Capital & Economy
In the feudal world that Songs of the Seven Realms is based in, resources are king.
They are also pretty stagnant. That means that rich houses stay rich and poor houses stay poor. Generally of course, there are exceptions to that rule that we concede. It is our aim to replicate that as best as possible without the drudge and mess that is commerce. Through experience we have found that commerce is always something that fails. This system should add in the realism of growth, taxes, loss etc etc driven by roleplay rather than rolling and grinding for tokens or coins.
Acts of the Seven
Acts of the seven are roleplay events that make use of the lands held by players in roles of leadership to accent story in the play area's provided.Gameplay
The gameplay will make use of the D6 system to introduce chance. It will either be a Bureaucracy roll, or a Scholar roll that players will use to manage their economy.
Every 2 months IC (1 month RL) regions leads will be asked for a roll in the region lead channel. This will be for Acts of the Seven (described below). The Regions with the two lowest rolls will find their region subject to an Acts of the Seven and will be removed from the list for the following month so no region is struck twice in a row.
Regional rolls;
When a region is selected. The House leads will be asked in the region channel for rolls. Again using the modifiers stated above they will roll to find which act of the seven on a storyteller table applies based on the regional average using the highest or lowest individual roll for where the act occurs. For better or worse the region will then need to act on the information given with the aid of others in the region. This could result in the loss of wealth or addition to it for the house that 'hosts' the act, and perhaps an adjustment for the entire region if the act of the seven grows out of control.
Here are two examples.
- 1, House Swann is hit by a sudden plague, affecting manpower and field tending. Causing an expenditure of coins or a request for aid.
- 2, House Swann has uncovered a vein of ore along the waters near Stonehelm.
Both of these things should generate roleplay. Cause and effect. Just like real life things will need to be done in order to make sure everything gets back to normal or to make the most of budding fortune.
Houses that fail to respond to negative Acts of the Seven will receive an adjustment to their house resources reflecting their lack of management of the crisis and the cost that incurs. Houses that respond to positive acts will receive a positive adjustment. Some Acts of the Seven, if ignored, may become regional problems that impact all houses in a region. Any attempt made to remedy a crisis will negate the negative system effects, even if rolls are failed leading to lasting story impact (or possible recurrence.)
Of course we understand that miracles happen and being the kind hearted folks we are. We have factored this in. Once per IC year (6 months RL) Regions will be allowed to establish a 'crisis management plan.' The Region lead, with supporting roleplay with their bannermen can submit the crisis management plan for a specific act of the seven, flooding, banditry, famine, etc. In the event of such a crisis, the Bannerman can appeal to the Region Lead to enact this plan to sort the act of the seven without further issue. Though the Region Lead may ask something specific for this, or perhaps they will fear the retribution of their banners if they do not act.
The roleplay generated here will be transparent and non biased. Just as with any windfall or catastrophe some places may be overly lucky, some may be unlucky. Some houses may handle the event well and come out relatively untouched. Some may find themselves on the verge of poverty or rising above other houses of the same stature. No house is exempt, not even the crown. Our hope is that this will provide some roleplay events based around something unusual and different, possibly including other friendly houses to aid if required.
Resources by Region
Gold in reserve at a keep.Income
Annual income.Tax
The amount paid annually based on reserve holdings, base 10% plus Baelons Tax Rate (BTR).Final income
Annual excess after deducting tax and expenditure.Population
Total population of the holding.Expenditure
Annual upkeep cost for the house.Standing Army
Guards, Knights, Men at arms.Full Army
100% Conscription when Banners are called.Warships
Fighting power at sea.Reseve, income, expenditure & Army size can all be affected by "Acts of the Seven."
Armies can only grow by 10% Navies by 50% with a cost from reserves equal to number of men, or 1000 per ship and a 10% rise of expenditure for either.
Purchase of equipment for men can add them immediately to a muster, but ships will take 2 RL months (4 minimum IC) to be built and crewed.
Crownland Resources