Staff & FAQ
Owner | Admin
Catori MitraStorytellers
RemobooneFrequently Asked Questions
Who runs this joint?
Catori Mitra
Who made it pretty becuase Catori sure didn't!
Praxithe Serenity did the custom mesh build and I couldn't be happier!
Can I play a role that's not listed?
If its smallfolk or a bastard you can create your own character, some restrictions apply but not many. Admittedly, the "role" of smallfolk and bastards is minimal in our setting so those characters will require a greater amount of writer motivation to connect with others and get involved in story. The nobles have the pre-built connections of family and region to have hooks into story.
Can I become King? Or Great Lord or Lord Paramount?
Yes! The sim setting is fifty years after Aegon's conquest. Dragons exist but have been shown as mortal inside the lifetime of a fair number of Lords. House Targaryen is eating itself alive and practically at war with the Faith. The age of 'petty kings' is a recent memory and while most people enjoy sitting united under a single crown, who says it has to be on the Targaryen it is on, or on a Targaryen at all? Who says the "kingdoms" need to be ruled by who Aegon chose?
If you can gather enough support, you could be anything you want. The Iron Throne is not held by staff. IC leadership roles are not in any way protected from the story the players want to push. Having said that. Some roles are not likely to get enough support to be King. People might support a Baratheon or a Lannister, but who's going to back a Templeton or Piper? You'd have to have some serious charisma to pull that off.
Direwolf? Lion? Tiger? Bear?
Why? Why are you people like this? Just get a dog or a cat.
Can I change my characters name?
I don't really want you to. Some of them are written into lore which means I'd have to go through and change it. Most are tied to other pages in the wiki and website. Some are just purposefully a family name. People don't get to pick their birth name in real life so I would prefer, if someone does not like their characters name, that they make the choice to circumvent it ICly and deal with whatever might come of that (not sure much would, but its possibly good story!) Nicknames exist for a reason!
My rentals not big enough!
This is under rental rules, but for now we're only offering what we're offering. I'm sorry. I know y'all like to make the prettiest places. I get it.
(Questions people don't usually ask out loud)
I heard there was a ban list before the sim was even open?
Yep. Some people are just beyond toxic. We've seen it again and again and again. I'm not going to keep taking bites out of a shit sandwich thinking it might end up being chocolate. There's a lot of people who are not on the ban list that some people think should be. There's no clean slate here. We've all been Roleplaying in Second Life too long to believe that tired old line. Most people get at least one chance to prove they can act like adults, but honestly? we're not here to tolerate idiocy. We're here to have fun and if someone demonstrates they're not fun to be around they're gonna fuckin vanish.
What can you expect from this sim?
You can expect your character to have the genuine chance to matter. You can expect the choices you make in story to have an impact and for your character to be more than background set dressing in someone else's self obsessed soap opera. There won't be any OOC roadblocks or last minute decisions that take agency away from characters. Staffs role is expressly to maintain the integrity of the setting, and provide the NPC support that the setting offers to the played characters. No more, no less.
Ultimately, the level of involvement and the fate of any given character is going to be more dependent on you as a writer than anyone else. The choices you make or don't make will lead to you being involved or uninvolved. If your regional IC leadership doesn't listen or appreciate you... Pull a Roose Bolton. Will there be consequences? Maybe. But good story comes from conflict, not complacency.
Will Staff be fucking me over to push their own story?
No. I (the owner) am playing a nobody banner disconnected from power because I'm sick of watching staff and owners act like puppeteers over a whole community, and after over a decade of Roleplay in Second Life I'm also tired of being in control and just want to have fun and see people enjoy actually having an impact. Not a single royal is on staff. I chose people SPECIFICALLY because I know they're good writers who will be just as happy to get stabbed in the face and re-roll, as they will be to carry on in the roles they have pushing story to people ICly below them, and I didn't put them on staff so they have no OOC power and no OOC information beside what the players yak on and on and on about with no regard for surprise or secrecy.
Some of these roles were never open! You just packed the sim with cronies you prick!
Some of these roles were never open. I picked 18 writers I've seen really push story on sims over the years. Writers I trust to involve others and yield power if they get their shit kicked in. 18 out of the initial 155 total roles. I know the people I hand picked will play with men and women. I know the people I hand picked won't hoard story. I know the people I picked will actually be around more than once every two weeks. Sorry if that offends, truly.
I don't like the person running my house/region. What do?
Well, that sucks, honestly. But just do the RP, if they fuck with you, report them, and ultimately if you find that the lack of civility between you two is impacting your story you can always re-roll.