving members of the line of King Aelyx I and many of his supporters who feared retribution from King Baelon fled to Lys and established the Court across the Sea, in a few short years they have established themselves cordially with the people of the Free Cities and work steadily toward the goal of returning the rightful line of House Targaryen to the Iron Throne.

Dowager Queen Alys Velaryon, 41, very much impacted by her past Alys is driven and solely focused on placing her son on the throne that is rightly his. Not only a beauty with rich cinnamon skin from her mixed Valyrian and Summer Island heritage that accentuates otherwise common Valyrian features of silvered hair and violet eyes, she is also shrewd and cunning, walking the corridors of power effortlessly. A political beast, she has long understood the way things work and how to twist people to her own ends. She holds great sway with many of the great houses of Westeros due to her short time as Queen coupled with the standing of her fathers house she wields significant influence that has not waned since the exile she and her children took for their own safety. Standing behind her son and daughter she steers them ably to navigate the tempestuous waters that will lead to the revenge, restoration and ultimately a righteous return to the Iron Throne.

Played by TheMaddestCat

King Daemon I Targaryen, 23, as the brother of Vaenor the Uncrowned, son of Aelyx I, and the grandson of Aegon the Conqueror, Daemon stands as the rightful King of the Iron Throne. Honed under the astute guidance of Queen Alys Velaryon and trusted advisors much of King Daemon's ability to lead a realm remains untested, and uncertain. With youth and inexperience held against him, and endless rumor and speculation the only thing for certain is Daemon will either rise to the expectation pressed upon his shoulders, or die under the strain. Rider of Vermithor the Bronze Fury.

Played by The Treves

Queen Rhea Targaryen, 23, The twin and dutiful wife of The Rightful King Daemon I, daughter to King Aelyx I, slain by Poor Fellows and Warrior's Sons at the Sept of Remembrance, sister to Vaenor I Targaryen, murdered by their uncle, The Usurper-King Baelon. Rhae has been transformed by tragedy, exile and an ambitious protective mother. She keeps a tight circle, navigating the ever changing political landscape in Essos by balancing her instinct for seclusion and the need to put on a courtly appearance for their hosts, themselves descendants of Valyrian subjects. Despite every intention to return to King's Landing, she has a deep rooted paranoia about what that entails and it manifests in strange ways. Rider of Dreamfyre.

Played by Praxithe Serenity

Ser Stefan Lannister, Hand of the King, 31, Ser Stefan was disowned and banished by Lord Lyonel Lannister. The perceived scapegoat for the backing of Vaenor by that house. It is said that Stefan secured the ship from house Nahohr so the escape from Dragonstone could be made for The King and Queen. Stefan is worldly wise and is no slouch with a sword. Once one of Lyonels prime aides it is assumed by many that the banishment was part of a bigger game played by house Lannister, whose sole intention was to arrange an escape from Dragonstone for the “true king” and his family. Stefan is fiercely loyal to the King and Queen, using all his influence, contacts and wits to make their claim on the Iron throne a reality.

Played by Royalangrybull

The Fine Flowers of the Reach

Ser Bryan Flowers, 22, a bastard of Keiran Tyrell who has traveled to Lys with his half sister Lyah Flowers to claim a place among what they expect to be the future King's court. Though he does not speak with the authority of house Tyrell, it's a poorly kept secret that the conversations the bastard holds find their way to the Rose's den.

Played by Spiro Victis

Lyah Flowers, 20, a bastard of Keiran Tyrell, Lyah has followed her half brother to Lys now that their Father has died and Leadership of the house has changed hands, though she is not exactly thrilled with the political intrigue that surrounds the Court across the Sea, she has thus far enjoyed the travel and finds that stealing secrets to share comes quite naturally.

Played by Hex Starlight
Company of the Rose
A Sellsword company in Essos that consists of exiles from the North who left when Torrhen Stark bent the knee to Aegon the Conqueror, Once named the Company of the Winter Rose, as time passed and they realized their dreams of a Sovereign North might never come true they became the Company of the Rose. Most members of the company now are descendants of those who fled the North, however there are a couple of founding members still living and in command. Despite the time apart from the North and many members never having seen the North they fight for, the cause is still alive and descendants of houses such as Bolton, Dustin, Fenn, Flint, Greenwood, Ironsmith, Karstark, Liddle, Locke, Ryswell and Woodfoot maintain contact with their Northern kin, sometimes to the chagrin of the family they left behind, sometimes to their benefit.

Rogar Bolton, 24, as the son of Luthor Bolton, perhaps the founding member of the Company of the Rose, Rogar has never been to the North but has through the company of those who travel with them and the conviction of his own father remained true to house Bolton and the traditions of the North, Rogar is in many ways a mirror image of his Father, perhaps intentionally and many think that with a bit more age and experience, Rogar may very well be one of the next Captains of the company.

Played by OrdinaryBro

Old Gareth Stout, 61, one of the original members of the Company of the Rose, Gareth was a young man when he left the North, he misses it every day and is well known to be considering giving up his place in the Company to return home so he can die and be buried in the North. This desire has set him apart from some younger members who believe he might be a traitor to the Company’s cause. Despite this he is one of the most senior Captains and speaks with as much authority as any one member can hold.

Played by Wolfe Deckard

Melenie Woodfoot, 28, speaks for her Father, Gilmar Woodfoot, Uncle to Lord Woodfoot of Bear Island, Melenie has never seen the North and has 4 brothers who are members of the Company of the Rose. She is torn between her dedication to her family, and her lack of connection to a Land she knows only through the nostalgia of others. The Company is all she has ever known and she fears that if they are successful, the North they return to will not be the North that their members left fifty years ago, forever changed by having bent a knee to the Dragon. Melenie wonders if creating a new life in Essos, true to their self imposed exile, is the best way forward, if not for the Company, at least for her and her children.

Played by Demetria Onyx
  Aridos Oliris, 25, born in Braavos, Aridos has had a hard life which has made him a hard man, "lucking" into the family that has grown in the Company of the Roses he continues to build a life away from his early troubles.
Played by Ethannoir
People of Dorne, serving house Nymeros Martell

In Essos with the Court Across the Sea.


Tyene Martell, 22, cousin of the crown prince, Tyene, is a trusted and well liked member of the family. That trust has earned her a storied position as the voice of Dorne to the court across the sea. Beautiful, intelligent and driven. She has the trifecta of talents needed to conduct negotiations for her cousin. Tyene is never far from her friend and confidant, Elara Vaith; the women are more like sisters in the way they act.

Played by Dearly Dismantled

Elara Vaith, 22, second daughter to Lord Symon Vaith, Elara was sent to foster with the Martells and has not looked back since. Growing up she and Tyene became inseparable, one the perfect compliment to the other. This makes them quite the formidable pairing. Not as gregarious and outgoing as Tyene, she more than makes up for that in her considered and thoughtful approach to all things.

Played by Remoboone

Ser Harlan Fowler, 20, third son of Lord Damian Fowler, Harlan was focused on combat. House Fowler's martial prowess is known all over the seven Kingdoms, especially in the Reach where they have impacted most. Harlan is a quiet man who embodies the phrase still waters run deep. When an escort was needed for the ladies, someone who was more than capable of protecting both, Harlan was the first choice for his Father.

Played by JamesCulum

In King's Landing, a prisoner of the Crown.


Marcin Martell, 36, as a member of house Nymeros Martell, Marcin has traveled far as an ambassador for the Princess of Dorne, and has, when necessary, raised arms in the defense of the sands of his home, however despite his many successes Marcin has found himself a prisoner of King Baelon in King's Landing and hopes that he might live to see his home again, though he suspects this will not be the case

Non Player Character

People of the Free Cities

In Lys, attending the Court of the rightful King Daemon I


Moredo Rogare, 31, head of the Rogare family, who are a rich and powerful banking dynasty whose bloodlines could be traced back to Valyria before the Doom. With typical Valyrian features, Moredo sits alongside the King on his council. Advisor and wealth behind the throne, he sees King Daemon a shrewd investment that could open up Westeros to his family and their wealth. Owner of the Valyrian steel sword Truth, keyholder of the Rogare Bank.

Played by Fire Mote

Dorado Nahohr, 23. House Nahohr are the city’s preeminent shipbuilders. Whether military vessels or pleasure yachts, most ships in Lys were built in Nahohr shipyards. Dorado is the beautiful daughter of Mysalla Nahohr, She has befriended Queen Rhae and offers the support of her family and all of their contacts, even the corsairs whom they not so secretly have provided ships to in return for a share of the spoils. With Valyrian traits Dorado is considered a shrewd beauty who is a mistake to underestimate.

Played by killrbunny

Lysono Vaar, 26, a Tyroshi, with pale lilac eyes and long white-gold hair he sometimes dyes a flamboyant color despite often aiming to blend with the Lyseni he lives among. His lips are full, giving him an almost feminine appearance at first glance. His fingernails are painted purple, and his earlobes drip with pearls and amethysts. Lysono is glib but guarded in conversation. He speaks the common tongue of the Seven Kingdoms very well. A well established and deadly sellsword and spymaster, Lysono was hired by Moredo Rogare to assist King Daemon and Queen Rhea in their efforts. Initially it was the gold that guaranteed his services, now he is very much invested in the cause of retaking the Iron throne.

Played by Eleeyna

Carissa Vaar, 23, a Tyroshi with rich blue eyes that seem violet when the sun strikes them and hair of spun gold. Unlike her flamboyant brother Carissa seems more Lysene than Tyroshi avoiding the vibrant colors on her fingers and hair that Tyroshi are known for. Where her brother Lysono is glib and guarded, Carissa is warm and welcoming, a side effect of her healing studies and the cultivation of an impeccable bedside manner. She too speaks the common tongue without issue having spent many years in the service of a Westerosi Maester who studied the various afflictions common in Essos and their possible relations to the Doom of Valyria.

Played by Yasu Xaris

Dara of Yaros, ?, as a servant to the Lord of Light, Dara spends every waking moment in service to the one true god, R’hllor, the Lord of Light. Born on a spec of dust called Yaros in Slavers Bay there was no freedom to be had in their youth. But one fateful night on a slavers galley sailing the Ghiscar Strait, Dara was rescued by travelers sworn to the Fire Hand. After some years as a slave in the temples learning the great mysteries R’hllor has to offer, Dara was granted the opportunity to spread the righteous word of R’hllor, draped in the heavy red robes and the firm golden collar bearing the heart of R’hllor they have done so every year since. Now they stand among the Three Daughters having watched the fall of one great Empire turn to another, just as Ghiscar fell to Valyria, Valyria falls to Westeros. With it the contest of Dragons stands before them… What better an opportunity to shed the Lord’s light upon Westeros?

Played by Lunatabu
  Saera of Lys, raised in effect by house Rogare, Saera stands today as a trusted servant to Moredo Rogare who has, and will, put the greatness of his house above all else.
Played by honey Pooh
  Naeryss of Lys, a servant to Queen Rhea, raised from the union of sought after pillow slave who turned his fortunes from slavery to a Merchant business and a Myrenese Beauty, Naeryss has been sent to court to secure her future as more than just a servant, much like her Father.
Played by Yourcrushs Crush
  Tessa of Lys, 20, a servant to the Court across the sea, born to a Courtesan her life from quite early seemed almost predetermined and like many such cases it was not long until Tessa, like many others born in the shadows of Lys was sold into slavery, the skills that she has learned in her short lifetime are now being turned to the benefit of the Court across the Sea.
Played by Aimee Amore

In Westeros, attending the Court of King Baelon I

Clarenzo Nestoris, 24, as a son of the esteemed Garamon Nestoris, a keyholder with a direct tie to the founders of the Iron Bank and a role in the modern day in the administration of the Sealords own accounts, Clarenzo has been told his whole life how great and powerful he will one day be, always measured against the feats of his father. At four and twenty name days, Clarenzo has been found lacking. Having recently killed the son of a powerful merchant in a street duel, with not only his own job as a representative of the Iron Bank at risk, but also the reputation of house Nestoris, Clarenzo has been sent to King's Landing with a promise that Westeros is full of dim men with empty pockets.

Played by Morty Hyde

Adareo Vollyris, unknown, quite the mysterious figure, once employed by Ser Stennar Wylde of the Stormlands he plies his trade with merciless precision. Not much is known about him apart from the fact that he had to leave the free cities in a hurry. Charming and polite, the outward facade masks a cold blooded killer whose expertise with his rapier is not one to be underestimated. Now a free agent he remains close to those who helped him settle in Westeros.

Played by Kylovincent

Lydira Qovaris, 25, among the many traveling merchants who sail the narrow sea, Lydira of Volantis is perhaps one of the more notable figures. Her house is a poor one, often serving in small roles in the hopes of gaining power in Old Volantis, Lydira, tired of the cycle her family had fallen into scratching at the heels of others for power, she used her beauty and charm to rob an old merchant absolutely blind, turning his withering silk shop into a trio of ships to safety carry her and whatever she could load into the hold out to sea. In the few years since she has quickly built a dependable though not yet thriving business carrying anything and everything that fits in her hold and might turn a profit no matter how legal or illegal it may be, stopping at every decent port between Volantis and King's Landing for fear of missing out.

Played by Aura Ethereal

Talaya Cin, 20, as the youngest daughter of the Prince of Koj Talaya has long suspected that the comfort her kin have known would not be hers. As her father grew old and gray and her brothers sailed off to adventure, lost to Sothoryos and the Smoking Sea, while her sisters speak of pillow houses in Braavos and Lys, Villa’s in Pentos and Myr where pale men will worship their sun kissed bodies. Talaya has taken advantage of the strong industry of shipbuilding known to Koj to acquire a swan ship and has turned her eyes North, away from the dangers her brothers seek, and the pampered comfort her sisters yearn for, wanting to make her mark upon the Seven Kingdoms. The Summer Islands have much to offer the wider world, and Talaya, though not a master of any, has become a student of it all. Love, song, war and many other wisdoms.

Played by Icefeather
House Forrester
House Condon
House Bolton
House Stark

The North

House Magnar

House Stane
Stark of Winterfell
Ruling the North from Winterfell, House Stark is known for their honor, their resilience and strength. The Wolves of Winterfell are seen as an embodiment of Northern Values and stewards of the old ways and the justice those ways bring. Northerners know their house words “Winter is coming” and use them as an expression that one should be prepared above all else, even in matters that do not involve the Northern promise of bitter cold.

Lord Cregan Stark, 39, though the man was known to tell a tall tale now and then, once claiming to have bedded a Giantess leaving her ‘as pleased as could be.’ He has proven to be a capable Lord. Turning the Northern irritations that remained after rebellion and political marriages to the South. ‘Beric the boastful’ has led a number of rides into the Riverlands to aid King Baelon in his battle against the Warrior Son’s, offering prizes and payment both for symbols of the seven that Northmen return to Winterfell after these expeditions.

Played by Vagrant5777

Lady Leah Stark, 29, late of house Whitehill, Despite the man;s braggadocious nature Leah has since as far back as she can remember been infatuated with Cregan Stark. During the summers her house would visit for court she would chase him around Winterfell and as he grew over the years, she didn’t. At least not nearly as much as he did, or even women her age. Though she is not a dwarf ‘Leah the little’ is rather petite where Northerners are concerned, some tease that she’s part Crannogman however those who have seen the Reeds have let Leah know that she’s at least a head taller than they are. Well, the women at least. Still, it’s rather amusing that a man who boasts of taking giants was granted by his Father such a ‘delicate’ wife.

Played by unicornsareforrealyo

Ellyn Mormont, 28, late of house Stark, sister to Cregan, Ellyn has maintained a presence in the court of Winterfell with her husband, the heir to house Mormont for as much of her marriage as she could. Though she is fond of her Mormont family, she finds her husband boorish and simple and without the comfort of her family suspects she might end up throwing him out a window for a bit of peace. With the call south she has taken the opportunity to be the ‘Mormont voice’ in her Brother’s southern Court while her husband, the Heir, maintains his place at Bear Island. Though she knows she holds little power she’s happy for the excuse to go south and send ravens home to keep the people of Bear Island informed.

Played by Spicy Witch

Rickon Stark, 27, a stouter sort than his brother Cregan, Rickon has also proven to be quieter, perhaps for how social Cregan is. Rickon has maintained a place at his brother’s side to help ensure Winterfell stands strong. He has ridden to the south with the Northern forces a number of times. He was once married to Darlene Umber who died during a fire at a crofters village while visiting family Last Hearth. Their children were lost in the fire as well, something that has only seen Rickon stand quieter. Cregan has mentioned a hope to make a match for Rickon with Lord Manderly, though Manderly seems stuck in negotiations.

Played by Calimachus

Lysara Stark, 22, little Lysara is the baby of the Stark line and though she was betrothed to a Gorgir Crowl no one’s…. Really sure what’s going on with that. For the danger involved in sending a ship to Skagos the Lord was supposed to come to take part in a wedding in the Wolf’s Wood four years ago and take her home upon his own ship with his own skilled crew but… He just didn’t. And though Lord Crowl claims in a response to a letter from Lord Stark that they are still interested in the wedding and have just been busy, many are wondering if it’s all just a joke to the Skags as the talk surrounding preparing another wedding has been infrequent and rather strange. Lysara’s not that bothered however. She understands it’s a large gesture to distant people of the North… But the Skags eat people and she really likes not eating people.

Played by Love Crush
Bolton of the Dreadfort
A long rival of house Stark, House Bolton have over the ages ruled the North as Kings and where the Starks have done so through strength and support from the bannerlords of the North, house Bolton has done so through strength and unadulterated fear. A history of ruling with an iron fist clutching a sharpened blade has left house Bolton with a fearsome reputation that earns respect from all corners of Westeros. Though Bolton currently supports house Stark, there is always tension and the Boltons would be foolish to turn a blind eye to what could be their advantage.

Lord Anslo Bolton, 22, for the majority of his life he been hidden from court, his Father attended the court of Winterfell on his own the entirety of his time in control of the dreadfort, Anslo’s mother only making appearances at feasts that were practically mandatory and many said she looked frailer and frailer each time until she passed away nearly a decade ago. Despite the deep mystery surrounding Anslo, he proved to be a capable killer despite his small stature when he joined the Northern host that went south for King Baelon, though when he wasn’t at war he followed close to his father Rodger’s heel in the Northern camp, flinching whenever Rodger turned to face him. Last year Anslo and his wife Caitlyn began to attend Cregan Starks court, announcing rather unceremoniously that Rodger Bolton had died. To this day nobody really knows any more of the story than that and of course rumors swirl about how the man met his end.

Played by Xuniqueusernamex

Lady Caitlyn Bolton, 24, late of house Wull, known as ‘Wicked Cait’ the girl was offered to house Bolton almost as soon as her family discovered her skinning sheep rather than shearing them. The girl has proven no less a monster after the incredibly hasty wedding and has earned a poor reputation among the Northerners for how she treats all manner of animals and servants who are themselves seemingly animals in her eyes. Rumor is that she sharpens her spurs to get the most out of a ride, and that doesn’t necessarily apply just to horses. Some say Caitlyn is who has the power over the house having replaced Rodger Bolton as the one who holds Anslo’s leash and beats him when he needs it.

Played by CLaudiael
  Idris "the wit," 29, a fool for Lord Bolton, once a hostage to his father, Idris remains in service to the Lord of the Dreadfort, fearing, perhaps knowing, that life where they were born would be quite a bit worse than whatever the Boltons could be rumored to do to those they keep close.
Played by Straitsilver Lekvoda
Condon of Eagles Point
A minor but old house, the Condons rule the split of the white knife. They have maintained good relations with house Manderly and Cerwyn both over the years, some say the tridents on their sigil are in honor of marriages with Manderly, and the cross of tridents is in reference to the split of the white knife they hold. Many Condon’s have flown south to be Maesters and their Lords are well known as capable advisors to Winterfell. Members of house Condon though ‘born’ believers in the Old Gods, are known to become believers in the Faith of the Seven

Lord Kenneth Condon, 37, Kenneth is an imposing figure not only for his build but for his impressive skill as an orator. He has a voice that can easily cut through a room and it is one that many in the North consider should be heard for the content of his commentary as well as the quality of his voice. A wise and considerate man, though he is well known to hold a grudge.

Played by Helios Morningstar

Lady Harlene Condon, 36, late of house Frey, Harlene met Kenneth when he rode south to fight for King Baelon and was immediately enchanted by the man. A widow herself she found him to be all consuming and after striking up a friendship, followed him North, eventually convincing him to marry her nearly five years ago. Though she is not terribly fond of the cold, she finds the Northern people to be ‘charming’ enough though she is often encouraging her Lord Husband to travel to White Harbor, something he’s not opposed to because there’s always a good book to be found, and of course she always manages to find a wonderful new dress, or a necklace, or some beautiful bangles…

Open Role


Symon Condon, 19, the heir to house Condon, son Marie Norrey, Kenneth’s first wife. Symon is a quiet studious young lad who aspires to be a Knight more than a Maester or Councilor. He finds the house's reputation for sage wisdom exhausting but appreciates that it’s better to be known for something than forgotten for nothing. He gets along well with Harlene, often getting between her and his sister Morgan.

Open Role


Morgan Condon, 18, Morgan has had two busted betrothals and blames both of them on the interference of her ‘wicked stepmother.’ She sees Harlene as a vulture whose sole aim is picking Kenneth’s pockets till they’re empty and has for better or worse over her teenage years practically built a personality around trying to ruin that ‘wretched fucking old woman.’

Played by Cressida Aurelia
Forrester of Ironrath
Though they are a vassal to house Glover of Deepwood Motte, Forrester tends to stand equal to and independent from house Glover in the Northern Court. The allowance given to them by Winterfell and the logging of the Wolfswood has made house Forrester rather wealthy both in coin and influence despite being younger than most other Northern Houses. For this power and the lands they rule Forrester also boasts considerable might that is often used to bring justice to bandits and wildlings who find their way along the mountains beneath the Shadow Tower to the Wolfswood.

Lord Jonas Forrester, 43, “the Forrester” As Lord of house Forrester and Warden of the Wolfswood, Jonas has spent his life learning what is necessary to maintain the delicate balance of diplomacy and strength that keeps house Forrester in control of what has made them powerful as house Glover, and truly house Stark no doubt both covet what house Forrester holds. As a father to three daughters having lost his wife and only son in the birthing bed Jonas has finally recognized that his family will live through his eldest daughter Katja and made arrangements that his name and the power of his house survives him.

Played by Hakumen

Katja Forrester, 28, the heir to Ironrath and the Forest, Katja spent much of her early life separate from her father’s business learning a woman’s place in the world which admittedly is different for a Northerner, however in the last ten or fifteen years it has become increasingly clearer that she would likely spend the whole of her life in her ancestral home losing a betrothal to a Lynderly of Snakewood because of this taking on a husband of house Fenn to act as her consort. Since the death of her mother five years ago she has in every way been treated as the heir her Father long sought and though she finds herself capable, part of her misses when she was just a girl dreaming of taking a husband in some far off part of Westeros, traveling further than Winterfell, and hoping for more than just a trip to Braavos to meet with Ironwood brokers.

Played by Dontaskmyname666

Willem Fenn, 20, husband of Katja, a lord of a lesser house who accepted a role as Katja’s Lord consort to maintain the Forrester line. Though he is not pleased with his lack of power, his family is quite pleased with the wealth they gained and the influence they can squeeze from house Forrester for the arrangement. He married Katja on his 18th name day and has been ‘treated like he works in a pillow house’ ever since due to Katja’s need for an heir of her own so far producing two daughters.

Played by Soifon Flux
The Stoneborn of Skagos
The people of Skagos are barely people of the North. The Kings of Winter conquered them more than once over the ages, and have long claimed dominion over the Island of Skagos but on the whole Skagos is as separate from the North as the Lands beyond the Wall. For the name of the Island ‘Skagos’ or ‘Stone’ the people call themselves Stoneborn. The few instances they have been encountered by Northerners have proven that they are most certainly a different breed. Taller, stronger, hairier. They live a more savage way, more savage even than perhaps the free folk beyond the wall, it is said the Skagosi eat the flesh of their enemies, perform human sacrifice, and breed based on strength rather than marriage, a wife is only a wife so long as you can fight off her next husband. Maester’s who have dared travel to Skagos write that they must be descended from Giants, though some say it could be a mix of blood with the Ibbenese people. What is certain is that for the Skagosi to come to the North, or even more unusually, to the court of the King, is absolutely unheard of. Still. Considering how the Skagosi isolate themselves, they could prove to be an untapped source of power for the Lord of the North… or those who wish to undermine them.

Valka Magnar, 29, as the daughter of the Magnar of Kingshouse. Valka is perhaps as close to a ‘Princess’ of Skagos as one could get. Despite being a massive example of a woman dressed in furs and armor, she has a fair amount of jewelry, or what passes for jewelry on Skagos. Nice rocks and shiny ore on string. Valka is arrogant, thinking herself better than the mainlanders for a variety of reasons, but she certainly thinks herself better than the Northerners. They have abandoned the old ways, and they do not speak the old tongue. Skagos should rule the North, and bring the old way back to serve the Fyrferiend.

Played by Keliahangelis

Kyla Stane, 22, being the sister to Lord Stane has forced Kyla to be hard as nails and twice as sharp. She has proven to be one of Lord Stanes most trusted supporters and clever advisors, an unending source of knowledge around the Isle of Skagos, a true whisperer of the Stone lands. A long time friend of Valka, Kyla and her cousin Gilla chose to aid Valka in her mission to the South knowing she will be short of help and will need all the support she can get. Lord Stane thought it only fitting that his strongest relative be offered to the Magnar of Skagos, alongside Gilla, she has offered her council, and her strength to the Magnar’s daughter, offering her life as a shield for her friend and her mission.

Played by Mildred00Madgewick

Gilla Stane, 24, while Kyla has mastered how to squeeze secrets from the stone, Gilla is one of the most capable sailors the Skagosi have to offer, and part of that skill in sailing is fending off the Ibbenese pirates and free folk refugees who harass the shivering sea around Skorrold’s point. She has sworn by the Gods (the only ones that matter, the old ones.) that she will get Valka back home safe. By blade and sail and will trade her life for Valka’s to ensure that the Magnar’s daughter returns to him.

Played by Jane Fetiocci
House Tyrell
House Ball
House Beesbury
House Fossoway
House Risley
House Tarly

The Reach

Tyrell of Highgarden
As Lords of the seat of chivalry, house Tyrell is known for their elegance and abundance. Through Highgarden they control some of the finest farmland in all the realm, directly and indirectly and because of this they have access to some of the most skilled hands and skilled minds where warfare and intrigue are concerned. Like the Gardeners before them, and perhaps because they managed to take from the Gardeners all there was to take, they are not to be underestimated.

Lord Garland Tyrell, 30, the recent history of the Reach and the failures of his forebears to make lasting change has left Garland feeling a need to take more care in how he handles the Lords that call themselves his peers, though he truly feels like there are very few who could stand eye to eye with him. Garland is smart enough to understand why his bannerlords are furious with the King but takes a less obvious position against the crown for his own sake, though behind closed doors he is not afraid to wield his power to the detriment of King Baelon, and, hopefully, the benefit of house Tyrell. His primary focus inside and outside the shadows however is rebuilding what has been torn down by the Dragon’s wrath, Garland prioritizes the restoration of bannermen such as Ball, and Shermer over all else, both for their support, and so that Highgarden will have their strength when the time comes to support Baelons successor whoever that may be.

Played by Gareth Darwin

Ser Donnal Tyrell, 27, as the brother of Garland Tyrell Donnal spent his life being trained to support his brother’s rule of Highgarden, and because of the fighting with Dorne and the tensions in the Reach itself he has also been given a fair education in leadership himself in case he needs to rise to the seat of Highgarden. Donnal is faithful to his Brother and house, a true supporter of Garland, but a realist despite all else, fully willing to recognize what might be necessary for the success and survival of his house.

Played by Hesi Tater

Marion Tyrell, 24, sister to Garland Tyrell, she has suffered a number of unsuccessful betrothals to a handful of Reach and Stormland houses as well as the Serrett’s of Silverhill more recently, though for one reason or another either because of death or shifting political winds all these betrothals over the years have collapsed. Facing a future as a spinster and knowing that house Tyrell needs strong allies, Marion is eager to help Garland secure a marriage that will aid the Reach, but most of all she hopes to be done with the uncertainty.

Played by Olivia Vanlager
Ball of the Round
A Knightly house in the heart of the Reach, house Ball, and their keep ‘the round’ once sat on a road that followed the West side of the Mander connecting Highgarden to the Isle of Faces, however time has shifted traffic to the Rose Road and now house Ball stands in defense of little more than fields south of the Gold Road with a pale imitation of the great road they were once a fortification on running alongside their mighty, round fortress that has turned from a gleaming white beacon to a charred dome by dragonfire, for the last visit by the late Queen Visenya, not nearly as melted as it perhaps could have been.

Ser Walton Ball, 34, a proud strong knight of the Riverlands, Ser Walton was once known as ‘Walton the White’ for the pale plate he wore that matched the fine ivory walls of his keep, but since the burning of his seat, despite the white armor that grows dull for the lack of care he puts into it, he is now known as Walton ‘the Black,’ for the charred state his seat has taken.

Played by Favien

Lady Mary Ball, 33, late of house Vrywel, while Walton was out fighting, Mary was tending the house and home, formerly of house Vyrwel of Darkdell Mary grew up with a fascination for the dragons of house Targaryen because of her sigil. As the story goes she was home when Visenya arrived with Vhagar, thankfully standing in the fields, not inside the Round itself, and she stood at first enchanted, and then shocked watching as the Dragon set fire to her home and all the people in it, and where many might have shrank or shrieked, Mary raced toward the Dragon and the Dowager Queen upon it, hurling curses at the beast and rider both until Visenya turned to fly away. The people who survived the Dragon attack say it was because they had a dragon of their own, spitting fire into the sky. She is now known as Mary ‘the Dragon’ by those who favor her and she has lost a bit of the pretense and pomp common to most ladies, happily telling it like it is, when the need arises.

Played by Delaney Jasper
Beesbury of Honeyholt
As the children of Ellyn Ever Sweet, the Lords of Honeyholt have held their lands since before recorded history. They have a long history of service to house Hightower and a longer history of being lethal when underestimated. Though they are known for the hives that produce the realms finest honey, the Beesbury clan have an affinity for nearly all things that sting and have over the ages used the more vicious examples of yellow and black creatures in their care to the absolute horror of their enemies, making good on their house words ‘Beware our Sting.’ In recent history they were among some of the most ferocious fighters in Dorne, something one would hardly guess considering their current Lords desire to remain free of entanglement in the Sand.

Lord Jerome Beesbury, Hand of the King, 41, Lord Jerome was a young man when his Father went to fight in Dorne, growing up eating dinner with retellings of the same slew of gruesome stories about how Orys Baratheon’s hand was avenged in this way, or Harlan Tyrell was avenged in this manner and for a mother’s tender nature and an aversion to his Father’s boasting Jerome Beesbury grew to be more a learned diplomat than a skilled warrior. Despite this Jerome has a cruel streak that can be leveled on those he finds detestable as well as those he thinks the Realm would be better off without. His childhood trauma pushed him toward an ideological preference for peace over war, but deep down, he has as much potential to do harm as any Beesbury ever has.

Played by Bondjamesbond

Lady Camile Beesbury, 36, late of house Merryweather, Camile is a gentle soul and while she grew up sounded with farms and vegetables she has taken quite well to the Beesbury trade in bees and their nectar, her own personal recipe for honey wine proving to be quite popular with some joking that house Redwyne should be afraid she might take over the market for Arbor Gold. Camile as quite the charitable sort never misses an opportunity to stop and help others, a trait that has seen her nearly robbed on the road many times, much to the irritation of her guards.

Played by Lolle Edenbaum

Ser Cameron Beesbury, 20, a noble knight of the Reach and his father’s right hand, Cameron, the heir to Honeyholt has proven himself countless times to be a brave and noble paragon of all that is right and just. As a Squire to Ser Brandyn Uffering he was present at the last proper battle in Dorne to date, during the Vulture Hunt, where Ser Brandyn was unfortunately rendered ‘simple,’ before Cameron carried the man back to the rear lines going on to see him back home where he eventually ‘died’ from his wounds. Some say the squire Cameron and Lord Jordan Uffering, Brandyn’s brother, made an arrangement that traded a mercy killing for knighthood, Cameron however denies this.

Played by Iveron Rowley

Elaine Beesbury, 19, known to the people of honeyholt as ‘the wasp’ Elaine is notorious for disappearing for days at a time, and while initially the servants and her family thought she was running off to the fields it was soon discovered she was locking herself away in the cellars of Honeyholt, or in the high rafters and unused towers around her family’s seat to spend time ‘learning the language’ of Hornets and Wasps. As she aged and grew bolder it was not rare that she would return home from her studies covered in stings, sometimes in the most… ‘curious of places.’ In the last few years Elaine has taken to keeping Wasps and Hornets on hand testing to see how animals react to them and their stings, though her acts seem more genuinely studious than sadistic, though there is the story of a boy who supposedly touched her by the river being found one morning frothing from the mouth covered in stings… But the Maester of Honeyholt swears up and down the only dead teenage boys around honeyholt were from anything and everything but insect stings.

Played by Mydeartapir
Fossoway of Cider Hall
Known as the Red Apple Fossoways for their banner to distinguish them from the cadet branch at New Barrel who bear a green apple on gold. The Fossoway’s of Cider Hall descend from Foss the Archer, a son of Garth Greenhand and to this day maintain some of the most skilled archers in all the realm. They also bear the ancestral bow ‘Green Hand’ which is a weirwood bow backed in green leather with an arrow rest and tips made of Valyrian Steel. While the Fossoway’s claim it is the bow of Foss the Archer, many suspect it was purchased by the house at some point since its founding.

Lord Trenton Fossoway, 37, renowned as a man of legendary skill, Trenton claims to be able to see as far as the horizon and in practice has, more than once, noted things in the distance long before others do, this natural perception lends itself to his skill with a bow as well and he has at parties more than once replicated the famed tricks of Foss the Archer, plucking apples from atop the heads of Lords and Ladies daring enough to stand as a rest for his targets. Trenton is quite fond of hunting and has traveled nearly the entire realm to hunt famed beasts and add them to the walls of Cider Hall, he has however never been to Skagos, and has not been quite brave enough to attempt an adventure into Dorne except as part of a war party. Though he is married, his wife seems to prefer spending her time with her family at the Red Lake rather than at Cider Hall claiming it’s just ‘too empty’ with her husband off on his hunts which she finds too ‘grimy’ for her tastes.

Played by leviathanwellington

Finlay Fossoway, 19, the heir to Cider Hall, they say the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree and that has never been truer than where Finlay and his Father Trenton are concerned. Finlay is as skilled with a bow as Trenton. Despite this Finlay and Trenton don’t really look similar, with Finlay taking after his Mother, between this and Lord Trenton’s frequent adventures and hunts some have questioned Finlay’s paternity, however the family has, generally, ignored these rumors considering Finlays value and quality as an heir.

Played by Noctas

Steffon Fossoway, 18, twin to Florence, Steffon and Florence grew up taking a backseat to Finlay in nearly every way because of his place as heir to Cider Hall however they truly lacked for little and grew up quite close to their mother, and distant from their father as a result of Trenton’s focus on Finlay. Despite this they hold a certain loyalty to the house and Finlay, their brother who they grew up right alongside.

Played by xmartellox

Florence Fossoway, 18, twin to Steffon, Florence spent a large amount of her time alongside her brothers in her youth however at a certain point her interests diverged from theirs and though she is still close to and beloved by her brothers she has carved a little ‘court’ of her own out of the young and mostly lowborn, but pretty ladies around Cider Hall. She has an ambition to earn a sort of fame in the Royal Court when she arrives and hopes that her social skills will rise to the occasion.

Played by Tiny Starling
Risley of Risley Glade
House Risley sits in a glade at the confluence of the Crownlands, Stormlands and Reach, they were once advanced scouts who would warn of the coming Storm King's attacks through the Wendwood as it was once known, but now with the rise of King’s Landing, they act more as sheriff’s of the new Roseroad as it drives through the Kingswood. Beside having a long history as skilled horsemen and scouts, Risley’s have a long history as Tourney knights, having made fine wins at jousting in tourney’s all over the Stormlands, Reach, Riverlands and Crownlands though they were split between the Stormlands and Riverlands in those days.

Lord Carlyn Risley, 45+, a renowned knight and respected Lord, Carlyn has fought in more battles than perhaps any other living Reachland Lord, having found himself fighting everywhere from the North as a squire in service to a member of house Manderly down to Dorne alongside Stormlords as part of the Vulture Hunt, Lord Carlyn lives for a good fight though his failing health has seen him looking more toward commanding than charging as he once did, three decades of wounds have compounded leaving the man walking gingerly and mixing milk of the poppy into his wine to rest and squinting when he reads.

Open Role


Ser Laurel Risley, 28, the heir to Risley Glade, Ser Laurel is an accomplished horseman having taken prizes in a couple of tournaments and served in Cavalry charges at the Blackwater Fork, and a handful of other smaller conflicts beside.

Played by Dog Bork

Catheryn Risley, 25, the ghost of the Glade, Catheryn in her youth was a renowned archer taking the first prize in a number of tourney’s in the Reach and Stormlands even in mixed competition with men who shoot the bow professionally. Catheryn is beloved by those of house Risley but a shade of her former self after losing her first husband in the trials at Oldtown, watching him take flame under Balerion’s maw at Blackfield before less than a year later her second husband was killed by King Baelon as well during the battle at Blackwater Fork. Some say she has lost her wits for losing two loves so soon, others think she is just taking advantage of an easy excuse to be rid of expectations ladies often face. She often wanders the glade and the forest around it in a nightgown, hair unbrushed, singing poorly and talking to the trees carrying her bow and arrows and while she sometimes returns with an empty quiver, she has never returned with game.

Played by Rainje Lane
Tarley of Horn Hill
A force to be reckoned with, the Lords of Horn Hill have long been a part of the backbone of armies raised by Highgarden. A long history of fighting along the Red Mountains have given Lord Tarly some of the fittest men the Reach can offer, true battle hardened knights and well drilled archers are Horn Hill’s sole export leading them to proudly state the words ‘First in Battle.’

Lord Chester Tarly, 39, the bearer of Heartsbane, Chester Tarly has spilled blood all across the Reach and Dorne, alongside Reachlanders and Stormlords both and very proud to have participated in the Vulture Hunt which earned him considerable acclaim he is practically rabid for the rumors in court that another war with Dorne might be coming, detesting the Hand for the whispers that he works to maintain peace with the savages of the Sand. A poor husband but a fair Father, some say it took him a week to notice his wife had vanished, and for this alone they say it is very unlikely he had anything to do with her disappearance and supposed death.

Played by Vanquish Vyper

Ser Samuel Tarly, 23, the heir to Horn Hill, he is a fine knight of the Reach though he suffers a number of simple ills that make him less than appealing as a suitor such as a slew of allergies both to nature and food, and spells of dizziness (vertigo) and migraines. Despite this ‘Sniffling Sam’ persists to be all that his Father could want of an heir. Ser Samuel however bears a terrible secret, a crush! Some years ago when House Tarly marched in support of the nearby Stormland keep of Nightsong, Samuel caught sight of Lady Deny Caron standing backed by the sunrise covered in blood and filth the morning after she and her men repelled the Vulture King. He’s been smitten ever since. During the Vulture hunt he could scarcely resist the urge to all but stalk the poor woman who didn’t notice his presence once. He has for years harbored the most pitiful crush on the Lady, one his Father flat out refuses to entertain for her duties as a regent and Samuel’s future as Lord of Horn Hill.

Played by Liftedembrace

Corrine Tarly, 22, the eldest daughter of Lord Chester Tarly, from a young age she had to step up as the Lady of the house for her Mothers depressive episodes, by the time her mother vanished one morning never to be seen again Corrine was practically a woman grown despite being little more than 12 name days. In the decade since she has come to view her Brother and Father in a different light than a sister might, feeling bad for her Father and all the life he has missed for his dedication to the pointless, endless fighting, and hopeful that she might be able to show her Brother Samuel that there’s more to life than trying to measure up to the warrior that their Father is, she’s hopeful with the help of her sister Anne that she might be able to make good on his ridiculous crush on the Caron, or atleast show him the futility of chasing a woman that could probably fold him in half.

Played by Marissa Nightwish

Anne Tarly, 19, Anne barely remembers a peaceful time, when her memories began to form she had just realized her Mother was a shell of a person, and so quickly after those initial haunting memories of her mother the people around Horn Hill were mourning her disappearance. Despite this she has found a vocal strength alongside her sister Corrine and hopes to help her guide their brother, and thus Horn Hill toward a brighter future than the hopes for blood and guts their Father has, even if she loves him dearly despite his faults. Anne isn’t afraid of saying what needs to be said so long as she believes the company she’s keeping can bear it. She just hopes she and Corrine can make worthwhile moves for their house before being traded off to a new one.

Played by Lilith Evergarden
House Paege
House Harroway
House Blackwood
House Tully

The Riverlands & Iron Islands

House Kenning of Harlaw
House Drumm

House Tawney
House Saltcliffe
Tully of Riverrun
Though recently made Lords of the Riverlands, Tully holds a proud and ancient history and is well known for their strength of conviction and their strong sense of duty and loyalty to those who deserve it, honor in how they handle problems that they face and per their words family above all else.

Lord Peytor Tully, 24, as a young man Peytor was thin and sickly, often called ‘frog’ for how much he supposedly looked like a Crannogman though as he grew Peytor managed to fill out into a relatively handsome and strong man. A survivor of the battle against the robber King, the Giant of the Trident, and a hero of the Blackwater Fork, Peter has become an icon of the strength and skill of the Riverlords with his careful and occasionally unyielding management of the Riverlands and Iron Islands and a pillar of support for King Baelon through the loyalty of house Tully, though if this is for honor, idealism or self preservation is anyone’s guess.

Played by Toxic Lovejoy

Lady Saoirse Tully, 25, late of house Bracken, Saoirse was a marriage of political necessity to ensure the survival of her house. Bracken is a house in decline ever since the last great war between them and house Blackwood during the reign of Harren the Black, Bracken has lost every significant skirmish in the last 60 years and a place beside the region’s Paramount allows her brother time to strengthen the house, or perhaps for peace to build between Bracken and Blackwood. Despite the politics involved Saoirse is a dutiful wife, for all that can be said of her she is a clever woman and knows when to exert her power not only where her Husband is concerned, but in matters of the Riverlands. She has a number of friends in the Riverland court and has on her own rebuilt much of the reputation of house Bracken, much to the chagrin of Lord Blackwood and his late Father.

Played by Zandra Jameson

Ser Grover Tully, 22, cousin to Peytor Tully and the heir presumptive to Riverrun, a loose supporter of Peytor and an admirer of his late Father, Grover holds the terribly dark secret of being the one who started the nickname ‘frog’ for young Peytor! How shameful. Grover was raised by Lord Edmyn Tully after his own father died fighting bandits and he looked to Edmyn as a Father and Peytor as a brother in many ways, but was never truly blind to his place as an adopted cousin rather than a true son, something that does, on occasion, surface when Grover has been drinking or feels particularly put out. Grover has become fast friends with Lady Saoirse and her Bracken kin, some say perhaps too close of friends.

Open Role


Renee Tully, 19, Cousin to Peytor and sister to Ser Grover, she has never been particularly interested in either the Riverlands, or the politics that runs it, hoping instead some day to sail the trident on a simple little sail clad raft, as she’s grown her dreams have grown too and now she hopes to take to the waters beyond Maidenpool on a ship with sails rather than a raft. To this end she hopes for a marriage to a sailor, or atleast a house known for its ships. There’s nothing more harrowing to Renee than the idea of being married to a Reachlander, surrounded on all sides by dry dirt.

Played by xoxoabigailxoxo
Blackwood of Raventree Hall
After being driven south from the large swath of the Wolfswood they ruled by the Winter Kings of house Stark, the Blackwoods were honored as Kings of the Rivers, where their infamous feud with house Bracken began; According to the Blackwoods because the Brackens were petty Lords, horse breeders and thieves who purchased enough steel to usurp them. Despite this the Blackwoods allied with the Brackens during the coming of the Andals but it was not enough to keep from suffering a string of brutal defeats such as the battle of bitter River. Where their Bracken neighbors took to the Andal faith, Blackwood stood strong, even when their heart tree was poisoned. Today house Blackwood stands bitter that house Tully was chosen to lead the Riverlands over them, but proud that they are as close as they’ve ever been to seeing house Bracken extinct. As a house that holds more lands, and can raise more swords than their liege house Tully, Blackwood is a necessary ally of any who have a hope to guide the future of the Riverlands.

Lord Leif Blackwood, 26, newly Lord of Raventree Hall, Lief watched his father linger for years on the edge of death from the wounds he suffered fighting for King Baelon, but rather than blame the King, or Vaenor the Uncrowned he places the blame for his Fathers poor state on the Brackens who could not stop harassing the borders of his Fathers lands long enough to let him die peacefully. He blames Lady Saoirse who he believes pushed others in court to sully his father Stefan’s name when the man was too ill to attend the court in Riverrun, and he blames Aidan Bracken who he suspects killed Larson, Stefan’s brother, who had lead much of the defense of Raventree Hall. Despite many claiming Larson Blackwood’s death was an honorable duel in Fairmarket, no one can name who Larson faced, and Leif can think of only one reason that would be. With the support of his Mother, Leif hopes to see house Bracken stripped of what they have, or at the very least ensure Blackwood is strong enough to weather any storm the Brackens and Tully’s can bring to their halls. For this he knows he must either make great allies in court and wait for the Brackens to show their true colors, or make Raventree hall indispensable in the eyes of the King and Riverrun, no matter what Lady Saoirse has to say.

Played by Ajax Helendale

Dowager Lady Ingrid Blackwood, 41, late of house Dustin, Ingrid came south to help maintain the strength of the First Men below the neck. Over time despite thinking the feud between house Bracken and Blackwood was an ancient thing that could be settled for the forgotten cause she has come around to believing, much like her late husband, that so long as there are Brackens, there will be Blackwoods killing them. She has seen first hand how house Bracken plays victim, now using Lady Saoirse as a shield against their wrongdoing. She hopes that she can find allies among the Northmen who will come to King Baelon’s court to force house Tully to recognize the poison that house Bracken brings to the Riverlands.

Played by Sarahdomms

Ser Richyrd Blackwood, 24, see Kingsguard


Karina Blackwood, 19, Hates the feud between Blackwood and Bracken because it has seriously stepped on her social life, she can’t ride to anything North of Raventree Hall, or really even ride the Lands of Raventree hall without an army following her, even going to Darry is generally forbidden. And there’s nothing south of the seat beside Harrenhal and Lord Harroways town which is “smellier than the back end of a horse.”

Played by Moth Mommy

Gloria Blackwood, 25, late of house Codd, Gloria is the widow of Leif and Karina’s brother Oskar Blackwood, much to their irritation Gloria refuses to relinquish the Blackwood name and return to house Codd, instead introducing herself as Gloria Blackwood while choosing to live as elder widow’s do, quite freely. This free spirited nature has seen her float between the parties at Pinkmaiden, the nightlife in Fairmarket and Maidenpool, and ultimately to the nickname “Gate Gloria” Since every man who has passed through the Riverlands since the battle of Blackwater Fork, has likely passed through her. She has a natural beauty and that has earned her a ‘patron’ in Fairmarket who funds her carefree lifestyle as well as the upbringing of her and Oskar’s child for the low low price of the occasional weekend visit to Fairmarket. Despite the irritation she causes Karina and Leif, they can’t really hate her because they have to admit… She’s fun to be around.

Played by Princess Cutie
Harroway of Harrenhal
Only recently becoming Lords of Harrenhal after the death of house Qoharys during the rebellion of Harren the Red, house Harroway was in a rather advantageous position as Lord Qoharys had made quite the fortress of what remained of Harrenhal while house Harroway had built a modest fortune at the thriving city a days ride from Harrenhal’s gates between the Saltpans and Trident.

Lord Darren Harroway, 47, a well respected Knight of the Seven, his father still sits as the Lord of Harroway’s Town, but is an old and infirm man who has sworn to cede the town to Harrenhal, and Darren, joining the holdings upon his death. Darren has kept himself well free of the politics of the wider realm, focusing on supporting Lord Tully, he is a relatively serious, if not a slightly dim man, or perhaps that’s just what he wants people to think of the new Lord of the largest Fortress in all the realm.

Open Role


Loras Harroway, 21, the heir to Harrenhal, Loras was with his father at the battle of Blackwater Fork, earning his Knighthood after helping to stop Prince Vaegon’s advance before the field was overtaken by Baelon and his Dragon. Loras was not terribly interested in the betrothal his father made with house Piper before, however having seen the absolute carnage that is war, he is suddenly rather interested in a wife, children, and a legacy that will survive him.

Played by Soul Bae

Gwenyth Harroway, 20, sister to Loras, raised in Harroway’s town Gwenyth is absolutely depressed with how completely haunted Harrenhal is. She wants nothing more than to go back to Harroway’s town where she has friends, and hobbies, and a room with walls that aren’t sort of melty and charred black no matter how much the servants scrub. The call to King’s Landing has been an absolute GODS SEND for her mental health as she can only imagine how many friends she will make living in the large and beautiful city of King’s Landing.

Played by Smol Jeon
Piper of Pinkmaiden
One of the few truly wealthy Riverland houses sitting on lush fertile grounds near the edge of the Red Fork, Pinkmaiden was founded by a mummer who discovered gems and gold that had washed down from the hills around Hornvale, and the man was eventually named Lord Piper and his family has ruled over one of the few true farming communities of the Riverlands since. The lands of Pinkmaiden are known for the berries they grow and the wine they make from it. In recent years they have become a surprising bulwark against the Faith Militant and one of the principle banners in policing the Iron Islands for Lord Tully

Lord Olyver Piper, 23, the bearer of Nightfall, is known to be a famously ‘festive’ lord of the Riverlands. Olyver and his sisters are notorious drunks and their hall is renowned for being a never ending feast. The Pipers are also well known to live a more natural lifestyle, ‘suffering’ clothing only when it is truly necessary, taking their banner perhaps too much to heart. Olyver was on the Iron Islands during the revolt some ten years ago when his Father was slain and is said to have cut down Jonos the One Arm and Qhorin Volmark both on his own after they killed his father. Others whisper the party boy has never raised a hand in violence in his life and another wore his armor that day while he hid on the ships that carried his father to his death. Still, no matter who put an end to the Greyjoy and Harlaw, Lord Piper bears the fruit of the battle, proudly wearing Nightfall upon his hip.

Played by Catori Mitra

Lady Della Piper, 23, Della, known as Daisy to most, is Olyver's wife, A lowborn girl who was wrangled from the markets of Pinkmaiden by a mummer's troupe to play a part in a stage show to see Olyver "married" before going to the Iron Islands turned somewhat to folly when the drunk man thought to be one of the Mummers acting as a Septon who performed the rights to wed them as the sun set turned out to be an actual Septon drunk and attending the party... Atleast so the story goes. No matter the truth of the union, Lady Della has become a fast friend of Olyver, blossomed into a more than capable Lady of Pinkmaiden and is treated in every way that matters... As Lady Piper.

Played by Zander Lycheborne

Eileen Piper, 20, sister to Olyver, the heart of Pinkmaiden, Eileen is the widow of the late heir to house Terrick, when he died fighting under the Gods Eye she returned home and has since proven shrewd in negotiation for her Brother and House, some say mostly for the charms a widow can wield. She is rumored; Alongside and perhaps more than Olyver and Lady Daisy, to be one of the key architects behind the endless celebration that is Pinkmaiden and a joyous gossip.

Played by Laele Jharls

Gillian Piper, 18, sister to Olyver and Eileen, Betrothed to Loras Harroway, heir to Harrenhal, Gillian is a mousy but attractive young woman who unlike her siblings and forebears tends to be more modest, though some say this is purely due to her desire not to ruin her betrothal rather than any genuine embarrassment regarding her family and their naturalist upbringing.

Played by Bad Witch
Paege of the Pit
Though they supported Vaegon in his war against King Baelon, the skill of the brothers of house Paege is unquestioned and Lord Tully, as well as other Lords of the Riverlands have made quick work of forgiving them their short sighted support of the uncrowned King. House Paege is a new house with modest lands, their Grandfather having earned their lands during one of the many wars between Blackwood and Bracken, supposedly slaying no less than 16 men on his own including the then Lord and Heir to Stone Hedge to defend the heir to House Blackwood. Their lands sit near the Vale on the road North. Despite having traditionally siding with house Blackwood, they are sworn directly to house Tully and owe fealty to neither side of the long running feud despite owing their existence and much of their wealth to the Blackwoods and the long running war they wage on house Bracken.

Ser Varren Paege, 31, the Lord of house Paege, known as Varren the Viper, he is said to be as quick a killer as the sigil of his house. Ser Varren has fought in every major and most of the minor conflicts in the Riverlands and wears the marks of what is not only his service to Riverrun, but at this point his chosen sport. Varren is rumored to stand as Champion for any man who needs one no matter their guilt, purely to have a reason to draw steel.

Played by Basileutatos

Ser Warren Paege, 30, the younger brother to Varren, known as Warren the Weaker, though he has fought in nearly as many battles as his brother Varren, many say some of the scars Varren wears were taken in defense of his brother who has no real business plunging headlong into the fights his brother picks. Though he is a skilled and accomplished knight, he is not the legendary monster that his brother is, and it is well known that following his brother's lead will one day get him killed.

Open Role


Corwyn Paege, 19, Corwyn the Squire is the son of Varren and heir to house Paege, though he has fought in a handful of battles and acquitted himself quite well, some even claiming he is as ferocious as his father, Varren refuses to knight him until he has entered a battle from the absolute front, something that Corwyn can’t really do with the way his Father plunges into battle, though there isn’t truly any resentment there because frankly, the way Varren rides into battle is genuinely psychotic.

Open Role

The Ironborn
Since the defeat of the Iron Islands under King Aegon, and the subsequent failed rebellion there are almost two generations of Iron Islanders who have known fealty to the mainland and watched as the Iron Islands gradually became more and more tainted by Septs and a dependance on mainlander charity and trade. Many Lords on the Iron Islands have actually found Lord Tully to be a fairly likable liege. In very recent history King Baelon summoned an envoy of the Iron Islands to King’s Landing with a letter to a handful of powerful Ironborn Lords. The Iron Islands has yet to give King Baelon an answer on whatever it was he offered them, and the Lords who are privy to the offer have refused to share the details with Lord Tully as he is not Iron born.

Lord Roryn Drumm, 37, the Bone Hand, as the Lord of House Drumm, Roryn has led as many raids against the Westerosi as any Lord on the Iron Islands. In doing so however Roryn has shown that his philosophy in how to handle the mainlanders is firmly rooted in the Old Ways. He has stood as an anchor for the Ironborn who hope to remain unchanged by the court of Riverrun and has over time, seemingly, come to understand if not respect house Tully as ruler of the Iron Islands. Lord Drumm is vocal about the balance needed to keep house Targaryen from being too displeased, and the Westermen more than any, from feeling so molested they need to mount some sort of invasion. This ‘political’ nature alongside Roryn’s feral tenacity and desire to protect his people has led him to be the leader of the perhaps ill fated diplomatic mission to King Baelon’s court that extends beyond the fealty sworn to house Tully, the Lord of Iron and Trident.

Played by Syrric

Hilma Saltcliffe, 26, Captain of the Bite of Nine, Hilma is well known on the Islands as one of the most dangerous women to have been born of rock and salt in a hundred years. Earning a kill before her 9th nameday. In her youth she sometimes wandered Saltcliffe island for days before her mother would be sober enough to wonder where she went. By the time she flowered she was already part of a crew and had as many kills behind her as years. In her teenage years Hilma returned home after a raid on Ironman’s Bay to discover her twin brother had been drowned over a dispute about a thrall and though she was not close; and in fact barely knew him, she took this personally. Her Father however did not, leaving Hilma to seek retribution for the wrong done to her family, ultimately drowning the perpetrators; As is the old way, to keep from spilling the blood of fellow ironborn. Today she Captains the ‘Bite of Nine’ and is estranged from her parents. For ten years now she has proved as dangerous as the serpent on her sigil earning herself notice by Lord Tully, though her focus on the Westerlands, and the King’s encouragement of such harassment, has seen her left unmolested by the Riverlord. Her ferocity has seen her named by the Lords of the Iron Islands alongside Lord Drumm and Daegon Kenning as a show of what the Iron Islands has to offer in response to King Baelon’s offer to the Ironborn.

Played by Miako Takeda

Daegon Kenning, 22, captain of the Scattered Widow, Daegon is not one of the wisest men on the Iron Islands, or even necessarily one of the most ferocious, but he is one of the finest navigators that the Islands might ever have produced. With a Father who had a love for ‘getting lost in the waves’ and a Mother that hails from Lonely Light, Daegon was taught from an early age how to, if nothing else, find his way home, the tools and methods used to be certain of that have captivated his mind ever since. Daegon inherited the Scattered Widow from his Uncle Donnel and has no doubt at all that the ship is haunted for the widow’s it has supposedly seen drowned and consigned to the waters between Westeros and the Iron Islands.

Played by AchillesAlpharius

Alyna Tawney, 19, despite her youth and boyish appearance Alyna is a respected Captain from one of the strongest houses of the Iron Islands though some say that her use of disguise to sneak onto ships in port and sabotage them at sea is hardly fitting of the old way, others, recognizing the changing nature of the Iron Islands commend her on taking advantage of her flat chest and boyish build and claim that any prize is well won acknowledging that she is not hesitant to pay the Iron price. With the loss of her ship and crew to a Lannister patrol near Lannisport 'Lyna the Lad' was sent to Riverrun to speak for her fathers interests and as someone who doesn't throw themselves on the altar of tradition in the year she has spent in Tully's court she has come to see potential for the integration of the Ironborn in the wider court of Westeros, or perhaps the opportunity to corrupt the wider court with a taste of the Islands.

Played by Kalterine Eales
House Baratheon
House Caron
House Dondarrion
House Staedmon
House Wylde

The Stormlands

Baratheon of Storm's End
House Baratheon founded by Aegon will always be the staunchest of supporters of the crown. The early years of the house were filled with tension, first for the uncertainty in the marriage between Orys and his bride, then for the battles Orys fought for his half brother, and then for the children they lost. However despite all this in time the union began to produce heirs and the marriage turned from one of politics, to love. The passing of the crown to the warlike Baelon was greeted with enthusiasm at Storm's end. Hoping that their seemingly endless battles against the Dornish would be brought to an end by the full weight of the crown and a young man fit for the fight to come. When it did not happen immediately there was some dissent and consternation in the Stormlands. Mainly from house Connington who had never supported Targaryen rule. House Baratheon walks a tightrope of fighting against the Vulture King and keeping their banner houses in line. A task that grows ever more difficult with the crown's withholding of support.

Lord Duncan Baratheon, 28, it was hard being the son of Orys Baratheon. Living in his fathers shadow was a dark place for Duncan. Now free of it Duncan has proved himself to be less than impressive. Either by design or mistake he has consistently failed to meet the standard set by his father. Not wed, it is said Duncan prefers the company of squires and lordlings than ladies. So much is the distaste for Duncan he has been named the fawn instead of the stag by his banners. His unwillingness to act decisively and spending his time drinking and locked away with his circle is a cause for much consternation in the Stormlands.

Played by Ouroboros Morbid

Ser Robar Baratheon, 26, the younger brother of Duncan, Robar was knighted at 17 name days. A bull of a man who earned his name in the lists throughout the Stormlands and the realm. Robar is resentful of his brother and his seeming disinterest in the management of his lands. He sees the waiting for the crown to assist them as weakness. Robar regularly takes men to fight in the Red Mountains with the Dondarrions and the Carons.

Played by Creature Enthusiast

Shona Baratheon, 23, late of house Tarth. Shona is a force of nature. Her beauty matched with the tenacity in which she presses her husband Robar forward to replace his brother. Shona being the second daughter has focused herself in learning and has the mind to outwit most of the realm. She guides her husband where to assist and who to talk with in order for him to be the one the banners turn to.

Played by JaneCavendish Charlegorn

Addison Baratheon, 18, the youngest of Orys’ children, born a bastard but raised alongside Duncan and Robar and raised to nobility before Orys’ death. Addison has had a long and strange life as a member of the court of the Stormlands and of King’s Landing for her Father’s proximity to Aegon. She recalls early in her youth seeing the Conqueror, and how strong he and her Father seemed despite their age, but with their absence as time has gone on she has begun to question the legend these men were and looks to those around her for something to believe in, and for assurance that her Father and Uncle truly were great men and it wasn’t simply the bright eyes of a child and boasts of old men fooling her.

Played by Violet Incognito
Caron of Nightsong
The Carons date back to the Age of Heroes, and they are a family known for creating warriors and singers. They claim their nightingale sigil has been in a thousand battles. It is said Nightsong has been sworn to Storm's End since time immemorial, and would always be so The Carons and Swanns both claim to be the oldest of the marcher lords. House Caron has little care for who sits on the Iron throne. Their main focus is on Storm’s end and their current disappointment has turned into vocal opposition.

Lady Deny Caron, 26, known as ‘the last song’ she earned her fearsome moniker at the siege of Nightsong by the Vulture King. At only 14 name days she had fought with a ferocity that many men envied. She was said to be heard singing as she ended lives, hence the name that she relishes and embraces for the compliment it is. After the siege she was forced to take the seat of her house with the death of her Father Edmund. Deny is as beautiful as she is deadly, any man who woos her is made to face her in a duel, if they lose they walk away if they can. Not just a fighter Deny loves to sing and her intellect is said to be voracious. Books and tomes sent to Nightsong from wherever she can get them. A true enigma will she ever be solved? Deny wields a Valyrian steel headed spear named “Nightingale” and stands as Regent for her younger brother who has not yet reached the age of majority.

Played by Nichole Trafalgar

Valerie Caron, 22, was injured during the siege of nightsong and has never fully recovered mentally. Now Valerie spends her time learning the healing arts. Quiet and introspective she is a shadow of her sister. Valerie has spent time with wood witches and herbalists as well as maesters. It is said she can see the future of a person from a drop of their blood. Not many repeat that around Deny though. Valerie has a voice that is said to be enticing and enthralling, however it is rare she can be made to sing publicly these days.

Played by Aggressive Snuggler

Ser Jakson Storm, 22, a bastard of Lord Edmund Caron’s sister. After protecting his sister from the shame and rumours, she died during childbirth. Edmund swore to raise the son like a Caron though he could not bring himself to name him so. After her father’s death Jakson was not shunned by Deny. A reminder of her father who died in the siege alongside her brother. Jakson looks remarkably like the other Caron's apart from his violet eyes. A proven combat knight, Jakson is fiercely loyal to the Caron sisters. A fearsome fighter as with many Caron knights, he is ruthless and sometimes takes it too far. Jakson does not hide his bastardy; he wears it with honour thanks to Deny and her support.

Played by Verity Kuhn
Dondarrion of Blackhaven
The Dondarrion line was founded when a messenger from the Storm King was ambushed by two Dornishmen while riding on a stormy night. An arrow killed his horse and his sword broke when he fell. When he thought he was doomed, a bright purple lightning bolt struck the Dornishmen, killing both. The man was thus able to deliver his crucial message on time. For this, the Storm King raised him to lordship, and he became the first Dondarrion. Till this day house Dondarrion have been loyal to Storm’s end, defying and blocking the Dornish at every turn. Their hatred for the Dornish is second to none. The death of Lord Symon Dondarrion has elevated his 18 year old son Derrk to Lordship.

Lord Derrik Dondarrion, 18, recently elevated to Lordship, Derrik is still finding his feet. Refusing to sit idle he took a company into the Red mountains and was almost killed. Since then his mother has kept a close eye on the young Lord. Not the strongest, bravest or most intelligent man. Derrick is normal. He is young, he makes mistakes and he learns from them. With guidance he will make a fine lord.

Open Role


Dowager Lady Nerys Dondarrion, 36, late of house Wylde, the death of her husband hit Lady Dondarrion hard. Though she still has a home at Blackhaven it reminds her too much of her late husband and with her son coming of age she has reached out to her family for support. Her protective nature can sometimes get the better of her and with her son now Lord she has felt the urge to interfere too hard to resist. A young looking beauty most think it quite likely she will remarry.

Played by honey Whipple

Samantha Dondarrion, 22, a beautiful young woman with a love for hunting and riding. She is headstrong and sometimes speaks without thought. A social climber she will do what she can to endear herself to the highest ranking lady or lord at any ball she has attended. She has two ambitions, one to be Queen of love and beauty at a tourney and to be married to a great lord.

Played by Sloanebalister

Sybil Dondarrion, 20, a stark contrast to her sister, Sybil hopes for nothing more than peace and quiet. She can often be found around the outside of a gathering, or in the dark corners of a garden with a book in hand squinting for her ‘tired eyes.’ Her poor eyesight has led to her being called ‘Billy the blind’ by her cousins though Samantha hasn’t joined into such taunting, at least that Sybil knows. Despite her inability to really see archery targets, or the path in front of a horse, or much of anything without squinting, she still quite enjoy’s archery, and horseback riding, though anyone who knows her will stay well behind her and be ready to call a Maester.

Played by Cora Moonstone
Staedmon of Broad Arch
Staedmon of Broad Arch is one of the few Andal houses in the Stormlands, once simply Knights in service to Basken of Broad Arch, the Staedmon's rose to prominence when they slew their masters in their sleep, from the old Lord in his canopy bed to the wee grandchildren in their covered crib. Despite how horrific this act was, it was actually an act against the interests of the Andal lords of Staedmon, killing the Basken's who intended to betray the Storm Kings and allow a King of the Reach, supposedly Gyles III, through the Red Mountains. Their sigil was made to reflect what made them Lords and they wear their betrayal in service and dedication to their Kings, and now the Lords of Storm's End with pride.

Lord Albion Staedmon, 34, a participant and 'survivor' of the last great expedition into Dorne known as the Vulture Hunt, Albion has since then grown rather bitter due to the debilitating wounds he wears because of it. He was once known as one of the more jolly members of the Baratheon court and though his former joking nature can sometimes shine through, these days he is a bitter vindictive man who yearns for the days his body worked without complaint and he didn't need milk of the poppy to get out of bed. Beyond his need for a Maesters cure, he tends to compliment the poppy with ale. Despite all this he is quite clear headed most days, and painfully vocal about the costs of war, even if everyone knows he will be one of the first to offer his sword to house Baratheon if it comes time to return to fighting.

Open Role


Lady Ulma Staedmon, 36, late of house Peasebury, Ulma deeply regrets the course of her life. She was never a particularly joyous woman having left the farms and fields of Poddingfield for the stone and gloom of Broad Arch but her husband's turn to a bitter man full of regrets has pushed Ulma further from him, and her family as a whole. She hopes that a visit to the Court of King's Landing will provide her something more to fill her time with than the duties of a wife to a minor house, or that perhaps purpose in court for her husband will bring back some of the little kindness there once was in her home, rather than the cold stone that echo's her husbands foul moods.

Open Role


Ser Gavin Staedmon, 20, as the heir to Broad Arch, Gavin has never been particularly far from his Father and this has led him to be fairly blind to Albion's failings and defensive when the man's faults are called to attention. Gavin has also learned that his Fathers temperamental nature is not just acceptable, but advantageous, though he's never really seen it used on anyone of noble standing. He has more than once committed to duels for the honor of his family; or rather because of sleights against his Father, and is excited to reach the King's Court so he can stand eye to eye with other nobles, having rarely visited Storm's End for his duties to Broad Arch in his Father's absence.

Played by Aron Osei

Danica Staedmon, 19, wants nothing more than to get as far from her Family as fast as possible. She has grown incredibly tired of her Mother's nostalgic indifference, her Brother's ignorant hero worship and her Father's decline into a bitter old man. Though she fondly remembers all of them as happy people once upon a time she has given up on thinking they might someday become again the people she so loved in her youth so she looks fondly toward the possibility of marriage, hoping for a Reachlander, no doubt in part because of her Mother's fond reminiscing about the farms of her own youth and how 'bright and lively' they were compared to Broad Arch's dull stone halls.

Played by Forgotten Starlight
Wylde of Rain House
One of the principal houses sworn to house Baratheon. Stalwart in their support of Duncan they never waiver. Part of the trio that defends the Shipbreaker bay, house Wylde works closely with Tarth and Storm’s End to coordinate anti-piracy actions in the bay and the waters of the Narrow Sea. They have enmity with none of the other banner houses but maintain a friendly rival to house Tarth. Their prowess at sea has earned them a reputation and considerable wealth.

Lord Spenser Wylde, 30, a widower whose wife died in childbirth along with their son. Spenser has thrown himself into his work. Often irritable and downright stubborn, his endeavors seem to always lead to a life or death situation. It is said he has a wish to join his family but the frenzied way in which he fights suggests otherwise. It was why his men and others named him the Maelstrom. Given his moods and way he fights once you are caught in his storm there is no way out. An intelligent man he designed and tested a towed landing craft that can be released then rowed onto a beach to disembark soldiers and or cavalry. The Maelstrom has been raiding up and down the Dornish coast with impunity as they have no fleet without Duncan’s approval. Expanding his wealth exponentially much to the annoyance of other lords.

Open Role


Kelsie Wylde, 24, sister to Spenser is no easy task these days. But Kelsie handles it with a practiced ease. Charming and with a keen sense of empathy she is one of the few who can enter willingly and come out unscathed from the Maelstrom that is her brother's moods. Tasked with attending Storm's end and courts on his behalf she has become an expert player of the politics of court. Her beauty and charm potent weapons in a world dominated by men. She always has a pretty handmaid close by, always young blonde and inseparable from the Lady. It is whispered that if she ever takes a husband then there will be three in the marriage bed.

Played by Snitchery

Ser Stennar Wylde, 21, the youngest of the Wylde siblings, is a bit of a playboy. The gold and silver his brother so graciously collects he has done his best to spend as quickly as it comes in though times have changed. His parties were the stuff of legend in the Stormlands but his brother has put an end to his spending leaving him to seek a new coffer to drain. Extremely handsome and witty he uses that to great effect to woo many a lady, married ones are his particular favourite as he sees them as a challenge. Knighted due to position rather than talent he has traditionally kept the sellsword Adareo Vollyris close at all times though like the disappearance of the coin that funded his parties, he has had to release Adareo from his contract. Now. he must face angry husbands who seek him out alone, unless he can charm his friend Adareo into notching his belt for the sport.

Played by themysterymonster
House Upcliff
House Templeton
House Sunderland
House Royce
House Lynderly
House Grafton
House Arryn

The Vale of Arryn

Arryn of the Eyrie
House Arryn has faced a turbulent time in recent years. Despite a recent period of stability and prosperity many in house Arryn expect this to be short lived soothing their fears with the knowledge that their family has claimed domain over the Vale for thousands of years. The latest lord Arryn hopes to secure his legacy through malleable complacency but others work around him to make up for his shortcomings.

Lord Artos Arryn, 41, ascending as he did as a result of kinslaying and treason, Artos believes that he owes Baelon a debt for the return of honor to his house. Never groomed to be Lord of the Vale, Artos finds it placed in his lap and struggles to make any kind of decision. Meek and mild he will do anything to placate the Crown and his banners who he views with fear and distrust. After the loss of his wife his stress levels rise by the day and it is thought by many that Artos is one bad day away from snapping and becoming a mirror of his uncle Paul rather than his Uncle Rickard, or worse yet, the Vales very own Baelon.

Played by Dor Mouse

Ser Virgil Arryn, 24, has waged his fathers campaign against the hill tribes of the Mountains of the Moon for the past five years earning the styling “Virgil the Vicious.” Many times falling into the behaviour of those tribes. His favourite saying is.”The tribe's main weapon is horror. I will be more horrible than they can imagine.” Regularly wiping out peaceful encampments and villages just to make his point. Naming his company of knights the Talons, they are as formidable a fighting force as you will find in the seven Kingdoms.

Played by The Wanderer

Olivia Arryn, 22, the jewel of the Vale is a pampered and spoiled lady. Beautiful and proud she feels herself to be a prize only worthy of royalty. Frivolous and entitled, she fills her time organising parties where she can wear the finest robes and jewels. Surrounding herself with ladies who will say yes to her.

Played by Yumi Suki

Ser Francis Arryn, 18, newly knighted Francis seeks to make a name for himself like his elder brother. Trained by the finest swordmasters that money can buy he is confident and self assured. Quick to take offence he has fought a handful of duels in the past year and yet still he finds that reputation elusive. Many wonder just how far he will go to gain that elusive standing that he desperately seeks.

Played by Elijahbellefleur
Grafton of Gulltown
A historically powerful ally and rival both to House Arryn of the Eyrie, Grafton rules over Gulltown, its busy port and populated city which stands as one of its kind in the Vale. By far the wealthiest house in the Vale due to their trade and substantial merchant fleet. Their influence supported the usurper Paul Arryn. Now that Artos has taken the seat and they were thwarted they work tirelessly to undermine Artos and plot against him and the Arryns at every opportunity.

Lady Polina Grafton, 26, late house Sunderland of the sisters. The widow of Lord Benwyl Grafton she sits regent for their 5 year old son. She carries on her husband's passionate dislike of the Arryns partly due to her sisterman blood. She rules her house with an Iron fist, cunning and devious the Lady will do what it takes to ensure that her son succeeds where all other Graftons have failed.

Played by Damned Witch

Lolise Grafton, 23, good sister to Polina she is not as focused on the family vendetta. Wanting nothing more than to get out of the Vale and live in King’s Landing. She hopes to rise to a position of influence as a steward to the King or one of the small councils. She has been studious and read much to achieve this. Plump but lovely to look at, she has a passion for sweet pastries.

Played by Pusshi Blossom

Gerald Stone, 24, a bastard of Benwyl’s uncle Polina recognised him as Stone and now he is her right hand. No knight but a fighter nonetheless. He doesn't care how he wins, just that he does. Blindly loyal to Polina he is rumored to carry out her dirty work in the streets as well as the sheets but many who have whispered of such bedroom hobbies have disappeared never to tell the tale again.

Open Role

Royce of Runestone
An old and powerful house in the Vale, the Lords of Royce hold much sway in the politics of the Vale. They rode to protect the true lord when Paul usurped the seat and threw his brother through the moon door and have generally supported house Arryn though Artos has given cause for concern. They have a deep seated resentment for house Grafton which alone might have seen them raise their banners against Paul Arryn for Grafton’s support. They were in mourning for the marriage of their daughter to Baelon and no doubt have hopes to see the Vale’s support of the crown

Lord Rolly Royce, 37, is a knight of some repute. Tournaments all over the seven kingdoms have seen his triumphs. A soldier through and through he takes both knighthood and the faith seriously. A devout man he gives a fair amount of alms to the faith. That does not mean he is beyond stepping outside of the lines. A principled man many say that his honor is higher than house Arryns words. Besotted still by his wife he would do anything for her. He followed his daughter Mallory to King’s Landing when she was taken, seeking to offer his support since he could not offer her safety.

Played by Amazingnpc

Lady Anne Royce, 36, late of house Tollet, Lady Royce is a rare beauty. She wears the most provocative dresses that decency will allow and is not afraid to flaunt her womanly charms. A proper femme fatale she has an insight into the minds of men and uses that to gain information and influence for her husband. Which in turn raises her status. Whispers around court are that she beds many a young knight and lord. Pillow talk is her preferred method for extracting secrets. All while Lord Rolly allegedly turns a blind eye. She now relishes her position as mother of a Queen while the rest of her family weep.

Played by Vivavega

Queen Mallory Royce, 20 see Crownlands


Ser Yohn Royce, 19, is not half the knight his father is. But that still makes him better than most. Young and impulsive he makes mistakes. Drinks too much and is not pious enough for his father. His ambition is to fight in a war and though he has entered tournaments he has won none yet. Falling to Kingsguards and Virgil Arryn in the ones he entered. Never giving up, he trains hard to win.

Open Role

Sunderland of Three Sisters
As Lords of the Three Sisters, Sunderland has a complex and sordid history of self interest and treachery, they have more than once in history rebelled against the vale naming themselves Kings of the Fingers, Kings of the Shivering Sea, Lords of the Three Sisters, Kings of the Three Sisters, etc. Recently they rebelled against house Arryn during Aegon’s conquest eventually bending the knee to Aegon the Conqueror, and again more recently they supported Paul Arryn suspecting the uncertainty in the Vale might provide an opportunity for the Three Sisters to be ‘forgotten’ by the mainlanders.

Lord Stannis Sunderland, 38, the son of Steffon Sunderland, the man who turned his sister, Queen Marla over to Visenya Targaryen. Stannis has longed, like his aunt, to see the Three Sisters free of the rule of others who do not understand their ways and with the call of King Baelon sends his three daughters to work their charms in court to that end.

Non Player Character


Marelle Sunderland, 20, Valerie Sunderland, 19, Caraline Sunderland, 18, some say the sigil of house Sunderland was a work of prophecy, painted a thousand years ago for a vision of Mare, Val and Cara Sunderland. The girls are often mistaken for triplets despite having been three distinct births and have proven across their home on the three sisters to be practically inseparable since the death of their mother from a chill when Marelle was five years old. Despite each daughter having a ship in their name, they only ever travel on one at a time, together with the other two taken for ‘security.’ They have a reputation almost as unsettling as that of Selyne Upcliff for how they tend to bewitch men of the Island and Sailors who visit, a skill their Father no doubt hopes will translate well to the court of King’s Landing where it will serve his interests rather than undermine the value of his pale, dark haired daughters.

Played by Heaven Parkin (Marelle,) Hela Cutie (Valerie,) Malific (Caraline.)
Templeton of Ninestars
Often called the finest Knights in the Realm, Ninestars are notorious for their training and the Knights of the house are often hired out to train the Knights of others all across the Realm. It is said that a Templeton is the architect of the Guard school that trains the city watch of Lannisport, which is regarded as the finest watch in all the realm. The head of the family is given the title of Knight of Ninestars. The Templetons are very powerful, and their strength and influence are comparable to many lords despite being Landed Knights. It is said they can easily raise a thousand men and they proved this when their forced marched in support of Artos Arryn and almost single handedly laid siege to Paul until Baelon arrived. They have historically claimed to have been the first knights in Westeros though that is disputed by the Reach, it is not commonly disputed that they were however the first Andal Knights to set foot in the Vale.

Ser Benedikt Templeton, The Knight of the Ninestars, 25, Ben the Bold is the new Knight of the Ninestars as his father passed from fever just a few short weeks ago, Returning from the campaign against the hill tribes he made it to his fathers side before he passed. A knight raised by knights, Ben the Bold’s name fits him well. First into the fray he is fearless and courageous. His loyalty to house Arryn is without question though more to Virgil than anyone else. Ben carries the Valyrian steel sword named “Blackstar”

Played by Benlightenment

Ser Kevan Templeton, 23, does not sit in the shadow of his brother. Is more than an equal for Ben yet he would support his brother and die for him if needed. Kevan rides in Virgil’s Talons and does so proudly for both his house and his liege. His one weakness is pretty ladies and never knows his limits where they are concerned.

Open Role


Lenore Templeton, 19, if mean girl had a face Lenore would be it. Stunningly beautiful, she has a black heart. The way she can charm people and use their own insecurities against them verges on frightening. She has goals and aims but keeps them to herself. Practicing her games under the protective wing of her brothers who she trained beside as if she ever had the chance to be a knight in addition to her own courtly education. Able to switch on her victim in the blink of an eye and smile as yet another plaything is beaten to a pulp or worse.

Played by Winnie Ohmai

Lois Templeton, 18, while Lenore is a beautiful vision of feminine strength Lois is a prime example of when spoiling a child, spoils the child. Having never had to fight her own battles in any real way Lois is a slight and mild woman who makes use of her brothers and sister to get what she wants, and thus far, what she wants, she gets, having thus far not yet worn out her welcome with her family who loves the baby of the family being the soft and gentle exception to the hard as nails brood that the Knights of House Templeton has raised.

Played by MilaaMoonstone
Upcliff of Witch Isle
A notoriously sinister house, house Upcliff of Witch Isle is small but many consider their magics powerful, they have for ages lent their support to different sides of conflict in and around the Vale and have so far as anyone can remember always been correct in who they choose to support, recently lending the support of their few Knights to Artos Arryn against the usurper Paul.

Selyne Upcliff, 19, known as Selyne the Sorceress, and Selyne the oft widowed, Selyne has, according to those of the Vale who claim to know, victimized no less than 4 men into death through marriage despite her young age, with some claiming that she bewitched her suitors, others claiming her parents sold her as a different daughter each time a match was made despite her being an only child. Still some say that she is not a lady of 19 at all, but a Lady who has ruled Witch Isle since before Aegon’s conquest and has maintained her youthful beauty both through stealing the possibilities of the men she takes to bed, as well as through use of the blood of children. With her father’s recent death and a son of 2 years from… One of her marriages, no one’s quite sure which one, she rules Witch Isle as regent for her son, much to the chagrin of a mainland Cousin and his Hersy wife.

Played by Yennefer
House Lannister
House Estren
House Lydden
House Serrett
House Kenning of Kayce
House Doggett

The Westerlands

Lannister of Casterly Rock
Notoriously one of, if not perhaps the richest family in Westeros, they have ruled the Westerlands from Casterly Rock as far back as there is recorded history and even before that. Beyond their wealth, house Lannister is known for their cunning and ambition. In the newly formed age of the Dragon house Lannister has had some trouble adapting to the political realities that come with not being the top of the pile, but they have the loyalty of the Westerland banners and enough wealth and stone around their home to weather any storm, perhaps even Dragonfire. There are few who doubt that they will, inevitably, be alright.

Lord Lyonel Lannister, 20, after the untimely passing of his father from fever. Lyonel is thrust into a world he is wholly unprepared for. With merely two months since the passing of his father who he was named for, the depth of his understanding of the delicate situation the West has found itself in extends only so far as to why he cannot go certain places and enjoy certain parties. Shallow and callow, he is very much beholden to his mother. Lyonel is the very definition of spoiled and entitled. The rod spared by his parents is replaced by sycophants and those who will make the young man look good. Now he travels to Kings Landing, the main question on everyone's lips is whether Lyonel the younger will survive contact with the King as his father had.

Played by Mister Salty

Lady Isolde Lannister, 45, late of house Plumm Isolde has found herself in a unique position as Dowager Lady Lannister, Isolde has long been the backer behind the finest charities across the realm and has long scolded members of house Lannister for their entitled attitudes and general arrogance. She is well known for being as kind as a kitten and twice as sweet as any tart. This is a front of course, for she is as bewitching as she is cruel. A venomous current of pure Lannister pulses through her veins. She wed Lord Lyonel, a man of good heart but weak will, and swiftly became his shadow. Wherever he went, she followed, leaving her son – to languish at Casterly Rock unattended. Lyonel the Lion, increasingly reliant on his wife's cunning, neglected his duties, taking to seclusion more than anything, and allowed their son, Lyonel the younger, to grow wild and untamed. When Lyonel finally succumbed to fever, Lyonel the younger, a callow youth of a mere twenty namedays, is unprepared for the lordship. Mother shifts from father to son, becoming his de-facto regent-lady.

Played by Catriech

Lady Neve Lannister, 18, sister to Lyonel, outwardly is a typical Lannister lady, beautiful and refined. Gracious, courteous and everything that a lady of noble blood should be. Inwardly she has all the traits that her brother and lord is sadly lacking. Cunning, intelligent and able to understand the game long before anyone knows she is playing it. Her mothers daughter, she can be heartless when it comes to ensuring the ascendancy of house Lannister. Her one flaw, she rails against the idea of not picking her own match to wed. A source of constant friction between mother and daughter.

Played by Asha Silvershade

Ser Jason Lannister, 35, as Lyonel Lannister’s uncle, and the previous Lord's brother. Jason has spent a considerable amount of time lurking in the shadows of the golden child of Casterly Rock, and this has led to a fair amount of resentment. Though Jason did as he was told by his brother and liege, the jury is still out on his son and heir. Jason is nearly always looking for alternatives to suggest and perhaps someday just… make use of. Though he understands why many resist the King, Jason has begun to wonder if house Lannister might be best served to reclaim their place as truly loyal vassals of house Targaryen in preparation for the inevitable end of the current regime and as insurance against the possibility that that end is many years in the future.

Open Role


Ser Tybalt Lannister, 19, cousin of Lyonel, Tybalt’s first loyalty is to his father as any son might have, but he wholly understands the politics that lead to Lyonel’s position as Lord of Casterly Rock and finds himself torn between loyalty to the ideals of his father and the longevity that comes with leal service and the ideals of his liege and cousin even if those ideals seem to be withering beneath the callow man child. With a growing family alongside his wife Cerissa he understandably hopes to see his children grow up, but at what cost?

Open Role


Cerissa Lannister, 20, late of Sarsfield, finds herself uncertain in the Lion’s court much like her husband and good father, perhaps because of them. Her Father sat out the march behind Vaenor that saw so many others killed by Dragonfire among the other weapons fielded and she believes that change is necessary, but is hesitant to nudge Tybalt and Jason’s own uncertainties for fear of losing the comforts of life as a Lannister.

Played by xmorganax
Estren of Wyndhall
House Estren is a small but well regarded house of the Westerlands, while not nearly as rich as even their neighbors for the lands they hold, Estren has its fair share of income from their skill at tracking. Estren makes use of trained birds, eagles and falcons mostly scout lands, either for bandits, ironborn, moving armies. Some say that the Estren’s are part northern warg for how well they seem to communicate with the birds they keep on hand. The men of the house are nearly all cavalry, who can ride quickly to scout the area’s the birds find of interest.

Lord Malcolm Estren, 36, for the longest time Malcolm hoped for a son though he was ‘blessed’ with three daughters, on the verge of a fourth child a sickness swept through Wyndhall and took his youngest daughter and his wife Tanya. Malcolm in the hopes of not saddling his eldest daughter Regina with the future of their house sought a second wife and was quickly encouraged by Regina and his friend Lord Yew both to take Janice as a second wife, but since their marriage he has grown sicker and sicker with the Maester rather uncertain as to why. With the summons to King’s Landing he sends his wife and Daughters to speak for the house while he remains at Wyndhall to grow stronger.

Non Player Character


Lady Janice Estren, 19, late of house Yew, Janice is Lord Malcolm’s second wife and Regina’s best friend, despite having grown up practically alongside each other and having been friends for ages Janice was quick to slip into Lord Malcolm’s bed after his wife’s death. Janice was never particularly shy about wanting to secure her future and a certain amount of freedom in it and she has done exactly that. Lord Malcolm has recently fallen somewhat ill and Janice and Regina look toward Regina’s future as Lady Estren hoping to find some poor sap to sit as her Lord Consort so they don’t need to reach into extended lines of the family for a cousin from Granny’s line. Meanwhile Janice is just going to enjoy herself while she prays every single day that her husband will get better.

Open Role


Regina Estren, 20, though a touch clueless Regina isn’t exactly stupid, simply careless in most things. She and her Mother never quite saw eye to eye on the role of a woman in a man’s world, not truly the responsibility a woman had to her family, or rather in building one. She suspects all will work out as it should if what everyone says about the Gods is true and until they force her hand, she should enjoy her life! At least that’s what Janice says.

Played By Jbggonz

Margot Estren, 18, as her Mothers doppelganger Margot spent much of her life being raised in a more conservative fashion than Regina, though this is as much to do with the fact that she was not spoiled by Lord Malcolm as because she and her Mother agreed on practically everything. She was absolutely crushed when her mother and younger sister died and was furious when Malcolm took a second wife so quickly, while she understood his need to secure his line and his desire to avoid placing Regina at the head of the house, something she too would greatly hope to avoid, she also knows that Janice is a terrible choice as a Lady for house Estren. Margot hopes that Janice and Regina’s poorer natures get the better of them and Margot is left to run the house in her Father’s stead purely for Janice’s apathy. At the very least she hopes she can find a few powerful friends who might be able to find the cause of Malcolm’s suffering which she has no shortage of suspicions about.

Open Role

Lydden of Deep Den
Lydden sits as the guardians of the gold road, Deep Den is a stout keep that sits just off the road through the silver hills, the Lyddens were once upon a time Kings of the Rock but this is a time that is all but forgotten. They have for eons served house Lannister as defenders of one of the few passages into the Westerlands. They have a long and noble history of defending the pass through the ancient silver hills and are one of Lannisters key military supports on land for the lack of Ironborn distraction and the stout keep that allows them to maintain a mighty fighting force. In recent history King Baelon and Balerion the Black Dread brought fire to their halls, but they proved Queen Rhaenyra’s fears about Casterly Rock true in some respect when the strong keep they have carved into the face of the hills was scorched, but standing after all was said and done. They mourn the once richly carved stone gate to their hillside fortress that has not turned to smoothly melted stone, but consider the loss of it the best possible outcome all things considered.

Lord Gerion Lydden, 24, when Lord Lannister called the banners to support King Vaenor Gerion’s father Robert Lydden bid his son to remain home with a token force to defend the pass in case they failed. Gerion was there with his men when he received news of his father’s death at the battle of the Blackwater Fork. Since this day Gerion has maintained a relatively small presence in the Lannister court, or really any court, departing Deep Den to meet with Lord Lannister after the burning of Deep Den which was the punishment for his lack of answer to the charges laid upon him for the many crimes of the Westerlands in supporting the Warrior Son’s, and Vaenor’s claim to the throne. Charges that Gerion denies, though the freedom of movement Gerion allows the Red Dog and his men is, perhaps purposeful, Lord Lydden claims it is simply just another case of a Lord being unable to stop the outlaw.

Open Role


Damion Lydden, 35, Uncle to Gerion Lydden, Damion spent the majority of his young adulthood drunk, whoring, or more likely both, but since the death of his brother and the ascension of Gerion, he has done his best to try to become the man that he believes his brother needed at the Blackwater Fork, and the man that Gerion needs to survive Baelon's reign of terror. Damion shamefully occasionally succumbs to his vices, but refuses to be absent from his duties again like he was when he was called to march, and fight, with his brother Robert.

Open Role


Aureline Lydden, 22, sister to Gerion, Aureline has had a troubled history with her family and has long been an outsider but with the death of her Father and her Brothers rise to the seat of the house she has in nearly every way come out of hiding and begun to show a new side of herself. Unmarried for a long history of absolutely burning down every betrothal made for her, Aureline has taken the burning of their home, however ineffectual, as a sign that life is short and she should get to it. Though perhaps she has bloomed for some other reason but as a relative unknown to the court in both the Westerlands and King’s Landing she has great potential to make or break poor Gerion’s ambitions.

Played By Noori Takeda
Kenning of Kayce
House Kenning spawned from Ironborn who held Kayce during the age of Driftwood Kings and is considered even today as traitors to the Ironborn. For this ancient grudge house Kenning has rather poor luck when the Ironborn find themselves strong enough to Reave and despite being near to the Feastfires, the seat of house Prester, Kayce finds itself sacked twice as often as Feastfires. In recent history with the practical allowance of the Ironborn’s piracy house Kenning has suffered greatly even with support from house Lannister and Prester in their defense.

Ser Harmon Kenning, 20, Harmon was knighted the night before he lost his parents during an Ironborn raid. He has in the year since done his best to rule Kayce with the same strength and integrity his father had, but without the man’s experience and the support of the Knights in his Fathers service who were slain trying to resist the Ironborn he is finding it difficult. He and his sisters both suffer greatly in the aftermath of the last great raid on their lands, knowing that their Mother lives as a thrall, rather than a salt wife, and that their Father is likely just another floating corpse somewhere between Kayce and the Iron Islands.

Played by TrickyRickyDicky

Justine Kenning, 19, like her brother Harmon, Justine lives every day in fear of the return of the Ironborn that took more than just her parents. Justine has in the time since the raid spent every day trying to learn how to defend herself, though this ambition is made difficult for how absolutely horrified she is of being touched by men. Justine is a paranoid and skittish woman who gets too little sleep and consumes a bit too much milk of the poppy to try to manage the nightmares that keep her awake.

Played by Iris Xochitl

Paulette Kenning, 18, unlike her Brother and Sister, Paulette did not have to suffer the horrors that the Ironborn brought to Kayce a year ago as she was in Lannisport with some of the household servants tending to matters of business for her Mother. Despite not being a first hand witness to the assault on Kayce, she lives every day with the fallout of it and the guilt, no matter how silly, that she wasn’t there to help her Mother, her Sister, or Harmon and their Father Gorman. The best she can hope for now is to marry advantageously to help her brother Harmon get what he needs to properly defend Kayce, and start a new life far from the Ironborn and the guilt she feels for having been safe when the rest of her family wasn’t.

Played by KrystalRose Blossom

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