The Poor Fellows and the Noble and Puissant Order of the Warrior's Sons

The Poor Fellows

is an order of Westerosi, mostly smallfolk, sworn to the Faith of the Seven. They are part of the Faith Militant, and are otherwise known as the Stars, as they use a red seven-pointed star as their badge. Their counterparts are the "Swords" or Warrior's Sons. The Poor Fellows obey and answer to the High Septon, as they believe the High Septon speaks for the Seven.  

History of the Poor Fellows

The red star of the Poor Fellows has its origins in the days of the Andal invasion of Westeros, when zealous warriors carved the seven-pointed star into their chests.   Acting as a militant counterpart to begging brothers, Poor Fellows became defenders of wayfarers on the road, escorting pilgrims between septs. They greatly outnumbered their knightly counterparts in the Faith Militant, the Warrior's Sons.   The Poor Fellows were of a humbler social background than the Warrior's Sons. Women could rise to be leaders of the Poor Fellows: one of the most famous examples was Poxy Jeyne Poore, who led the Poor Fellows in the stormlands during the Faith Militant uprising, and was considered one of their most savage captains.   Despite not being as trained, disciplined, or well-armed as the Warrior's Sons, the Poor Fellows formed the bulk of the Faith's army. They are lightly-armed footmen who carry whatever weapons they can make or find, often axes or cudgels, and they wear star badges, red on surcoats bleached white. Some even scourge or brand the seven-pointed star in their flesh.   At the start of the Faith Militant uprising in 41 AC, Poor Fellows slew Septon Durrison for performing the incestual marriage of Prince Vaenor Targaryen to Princess Rhaela Targaryen, both children of King Aelyx I Targaryen. Poor Fellows also tried to assassinate the Targaryens at their manse in Visenya's Hill, but were stopped by a knight of the Kingsguard. They also surrounded Crakehall while Prince Vaenor and Princess Rhaela took refuge there. After killing Septon Durrison and sieging Crakehall, they, along with Warrior's Sons, successfully assassinated King Aelyx I at the Sept of Remembrance.   Members of the order were brutally suppressed by King Baelin I because of their involvement in the rebellions and the murder of his brother. Baelon achieved a great victory over the Poor Fellows in the battle of Stonebridge, and defeated thirteen hundred of them at the Great Fork of the Blackwater. An unnamed septon wrote a discourse on Baelons war against the Poor Fellows that the King supposedly used to wipe with after a feast.   Baelon outlawed the militant orders, offering a silver stag coin for an unrepentant Poor Fellow. Although outlawed, the Poor Fellows exist to this day.   Driven underground and secretly preaching along the back roads of the Seven Kingdoms, the Poor Fellows await an oppourtunity to rise again to bring the Many Faced God to the Godless.  

Historical Poor Fellows

  • Septon Moon, a commander during the Faith Militant uprising Led the Poor Fellows in the southern riverlands/northern Reach around Stoney Sept. After Baelon forced the Most Devout to make a pliable puppet the new High Septon (the "High Lickspittle"), the Poor Fellows proclaimed Septon Moon as the new, true High Septon in opposition to him.
  • Rob the Starvling, would-be successor of Septon Moon.
  • Lorcas the Learned, would-be successor of Septon Moon.
  • Poxy Jeyne Poore, felt to be the most savage captain of the Poor Fellows in the Faith Militant uprising, leading their forces in the Kingswood of the stormlands.
  • Dennis the Lame, a commander during the Faith Militant uprising.
  • Ragged Silas, a commander during the Faith Militant uprising.
  • Ser Horys Hill, a commander during the Faith Militant uprising.
  • Wat the Hewer, a commander during the Faith Militant uprising.

The Noble and Puissant Order of the Warrior's Sons

is an order of Westerosi knights sworn to the Faith of the Seven. They are part of the Faith Militant, and are also known as the Swords. Their counterparts are the "Stars", also called the Poor Fellows. The Warrior's Sons obey and answer to the High Septon, as they believe the High Septon speaks for the Seven.  


The Warrior's Sons wore rainbow cloaks and inlaid silver armor over hair shirts. They bore star-shaped crystals in the pommels of their longswords.  

Vows and Duties

The Warrior's Sons are all anointed knights. Upon joining the Warrior's Sons, they take vows, giving up their lands and gold. The Warrior's Sons are said to have been holy men, ascetics, fanatics, sorcerers, dragonslayers, and demonhunters, implacable in their hatred for all enemies of the Faith.  


Before their forced disbandment during the reign of King Baelon I Targaryen, the Warrior's Sons were permanently stationed at chapterhouses in several major cities and towns. The Warrior's Sons had one overall commander known as a Grand Captain.   At the outbreak of the Faith Militant uprising in 41 AC, the major chapters were:  
  • Gulltown
  • King's Landing: Home to seven hundred Warrior's Sons, this chapterhouse was commanded by Ser Damon Morrigen, Grand Captain of the Warrior's Sons, at the start of the reign of King Baelon I Targaryen. All were killed by Baelon during the burning of the Sept of Remembrance.
  • Lannisport: commanded by "the Red Dog of the hills," who later replaced Damon Morrigen as Grand Captain after Morrigen died.
  • Oldtown: Home to at least two hundred Warrior's Sons. In 43 AC, when King Baelon and Dowager Queen Visenya Targaryen threatened to burn Oldtown and the Starry Sept, two hundred Warrior's Sons spilled from their chapterhouse to defend the High Septon at the Starry Sept, under the command of Ser Morgan Hightower. Arrested on the orders of Lord Martyn Hightower, and given a trial at Oldtown by Baelon. Three-quarters decided to take the black, the others were executed at blackfield with many of the nobles of the Reach who had supported them and their fellows.
  • Stoney Sept: Home to at least two hundred Warrior's Sons, who marched to the Battle at the Great Fork in 43 AC.
White Harbor, despite being one of the only five settlements in Westeros large enough to be considered a "city", did not host a chapterhouse of the Warrior's Sons, even though House Manderly follow the Seven.   Historical Warrior's Son's
  • Ser Vernon Hightower, youngest son of Lord Manfred Hightower.
  • Ser Morgan Hightower, a commander during the Faith Militant uprising.
  • Ser Damon Morrigen, also known as Damon the Devout, the Grand Captain of the Warrior's Sons in 42 AC.
  • The Red Dog of the Hills, elected Grand Captain after Damon's death.
  • Ser Lyle Bracken.
  • Ser Harys Horpe, called Death's Head Harry.
  • Ser Aegon Ambrose.
  • Ser Dickon Flowers, known as the Bastard of Beesbury.
  • Ser Willam the Wanderer.
  • Ser Garibald of the Seven Stars, called the septon knight.

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