War & Armies

All systems at Songs of the Seven Realms are designed to be as simple as possible to allow the roleplay to be the star. Everything from War or large scale combat all the way to Dragon vs Dragon combat is no exception. For Dragon specific information please see the War & Dragons page, but please read this page first as Dragon based combat relies on the rules presented here and D6 & Combat
However, we intend to diverge from the normal way war and battle is conducted. Instead of one person dice against one person dice. We have decided to involve more players and make battles more entertaining, not just for the participants but for those who choose to observe. Also it adds another level of chance to an outcome which some may feel is predetermined. History has shown us time and time again that whilst numbers usually win the day. That is not always the case, shrewd commanders, individual bravery and many other factors can shift the paradigm.
Battles will be conducted using PvP battles between knights/warriors. Each player will represent a number of troops deployed to the battle. (For example, House Doodah fields 600 men, that is three knights, 200 men per knight.) Plus the commander who does not have to engage in PvP battle but can still influence the battle. Though if numbers are lacking he may have to fight. If a house does not have sufficient knights then players from another house may stand in as a knight of that house. If they choose not to risk their personal character in the battle or their character isn't suited to battle (Ladies) they will use a “common Knight” template sheet.
The winners of a battle, are the men who know when not to.
— Old Braavosi saying

The Battlefield



Opposing commanders will roll before battle commences for initiative, The winner can choose to attack or defend.


Standard PVP Combat Modifiers are used for all combat in this system as the players represent the ultimate ‘fate’ of the forces they command. If the players win, their army wins. Attack (either melee or ranged) is rolled against an enemy Knight's Defense Check.
Banner house conflicts - A knight will represent 200 troops or parts thereof that are deployed to the battle.
Great house conflicts - A knight / lord will represent 500 troops or parts thereof that are deployed to the battle. These numbers are subject to adjustment depending on the scale of the battle.

Critical Success or Failure

All battles include critical rules. If a critical success is rolled it is an automatic success in that round no matter the final total of the rolls and two wounds are applied to the target. If critical failure is rolled a wound is taken to reflect the chaos of the battlefield.
In place of the player’s Wounds, each army and sub unit starts with a Morale Status of 5. For every roll loss, 1 MS is removed. MS recovers at 1 point every IC week (3 days). If an army engages another before fully ‘reinvigorated’ they will have reduced Morale Status.
An army can choose to remain on the field using the player commanders personal Wounds as health, but once depleted the army, and the player who’s wounds sustained them will both be dead unless the enemy captures the player, but the army will be completely lost and the seat will not be able to levy those men for 3 IC months (1.5 RL months.)

The Command Tent


Battle Commander Modifier

At the onset of hostilities a commander of a house's armies/navies will be appointed. If he is on the field of battle then 1D is added to a chosen army/Knights rolls. This additional die can be removed from one army under his command and given to another if necessary. Icly this could be reflected as the support of his personal men, or perhaps specific command direction for the ‘chosen’ men.

Specialty Troops

Once per battle the commander can deploy specialized troops. This can be used to re-roll a failed roll from an army under his command.


While it is expected that every army has a certain number of scorpions to combat large forces, shield walls, cavalry, siege engines and the like and these can be used against dragons with limited success, Scorpions expressly designed to fight dragons need to be prepared before a battle.
Prepared Scorpions can be used by commanders if RP has been done to procure scorpions designed to attack aerial targets, this involves procurement of materials, plans, and taking the time to build them. This may be confirmed by combat mod.
A prepared scorpion can be used once per battle against a specific dragon to negate a dragon’s successful attack (effectively scaring them off from an attack run.)

Victory & Defeat

The winner of a battle is the one whose knights are still standing at the end of the battle. However there are numerous ways that players can use to terminate the fighting.

Fighting withdrawal

IF your knights have dealt damage to an opponent's Morale you can then roll to deceive your opponent through Bargain or Infamy (Deception or Intimidation) against their Investigation (intuition.) If you win your army can conduct a fighting withdrawal and break off from the battle. If you fail to retreat you will lose 1 morale for the attempt, if this puts your army in defeat follow standard defeat rules for Rout below.


This can be called at any point but your knights will lose 1 Morale for the remainder of the campaign but you will avoid capture rolls. This may only be used once per whole campaign.


At any point a commander can surrender but your enemy will force you into negotiations for reparations, hostages, etc etc. Knights attached to surrendered armies will be captives of the enemy force, subject to all that comes with being a captive.


This is when your army is defeated. It is triggered when all but 1 of your knights is at 0 HP. At this point the commander will roll using the Agility modifier for escape or capture. To successfully pass the escape roll you must roll against DC 15. If your army escapes it becomes “defeated” in status and as such loses 2 Morale on all knights for future battles for the remainder of the campaign or 3 IC months (1.5 IC months) whichever is longer. If captured, your knights may be slaughtered or taken hostage (winning player discretion) with the commander. At that point ransom RP will be initiated.
Portions of an army can be routed if the remaining armies do not act to save them. (Which is done by fighting the enemy army to retreat, or defeat.) An army in retreat or defeat cannot take hostages with it.

Uneven Armies & Naval Combat

  In the case of armies of uneven size the larger army commander has two options. These options MUST be announced prior to the start of a round of dice rolls:  
  1. They can hold knights in reserve and then when a weakness is found the reserves can deploy to reinforce another army or flank the targeted army. If this is the case then the extra knight rolls also against the opponent. Dealing extra Morale damage if successful.
  2. They can stand in reserve and be deployed to assist the commander’s entire deployment in a fighting withdrawal. In doing so ALL engaged forces must withdraw together. In doing so they receive an additional die on their withdrawal roll. Any forces that do not withdraw will receive a penalty losing one die on their attack rolls for the crumbling flanks.

Naval Combat

  Naval combat is conducted in the same way as land combat with a couple of terminology changes. 1 captain = 1 fleet. A Commander can be on a ship as part of a fleet led by another. Larger navies still have the option to use their extra fleets for reinforcement and flanking or covering a fighting withdrawal. (Spectators will be allowed on the commanders ship)

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