Rolls & Standards
Pregnancy Rolls
The Pregnancy roll system is a mandatory requirement for all players who sleep with a Royal family member or a Lord Paramount, and rolls should be done every single time they do unless already impregnated. This will ensure that there is consequence based RP for those who risk the most. While it is not entirely required for others, it is heavily recommended to use dice to ensure organic roleplay and perhaps invite some consequence! If you have any questions you may always reach out to staff by submitting a ticket & putting the request in with the questions you have. The duration of a pregnancy on sim is (minimum) 3 months, some sims drag it out way too long, and 3 months is still a long time but considering it's ICly 6 months it accounts for the "speed of plot" as well as early births, and whatever other excuses we can make so that someone isn't saddled with a forever belly. You're welcome (if it thrills ya) to play a pregnancy out to a full 9 months, but you really... You really don't need to. As with all systems at Songs of the Seven Realms this is based on D6 rolls. The rolls for conception are as follows. Rolls must be taken with a member of the Storyteam.Conception rolls
First roll
Dice used for roll :Conception: Seed taken root or not:
Second roll
Dice used for roll :Multiples
Optional Rolls
Moon Tea
Dice used for roll: 3D6Miscarriage
Dice used for roll: 1D6There are no more roles required till the birth!
Birth rolls
Birth Survival Rolls
Dice used for roll: 3D6 For nobility:For smallfolk:
Gender & traits
Dice used for roll: 1D6 Gender:Dice used for roll: 3D6 Traits from the father:
Mothers death in Childbirth (Optional):
These rolls are NOT mandatory & are totally made at player discretion. Dice used for roll: 2D6Range dictates difficulty
- 6+ Point-blank range (inside 2 meters)
- 11+ Short range (inside 5 meters)
- 19+ Medium range (inside 10 meters)
- 25+ Long range (inside 20 meters)
- Dialogue stated as a whisper can only be heard inside 2 meters.
- Words spoken under ones breath or as a mutter or grumble can only be heard inside 5 meters.
- The average speaking voice can only be heard inside 10 meters
- Dialogue stated as a raised voice or should can be clearly heard beyond 20 meters
For conversation had in the presence of more than 4 others (a crowd) or beyond a wall, door or other obstruction between the spy and their targets subtract 5 from the standard range (a standard speaking voice in a crowd can only be heard inside 5 meters, as an example) and add 5 to the difficulty of detection.
For the expectation of guards or servants, or others loyal to the target over the spy, subtract 5 from the difficulty of detection.
Those attempting to detect someone spying will roll their Cunning (for general investigation) against the standard above, if the spy is detected they can roll stealth to flee immediate identification.
If their roll meets or bears the intrigue rolled by the target, their presence but not identity was noted, but they have fled, if they fail their stealth roll, they are caught by the target or present guards.
These numbers may shift on the scale depending on the context of the story at hand.
A fresh meeting (for example, a Player and a merchant at the market) with no prexisting history will work from the standards below with 15-19 as the 'pivot' between favorable for the player or the NPC.
This roll table will apply to any sort of negotiation which includes economic trade, diplomacy or general coercion using the Bargaining pool (Presence+Skill.)Specific intimidation or enticement may make use of these numbers with Fame or Infamy as the relevant skill. For loyalty and leadership another skill may be more suitable such as Guard.
- 30 or more
- 25-29
- 20-24
- 15-19
- 10-14
- 6-9
- 5 or less
- The best possible outcome for the Player
- A favorable outcome for the Player
- A fair outcome for the Player
- A fair outcome for both parties
- A fair outcome for the NPC
- A favorable outcome for the NPC
- The best possible outcome for the NPC
Raising an Alert
Deploying an area of alert requires a Guard or Cunning roll from the person raising the alert (henceforth "investigator") for successful deployment and 20 men to maintain. Multiple "investigators" can pool their rolls to reflect collaboration in raising the alarm but only one skill can be used for these rolls.Influence is the standard for difficulty,
- 3
- 5
- 10
- 15
- 20
- 25
Evading an Alert
(Slipping Guards) To evade an alert the subject of the alert must make an evasion roll, with the difficulty based on how far they want to go or how tight the security is.Similar to the table above for establishing an alert, slipping an alert is similar and depends on the size of the area.
- 3
- 5
- 10
- 15
- 20
- 25
- Very easy, the area is absurdly large with unending access and many, many people to watch, it would take hundreds to secure.
- Easy, the area is large with multiple paths of access and many people to watch and would take at least a hundred men to secure.
- Moderate, the area is sizeable and there are multiple people to watch but the entrances are not too numerous.
- Difficult, the area is pretty enclosed and you will be seen trying to depart, but might get lucky.
- Very Difficult, there is no exit that does not put you eye to eye with someone, but a bit of luck and a distraction could see you slip out.
- Heroic, a guard is specifically assigned to you, and only you and their sole task is knowing where you are.