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    The sailor had not been certain that the captain was sane. After all he'd taken a black robed Oristani on board. A single black robed Oristani to boot. After all, everyone knew that the the Oristani never traveled alone much less in dressed in all black. And it was common knowledge that the Oristani loved to wear as many colors as possible all at the same time. Generally when one sees the Oristani, it is a whole clan of them. Even when it wasn't a whole clan, there were at least ten Oristani and often more all traveling together. This was the very first time in all his years on this run that he'd seen a solo Oristani. The Kishnagari Oristani didn't count. As far as they were concerned they were Kishnagari, not Oristani. They didn't follow the same rules and customs that those from the Oristani lands did. Nor did the Kishnagari have or travel with Temee camels, only those from Oristan did that.

     It was the Temee that had so captured the sailors attention. And why he questioned his captains sanity. Generally speaking the Oristani didn't bring their Temee on boats. As a rule they were met at the docks across from Alkadharam and never actually left the plains of Oristan or they traveled down and around the Siska sea. That however rarely happened as the Oristani rarely left their home territories. Unless of course someone was stupid enough to anger the Oristani nation as a whole. No one had been that stupid for at least forty years as far as he knew though.

     The poor Temee was NOT handling the voyage across to Alkadharam well at all. Neither was it's partner the black clad Oristani for that matter. That was another odd thing about this group, only the Oristani's jewelry wasn't black. That was a combo of silver and gold. She also carried a spear, which as far as the sailor knew was not a regular weapon of the Oristani. And honestly it looked very fancy for an Oristani to carry as just a weapon. Definitely usable and had clear signs of wear but still ornate. The sailor felt almost amused, not that he'd ever show it, and more than a little sympathetic for the black clad Oristani. She was obviously sea sick on the trip. That hadn't surprised him, passengers were often ill to some degree if this was their first trip away from solid ground. What he'd never seen though was a seasick Temee. The poor things white coat was almost green.

     Nor had he expected just how much a Temee held in it's stomach, or was it stomachs? The sailor was uncertain if camels had only one stomach like some animals had or multiple like others did. Either way it produced an impressive amount of sick. At least no one had needed to clean it up. The Oristani had pitched a fit when the captain had suggested, politely, that maybe the Temee would be better off in the hold with the rest of the animals they were transporting. None of the others had been Temee, the rest were mainly goats, cattle and a couple of horses.

     The tall black clad Oristani had asked if the captain would put his sister or brother down with the animals. The Captain might have laughed if the tall, lean Oristani hadn't been fingering the knife on her belt when she asked him. Since she was though, the captain had obviously decided that it was smarter to keep the Temee on the deck rather than placing it with the rest of the critters. Once it started to get sick, which happened almost as soon as they had left the dock. The whole crew, including the captain, had decided they were very glad that the Temee hadn't gone down into the hold. That would have been a terrible mess to clean up.

     No one had even known that Temee could be sick like that. The Temee's mistress had been just as sick just as quickly so there was no help from that front. In fact the only one of the three travelers that hadn't gotten sick was the female Ashfan hound that also traveled with them. The sailor had the distinct impression that the hound was laughing at her sick companions. The hound seemed to be unaffected by her travel on the ship, letting the breeze ruffle her ears. This was something else that confused the sailor. As a rule the Oristani didn't use Ashfan hounds at all. When they did, the hounds never traveled with them.

    The sailor was very glad that this journey wasn't going to take more than two days. If they had been sailing up the Siska sea it could have been a much longer trip depending on how the winds were going. Sailing up the Siska had taken as long as two weeks when the winds were adverse. Fortunately they were sailing across the narrowest part of the sea and as a rule could make multiple trips in a week. The sailor was very glad that it was coming into the warmer weather which meant the ship was very unlikely to run into a squall. Those could be dangerous as they could spring up out of no where and had been known to damage ships or even sink them. He didn't relish the thought of trying to maneuver around a seasick Temee and it's seasick rider during a storm. At least on this run there was generally no problems with pirates from Gizba looking for slaves to sell.

     The sailor went back to his work, shaking his head. Very glad that he didn't get sick when around others who were getting sick. If he had been even slightly susceptible to the sight of a Temee camel leaning over the side rail of the ship hurling it's guts out would have been more than enough to trigger a similar thing in him. As it was the sailor was just glad that the Temee and her rider had made to the the side of the ship every time it they got sick. The mess would have taken forever to clean up and he wasn't sure that the Temee's sickness wouldn't have actually done damage to the decking. He'd heard some stories about the Temee after all.

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