Character Creation

Quick Start Guide
  1. Take a look at the rules
  2. Get familiar with the lore of the realm
  3. Check open roles
  4. Check the regional lore for your role
  5. Write a backstory for your chosen character in Google Docs.
  6. Submit your application on discord!

Favor is recorded on the character page, and when used will be removed by staff. Favor can be spent in two ways, the first and perhaps most satisfying use would be to double the dice pool of a roll. Favor must be declared (and accepted by a storyteller) BEFORE rolling. The Storyteller will call for a doubled pool, or a second roll for the pool (depending on circumstance.)   The second use of favor is to purchase skills or attributes at a rate of 2 favor per point to a maximum of 8 for attributes and 4 for skills.

Strength is a primary attribute and is the representation of both physical strength and a characters ability to push past their limits. As a primary attribute it holds only three related skills.

Agility is the other primary attribute and represents a characters mobility and finesse. As a primary attribute it only holds three related skills.

Presence is a reflection of a character's Charisma, Authority, and the 'buzz' they bring to a room. This can be reflected in how they command attention, or even how they blend into the shadows while taking in fine detail.
Some characters will respond to fame more than infamy and vice versa. Reputation is very important in this setting.

Wisdom reflects a person's depth of knowledge, the skills included range from how they express artistic skill to how capable they are with language or tactics. A character heavy in wisdom might be a force to be reckoned with if only for the insight they can grant others around them into the deeper mysteries of the world.
After approval for a character based on backstory and its adherence to sim lore, a character sheet will be filed out for the character. The sheet should have your name, age, and house already filled in by Staff but if not then feel free to input them. The only sections that you should actually need to fill out are the empty white boxes beneath “Skills and Attributes.”
Points will be allotted based on character age into the available skills. The character sheet will tell you how many points remain to be spent above Skills & Attributes and will go red if you bypass character creation limitations. Once a character has been approved the attribute limits will be gone and any favor points spent can push attributes above their limit, however once all skills are maxed out (3 per skill) Favor points must be spent in another manner.
Languages purchased in the Language skill can be noted (subject to staff approval depending on backstory and access) beneath the skills, and any other notes about the character can be placed in the notes section. This will likely be mention of Valyrian Steel, Possession of a Dragon Bond, Egg, etc. If there is concern for Metagaming regarding these notes they may be left off the sheet and placed where only staff can view them.


These are tokens that can be spent to better the chances of success for a roll and could ICly be reflected as 'favor of the Gods' if they would result in a feat that is otherwise impossible (such as unnatural strength, quickness, constitution, etc.) Favor can be earned through participation in sim events and outstanding story moments and are a reflection of a character's growing legend, examples of moments when favor may be bestowed could be winning a tournament, killing a notable figure, leading an army through an incredibly risky battle and surviving despite all odds, clearing one's name in court. Things that would make a person objectively 'famous.' Jamie the Kingslayer would, no doubt, have favor even if he is infamous, that's still in its own way, famous.

Skills and Attributes

On character creation attributes cap at 6, and skills cap at 3. once a character has been approved any growth that is earned through Roleplay can expand these to 8 and 4 respectively. Admittedly it is unlikely that many would ever earn enough favor points to push a character to their maximum potential but an especially notable and long lived character has the potential to become a legendary figure.



Melee, this skill relates to combat, armed or unarmed, that is within arms reach.

Brawling, Sword and Shield, and spear work are included.

Movement, this relates to strength based movement. Climbing, lifting, swimming and aspects of movement that might require endurance.

Willpower, how might one push through an obstacle? Physically and mentally. Will a character persist beyond their breaking point?  



Acrobatics, a display of skilled movement through precision or coordination. This would encompass running, dodging, jumping or riding.

Ranged, this skill relates to combat, armed or 'unarmed' that is beyond arms reach. From throwing a knife or rock, through Archery and Javelins.

Sleight of Hand, the skilled use of fine movements to carefully manipulate an object or perhaps what might be perceived about that object.

Stealth, few master the shadows, but when they do they're skilled at hiding, sneaking, and escaping or infiltrating.




Bargain, experienced negotiation including haggling, diplomacy, animal handling, deception, courtly bearing and even acts of a confidence artist (the professional bullshitter.)

Fame, the expression of a well known and well liked figure through inspiration, persuasion and command by kindness.

Infamy, the expression of a well known and disliked figure through intimidation, persuasion and command through coercion.

Cunning, the mastery of picking apart the world around a person, investigating, searching, tracking, working through culture and criminality to find truth.

Art & Performance, the divinity of creation, from painting to storytelling, singing, dancing, or entertainment of all kinds. Artists and Performers know how to capture attention.




Guard, all that is necessary defend the realms of men. Leadership, tactics, fortification, and survival. Also a representation of skill with armor and co-operation with personal guards.

Language, the involved study of the languages of the world. Every point is an additional spoken language.

Medicine, the study of the body (and sometimes not just the human one!) a built expertise in biology and surgery as well as what poisons them.

Nature, learning of the natural world. Studies include botany, animals husbandry, weather, the stars and geology, and how to survive in the wild.

Scholar, general learning of the modern age, History, Heraldry, Math's and Sciences.

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