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    On a farm half-way between the Adikha Yunavarasiti and the capitol of Kishnagar a farmer stepped out of his white-washed house to check on his animals. Something odd had just happened and he wanted to make sure that all was well on his farm. The farmer had often wished that he'd gotten married and had children. Help would have been really nice right now. But he had to do all of it himself. He'd never found anyone that he'd wanted to marry and if having no heirs meant that his brothers kids would inherit, then so be it. He didn't mind his nephews getting the farm, they did good work on it when they visited and the oldest actually seemed to enjoy it. Maybe he would ask his brother if his oldest wanted to apprentice on the farm when he was done with school. And until then he would do all of the work himself.

    His sheep were acting up and he had to check on them. His sheep dog was also nervous and acting strange. Usually he ambled over to his side when he walked. Only leaving his side when it was time to take the sheep to pasture. Tonight he was acting in a way that the farmer had never seen before. He was alternating between jumping around to get the farmers attention and slinking along the ground trying to stay out of sight. All of his outbuildings were a nice clean whitewash just like his house. The only color was the painted decorations around each door and window.

     The farmer hadn't actually noticed the invisible wave that rushed over him and his farm. All he knew was that something felt off. His animals seemed to be upset but he couldn't see what it was that had upset them. Everything seemed to be alright but it still felt off. He decided to take a look at every part of his farm. The animals might be responding to something that was trying to get into his chicken coop or his barn. Or there might be a storm or earth-shake coming. He'd never actually felt an earth-shake but he'd heard from others that the animals will often act up before one.

   He could hear the chickens squawking loudly in their hutch. The sheep were bawling and his two milch cows were making enough noise to be two dozen rather than just two cows. His animals were loud enough to wake the dead, the farmer thought as he walked towards his barn. Maybe whatever it was that had set them all off was in there. But there was nothing wrong in the small barn either. No matter were he looked all was well.

     The farmer searched his farm carefully but nothing seemed to be wrong, everything was in place. All of his animals were there and were starting to calm down now. Whatever it was that had set them all off seemed to be over with, or gone. All of his buildings seemed to be undamaged. And his animals were all unhurt. The farmer was more than a little confused at this point. What exactly had happened. Everything was fine. His barn was still it's nice blue color and so were the rest of his outbuildings. The farmer shook his head and decided that his animals had all gotten upset because they felt a ground tremor that he couldn't feel, or smelled a scent that he couldn't smell.

     After checking on everything in his farm a final time the farmer walked back towards his blue house. He stopped on his way to check on his goats once again but they had all calmed down and were back to sleep already. Shaking his head at the foolishness of both himself and his animals, the man entered his house. His wife was waiting for him to come back before they both went to bed. The kids would be up with the dawn. They couldn't do a lot of work yet but they did what their strength would let them. And Milking the almost three dozen milch cows and bringing the milk to their mother to turn into butter and cheese was well within their ability. He wasn't going to let any odd feelings keep him from sleeping, after all tomorrow would be a busy day. Most were and there was nothing unusual about that.

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