House Mertyns of Mistwood is a noble house from Mistwood in the Stormlands, sworn to House Baratheon. They blazon their arms with a white great horned owl on grey. Their words are "we keep night still."
A white great horned owl on grey
Lord Erryn Mertyns
Lord of the Mistwood
Ser Mischa Mertyns
Baratheon of Storm's End
House Whitehead
An outlier among the people of Westeros, the Mertyns tend to have hair in shades of gray and straw as do the people around the Mistwood and Port Wrath. For this some claim they descend from Valyrians, others that they were Andals who preceeded the Andal invasion due to the green of their eyes rather than blues or violet.
The Mertyns are a quiet and considerate lot who tend Mistwood in relative isolation however they have never failed to heed a call to serve their King. In Court they are often quiet, remarking only when they find their words to add value to a conversation.
Family Tree
The Mertyns of Mistwood are an odd sort. They are known to have held Mistwood for as long as there is recorded history and have over time claimed the Rainwood itself was once named Mistwood and was entirely theirs.
Lord Mertyns is the bearer of the Valyrian Steel longsword "Talon."
The castle at Mistwood, though a dreary plain stout tower outside that barely breaks the tree cover, is lavish on the inside, with much of the decor meeting the quality some would consider treasure, with chandaliers and torch rests of Valyrian Steel, and furniture made of ebony and weirwood. Mertyns over time have dismissed the lavish possessions as prizes from pirates of old.
Aegon's Conquest
House Mertyns was one of Durrandon's most fierce supporters and continued fighting Orys Baratheon even after all seemed lost. Lord Michael Mertyns was slain defending Queen Argella from those who sought to hand her over to Orys Baratheon.
Despite this, when Queen Argella accepted marriage to Orys and bent to house Targaryen, so too did house Mertyns.
First Dornish War
House Mertyns sent a respectable force to Dorne under the command of Orys Baratheon but no member of house Mertyns participated in the fighting with Dorne.
Recent Events
Erryn Mertyns served as Master of Law to Baelon and was responsible for publishing the laws against the Faith.