Hayford of Hayford

House Hayford of Hayford is a noble house from Hayford in the crownlands, less than a day's ride from King's Landing. It is sworn directly to the Iron Throne. Their blazon is green fretty over gold, a green pale wavy.  



Jora Hayford and his wife Brindle, being the first generation of the 'new Hayfords' or 'Hayford pretenders' have lowborn features, skin that leans toward tan with hair and eyes of muddy browns. Brindle is more fair skinned than her husband Jora, but no less 'muddy' looking where other features are concerned.   The people who once held the name of Hayford have traditionally over time mixed Firstmen and Andal blood to such a degree that they look like neither with fair to tan complexions and sandy brown and blond hair and eyes that range from blues and pale greens to hazel and brown depending on the motherhouse of any particular generation.  


The Hayfords, old and new, have a long tradition in farming and this leads to a strong schedule that

House Hayford
Green fretty over gold, a green pale wavy

Hayford Castle
Lord Jora Hayford
Lord of Hayford
Baelon Hayford
Targaryen of King's Landing
see's them up early to prepare for the days business. The Hayfords of old were known for how close they were to their people having come from the community, and taking pride in still being part of their local community despite their nobility.  

Family Tree



House Hayford rose up from the hay ages ago, resisting the coming of the Andals for the might of the farming community they lead. Originally simply village elders who had proven over time to be capable, when the Andals spread across the Realm the Hayfords resisted them and for their tenacity and protection of the people were raised by a Justman Riverking to nobility named Hayford for having created an uncrossable ford with the farms they ruled, taking the words 'We do mow' for the great number of Andals they and their farmers cut down.   Since then the Hayfords have been a minor house in service to Riverkings and Stormkings both before bending to house Targaryen.  

First Dornish War

House Hayford had few men to offer toward the war with Dorne however the men they did offer by all accounts acquitted themselves well with the majority of them surviving the war and returning home to tend their farms, thankful for the gentle weather and the peace.  

Reign of Baelon I

House Hayford despite their long history of loyalty met disaster recently with the marriage of Mina Hayford to Prince Baelon Targaryen. The wedding was, truly, a disaster from the very start with controversy surrounding the Prince's decision to take a second bride in Valyrian tradition, however what doomed the house in the end was Mina Hayfords deep desire to provide the King with an heir, resorting to adultery to satisfy this duty.   When discovered, Mina, along with the entirety of her household were executed for the betrayal, from her aging father, to her young nieces and nephews. Even a distant line of house Hayford out of Duskendale was dragged 'home' to face Baelon's brutality.   After the execution that extinguished the line of house Hayford, as a final snub to Mina and her kin, while their bodies hung from the walls of their keep, a tournament was held in the courtyard and farms that surrounded Hayford Castle to choose a new Lord for the seat, a lowborn hedge knight that Baelon dubbed Willem Hayford.   Willem Hayford, an old Knight though tenacious enough to win the contest, died of his wounds soon after leaving the seat to his son Jora, himself a hedge knight and man grown. Jora and his wife Brindle who have in the time since ruled Hayford capably enough, loyally to Baelon despite all his ills.  

Recent Events


Seat and Holdings

Hayford sits upon a hilltop and has a stream running alongside the hill. There is a hidden village located near the Hayford road that has long been occupied by woods witches and wise women falling abandoned now and again before being revived with a new generation of the same.   The lands of Hayford are specled with cottages and farms that lay outside the town itself. The walled town around the hill is a dense one holding markets that once rivaled that of Duskendale but have fallen rather quiet since the construction of King's Landing, the ferrier, blacksmith and many other craftsmen remain however and still serve the town and Castle.   Hayford Castle itself atop the hill is a fearsome and sturdy fortress that served frequently as a border point between Riverkings and Stormkings. With the death of house Hayford and it's resurrection through Willem, and Jora Hayford the Castle serves as a reminder of what can be lost for betrayal, and what can come from loyalty or luck.  


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