Jail and Captivity


Upon being defeated in a fight (reaching full wounds or surrendering) - you are then at the mercy of the victor. They may let you walk away unscathed, they may kill you (declare death-blow if unconscious or continue the fight if surrendered), they may imprison you/hold you hostage, or they may loot you and let you leave (i.e. taking a famous Valyrian Steel sword, dragon egg, coins from your pouch, etc).

When captured, it should be clearly stated by captors if the captive is allowed to have visitors, or send letters, the default assumption if no discussion is had on both of these is that a captive is denied both and completely cut off from the outside world and dependent entirely on their captors for interaction.
After 48 hours without role-play of any kind a captive/prisoner may attempt to flee captivity. If a scene is pending (a scene has been scheduled between captive and captors) that scheduled time must come and go without interaction for a roll to be performed to give the captors a genuine chance to provide RP.
If a captive IS allowed visitors, the time limit raises from 48 hours to 72 hours as the captive has a path toward 'invited' RP.
See Rolls & Standards for elaboration on the rolls involved as they will be different depending on where and how a captive is held.
All this aside it is highly encouraged that captors find some way to see a captive released swiftly if applicable. Someone held for a low level crime can be given summary judgement and a small punishment, or be released to their family or a Warden of some sort as they await trial, if a trial is called for. People held for high level crimes could (should?) be held in a more public setting with the expectation that their every interaction would be viewed by guardsmen (and that their scenes should perhaps be sent to the Master of Law.) A crows cage in a courtyard for example serves as a fine place to keep a traitor.

Get creative!

Wounds can be taken from poor care in captivity as well. A captive (who is getting the required RP) who is intentionally being poorly treated (refused food and water) or is being kept in horrific conditions (the black cells, a crows cage in the elements, etc) will earn 1 wound per RL day from adverse conditions and may die in captivity due to abuse or neglect.


Upon capture or death, a character's possessions can be retrieved. We trust people captive or departing a character to honestly state what they might have had on them, be it a Valyrian Steel sword, a signet ring / letter seal in the sigil of the deceased's house or office, coinage, letters / intelligence that might have been recently received / useful to the attackers. Consider also what guards or servants might be carrying if they were captured or slain with the character.
If a character is captured or killed and there is disagreement regarding what might have been on a character based on roleplay, staff may arbitrate the dispute though it is generally preferred players handle these matters.

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