Intrigue & NPC Interactions

“Every action has a series of consequences, and sometimes it takes a long time to fully understand the consequences of our actions.”
— Daemion Targaryen regarding his fathers decision to leave Valyria.
As an enhancement to your roleplay here at Songs of the Seven Realms (SoSR) we have devised an intrigue system that will give houses the opportunity to gain intelligence from other houses. NPC spies or plants. This does not mean that everything going on will be known and as with all information. It is subject to misinterpretation and confusion. All these factors we will put into play, as you try and weave your way through the minefield that is the Seven Kingdoms.

The System

A player (P1) submits an intrigue request, this can be a general information request or a targeted request with a desire for specific information. The ticket is collected and staff approach the target house (P2.)
  • The target will be asked to provide a truth, a half truth and a lie. Each one just a couple of sentences up to a paragraph long on or about the specific information requested.
  • P1 is then asked for a roll, there is no difficulty check (DC) and no indication if high roll is bad or good. P1 will then receive a raven or dropped letter with the requested information.
  • Neither P1 or P2 will know if the truth, half truth or lie has been given. P1 then uses that information as they see fit.

Points to note

The intrigue system is only as good as the players using it. If you choose to meta-game or lie to all the information requests then the system will eventually fail.
Do not be too specific on the information requested. No one is that good and you may find yourself disappointed with the result.
Remember something you may see as ridiculous may well just be the truth and vice versa. You are not in the mind of the other player so choose wisely how you proceed with the information gained.
Have fun! knowledge is power and something you may think is irrelevant one day may become a golden nugget.

Master of Whispers (MoW)

This player has the resources and contacts to dip their finger into any house in the realm. They are allowed to select one great house and two banner houses per week to roll for information from.   They cannot select the same region/house twice in a row. They do not have to make these requests if they do not wish to.  

Lords Paramount

These players also have a large amount of resources and contacts but not quite the reach of the MoW. They are allowed to select one great house every two weeks and one banner house per week to roll for information from.   They cannot select the same region/house twice in a row. They do not have to make these rolls if they do not wish to.  

Banner Lords

These players have neither the resources nor the reach of the Lords Paramount. They are allowed to select one great house per month and one banner house every two weeks to roll for information from.   They cannot select the same region/house twice in a row. They do not have to make these rolls if they do not wish to.

NPC Interactions

  Considering the scope of the world of Ice and Fire, it is sometimes necessary to interact with components of the world that are not played for any one of a dozen reasons.  
When this is necessary, a request can be made of the story team for an NPC Interaction and we will do our best to respond as quickly as we possibly can to acknowledge that your request has reached us, some requests, Icly might take time to reach their destination, and then for a response to return, but we will keep in contact as much as possible where necessary so that you, the player, are aware of what's going on regarding your interaction.
  What is good for an NPC Interaction?   Movement of levied troops, Instruction to people sworn to you or your house, request for aid from neighboring houses, changes to a seat or hold such as daming a river or closing gates or access.   What is not good for an NPC interaction?   Letters to family members just to catch up or banter. Requests for trade deals or economic growth, requests for NPC's to directly affect another player's character. (Assassination, kidnapping, etc)  
Currently there is no distinction between one sort of NPC Interaction and another and the cause and context should be given by the player submitting the NPC Interaction but in the future we may make specific categories for different types of interactions.

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