House Vaith of the Red Dunes is a Dornish noble house. Their seat, also named Vaith, is placed on the river with the same name. West of Vaith are the deep sands of Dorne; the head of House Vaith has the title Lord of the Red Dunes.
They blazon their shield with three black leopards standing on a yellow pile on orange. Their words are "We stalk the sands."
Family Tree
First Dornish War
Recent Events
Seat and Holdings
The Vaiths are known to be more of a Stony Dornish house than anything else however their ties to their Andal roots are strong with Vaiths throughout history having brilliant green eyes and pale blond hair. Marriages to the Salty and Sandy Dornishmen have produced Vaiths quite a bit darker outside the mainline that tends toward marriages with older houses anchored in Firstmen and Andal blood like Yronwood, Fowler and Dayne.
Three black leopards standing on a yellow pile on orange
We stalk the sands
Lord Emmon Vaith
Lord of the Red Dunes
Ser Daeron Vaith
Martell of Sunspear
Family Tree
The Vaiths were adventuring Andals who settled in the hills east of the deep dunes and sands of Dorne. The nearby river soon took their name.
During the War of Conquest, Queen Rhaenys Targaryen flew upon Meraxes to Vaith but found the castle abandoned.
First Dornish War
The Vaiths attacked the foraging parties of Lord Harlan Tyrell during the First Dornish War. After hearing of the Defenestration of Sunspear, Lord Tyrell intended to capture Vaith and continue east along the river. His army disappeared in the red sands between the Hellholt and Vaith, however. King Aegon I Targaryen and Visenya Targaryen burned Vaith in 9 AC.
Recent Events
Seat and Holdings
Vaith is the seat of House Vaith in Dorne. It lies on the river Vaith. There is a town beneath its walls. West of Vaith are the deep sands of Dorne.
The Vaiths built a tall and pale castle in the hills east of the restless dunes of Dorne amid the coming of the Andals to the land.