SJ had a way inside the building now, and the shattered window provided her with perfect access. Carlito had disappeared back inside, and SJ watched from her hiding place as the orc and the second being, who could only be Francis, moved towards the study door.
She took the opportunity to move and shot skywards toward the broken window. The room was lit with lanterns and empty except for an overturned chair and table, which Carlito's fight must have caused.
She flew towards the door as she heard cries from deeper in the building and the clash of blades. Carlito was in combat. Hurrying, she went to fly through the door, but her vision went blank. It was as though the lights had suddenly been turned off. Absolute darkness filled her vision, and she was utterly disorientated. Having walked blindfolded in her youth playing games, the feeling was the same. The difference was that she was flying.
The loss of vision meant she lost complete control. Flaring her wings, she tried to come to a stop; she didn't know which way she was going now. That was when pain, unlike any other, erupted inside her. She could only imagine how lightning felt. Her muscles convulsed, her wings beat erratically, and she couldn't stop herself in time as she flew into something solid. It may have been the door or even a wall. She didn't know.
As the convulsions passed, her head flared with intense pain, and she cried at the sudden shock of it. Only after the pain had started to subside did her vision start to clear, and notifications began to pour across her display. This was the first time she had ever undergone a reinitialisation of her connection to Dave. Lines of text started running up her display as though she were watching a program boot up. The code seemed never-ending as she felt the alignment to Dave reopen. She could feel his presence in her sub-conscience.
As the text stopped scrolling, more notifications continued to flood her display, one after another. It appeared that every notification she had ever received was resent all at once. As her vision started to return, she struggled to focus. The flashing text and abrupt rush of information caused her to close her eyes, but this did not benefit her, as the text still appeared across her vision.
Slowly, they began to slow, and she opened her eyes again. The ringing clash of metal was still clearly audible from somewhere in the house. As she regained her vision, she realised that she had indeed hit the wall, missing the doorway due to the convulsions, finding herself sitting on the floor staring at the blank wooden surface of the wall.
Cursing, she stood, took off, and moved to the door. The fighting was growing louder. She needed to get down there and help. However, the odd notification still kept appearing, and as she entered the hallway leading towards the front of the building, she came to a stop.
Congratulations on reaching Level 20
You have been awarded the following:
+2 Dexterity
+3 free points to distribute as you wish
+1 skill point
+1 profession point
At Level 20, you may rechoose your primary profession, select a profession specialisation or now select a secondary profession. Level 20 also allows you to join guilds of your choosing and access the Auction Houses.
Profession specialisations.
Procurement Specialist - + 25% drop rate of materials from beasts and monsters. +5% each level thereafter. Maximum level 5.
Fashion Designer - create unique recipes for articles of clothing. Recipes created have a random chance of quality level. The starting grade of a recipe creation can be increased by one quality rank each profession point invested in the skill. Maximum recipe level Legendary.
Shrewd Stitch - reduce material costs for all items by 25%. +5% each level thereafter. Maximum level 5.
Congratulations on reaching Level 21
You have been awarded the following:
+2 Dexterity
+3 free points to distribute as you wish
+1 skill point
Excitement, confusion and concern raced through SJ all at once. Her levelling had been frozen; it should have only advanced when she wanted to accept it, not automatically. The fact that she had reached level 20 meant that the borders of Killic would now open. She had to let them know, but she had to find Carlito. The profession specialisations had never been mentioned previously either.
A scream tore through the house. SJ had no idea who had made it.
'Prioritise!' she thought as she headed towards the stairs again. Finding Carlito was the immediate concern. SJ couldn't see anything at the bottom of the stairs and flew down as fast as she could. A fresh stain of red was visible on the hallway wall, and the body of the orc she had seen in the study lay motionless. The grunting and clashing of blades sounded as though it was coming from the front of the building. The corridor running from the front of the property was quite long, and she headed towards the sound of fighting, passing a door under the stairs, which she believed led to the cellar where she had been held.
If it was Francis that Carlito was fighting, he had stated that even he would tread cautiously due to his prowess.
The door was partially closed, and SJ flew through the gap. As she did, the body of a being came hurtling towards her. She dived sideways, only just getting out of its way and nearly crashed into the wall. Carlito slammed into the open door, forcing it closed as SJ took in the scene in the room. The room was sparsely furnished, only a table and chairs being present, which had now been knocked over, and remnants of them were broken on the floor. The draconian no longer stood wearing a cloak but now wore a mix of plate and chain mail armour. A breastplate, greaves, sabbatons, gauntlets and vambraces were all plate mail, while chain mail covered the rest of its body. On its head, it wore an evil helm, looking like a demon's face.
A sword protruded from the draconian's left shoulder; the black blade was that of one of Carlito's. Carlito grunted as he scrambled to his feet, and the injured draconian grabbed the blade hilt and withdrew the sword with an audible grunt.
The draconian carried a spiked mace, and SJ noticed the impression visible on the front of Carlito's armour. A trickle of blood shone in the lantern light from Carlito's mouth.
If this being was getting the upper hand against Carlito, SJ knew that she didn't stand a chance, even with the two of them. Carlito glanced at her and smiled wryly as he readied himself for the next assault. SJ's claws were equipped, and she flew across the room to a corner. Carlito squared up and faced the being that had to be Francis down. Francis's head turned as she moved, and he knew exactly where she had moved to and that she was there.
Francis's actions were deliberate. The warrior had not rushed in against Carlito but had allowed him to regain his feet, poised and ready for Carlito's next attack.
SJ triggered her identification skill.
Francis Pyloria
Level: 48
Class: Fighter - Warrior
Hit points: 685 of 847
Mana points: 55 of 55
Armour Class: 148
Strength: 67
Dexterity: 21
Attacks: Strike, Bash
Special: Knockback, Stun
Weaknesses: Nil
After reading the details that washed over her display, SJ knew that it would be virtually impossible for her to damage him. His armour class was insanely high compared to any others she had ever faced.
She stared over at Carlito from her spot to the side of Francis, who was looking between the two of them and had changed his position to try and keep them both in view. The slits on his helm did appear as though his vision may be slightly restricted as his head turned more rather than just a glancing view which his eyes would have usually allowed.
SJ watched with trepidation as Carlito wiped his hand across his mouth where the blood had trickled. He smiled before his sword disappeared from his hand. In its place, two small hammers appeared. With one in each hand, they looked similar in design to the one Malvon had used, but instead of a spike with a flat face on one side, both sides of each hammer housed spikes.
As Francis watched the rapid weapon transition, he also adapted. A small round shield appeared on his free arm. It glowed with a pale blue light,t signifying magic. SJ wasn't sure what to do. Should she try to attack? After seeing his stats, she doubted she would hit him, but at least she may be able to distract him. She was punching way above her weight grade, whatever she tried to do.
As the tension built in the room, Francis spoke. It was the first time SJ had heard the draconian voice. He was smooth and well-spoken—a refined correctness in his pronunciation.
"Those weapons you hold. I recognise them."
A smile broke on Carlito's face.
"Do you indeed,' Carlito responded.
"I have only ever seen one being fight with weapons like that before, and it was many years ago now. How did you come of them?"
Carlito shrugged as he replied. "These have always been mine."
"The being I knew was a human female who wielded them with a skill and ferocity I would never forget. You are not her."
"Or maybe I am," Carlito smirked as his appearance changed.
SJ wished she could have seen the draconians face as Carlito transformed, a strong faced human female replaced his elven appearance. There was an audible gasp from inside the helmet of Francis.
"I went by the name of Jasilfa back then," Carlito said.
"It can't be," Francis said, his voice laced with disbelief.
"It has been a long time, Francis, since we ventured into the dungeons together. It was one of my favourite times. Our dungeon group would have bettered the top guilds of today. If only you had stayed true to your word."
SJ was as shocked as Francis by the development of the story. She would never have thought Carlito would have been a part of a guild dungeon team.
Francis's words were angry when he responded this time. "You killed Rashden and stole his gear."
"You didn't believe me back then, so you are unlikely to believe me now. Rashden attacked me, I just defended myself."
"And why did he attack you?"
"I will tell you the same today as I told you back then. Rashden was working with the Evergreen guild. I overheard him talking to Kasandra and her team on a communication stone. He was relaying all of the dungeon secrets. We had spent weeks getting to where we were, and rather than believe my word, you blamed and attacked me."
"You were the new party member. I had worked with Rashden for years, and you were found with his blood on your hands."
"And for years, he played you. Ionis knew it to be the truth, but you wouldn't even listen to her. And how much blood do you have on your hands since you retired and joined this petty crew."
"I have no blood on my hands, and you lie."
"No, I do not need to lie. I didn't even need to let you know that I knew you today. And whether you like to admit it or not, your hands are crimson."
A curse erupted from the helm, the air turning blue. "I bested you back then, and I will best you again today."
"We will see. I was taken off guard in the dungeon when you left me for dead. Today I am a very different being," Carlito said.
Francis may have sounded angry and upset, but his moves didn't portray it as he swiftly stepped in towards Carlito.
For a being wearing armour, his movement was fast, fluid and precise. His mace whirled with immense power and speed at Carlito. Carlito had been expecting it, and as his mace swung towards him, he lifted his hammer to parry the blow while bringing his other hammer round, striking at Francis ' chain-covered upper arm, which was holding the mace.
The end of Carlito's spiked hammer pierced the chain. SJ heard Francis grunt as he ripped his arm away again. The needle-like hammer spike punctures through the chain mail easily.
Carlito stepped forward, not wanting to give Francis room to swing his mace. At close quarters, it was like they were Carlito, who should have the upper hand. That was when Francis pulled his shield-covered arm in front, and a bolt of lightning shot from it. Carlito was hit in his chest and again thrown backwards by the blow.
Staggering, he regained his composure, the grimace from the bolt replaced instantly by a smile.
"Using your ultimate defensive skill so soon?" Carlito chuckled. "And you think I would have not been prepared for how you bested me last time?"
SJ watched as the colour of the shield dimmed the blue light it had given off, fading substantially.
A growl erupted from Francis's helm as he lunged forward to strike. Carlito vanished, appearing to his right, and swiftly struck two sharp blows at his side. The spike of his hammers pierced the chainmail easily before he again moved away as Francis spun to face him.
All SJ could do was observe as the two fought. She dared not get in the way. Their moves were so fast and precise that it was like watching a movie on fast-forward—only her enhanced senses allowed her to track their moves.
Francis suddenly coughed mid-strike. The jolt affected his aim, and Carlito took advantage as he stepped in again and double-struck at his side. Every strike was aimed at areas of Francis's body that were covered in chain mail and not plate. Carlito's attacks were so precise.
SJ triggered her identification skill again.
Hit points: 342 of 847
Mana points: 6 of 55
Looking at the amended details, Francis's health was dropping rapidly. It was also evident that he had used mana to trigger the shields skill. SJ hadn't seen an item that could cast combat spells before.
Carlito stepped away from Francis as he coughed again more violently.
"It won't be long now,' Carlito smiled.
A guttural sound left Francis's mouth as a bright light suddenly emitted from his vambraces.
"Healing won't save you. Only the strongest spells or potions will prevent my poison."
Another growl and the mace of Francis flew at Carlito. Even Carlito was taken by surprise as he crashed into his shoulder, sending him off balance. A short sword appeared in Francis's hand as he threw his whole force at Carlito. Carlito was unable to react in time as Francis' force sent them both crashing to the floor.
"Carlito," SJ called at seeing him get skewered by Francis's short sword.
"Carlito?" Francis' grimacing voice said surprise, clearly etched in his comment.
Carlito didn't reply to SJ's cry as he pushed Francis's prone form off him, untangling himself. As Francis was forced away, SJ could see the shortsword clearly sticking into Carlito's stomach. Francis's armour-covered body rolled on its back as it began to convulse.
Carlito lay breathing deeply on his back, not rising immediately. His hammer disappeared from his hand as he reached to grab the hilt of the sword and pull it from his stomach. It was the first time SJ had seen Carlito show any sign of pain, and his grimace and grunt reflected the discomfort. He glanced at Francis, whose body convulsed next to him before he slowly rose to his feet. Gurgling was the only audible sound above the occasional dull thud on the wood of Francis's armour-clad body.
SJ moved from the corner where she had remained since entering the room, flying next to Carlito.
"Are you okay?" She asked.
"I will be fine," Carlito said, half-smiling, holding his hand over where the shortsword had struck him. SJ could clearly see blood oozing through his fingers.
"No, you're not," SJ said as she landed, growing and immediately removing her ring from her finger.
"Here, use this," she said, offering it to Carlito.
Carlito looked at the ring and took it before raising his eyebrows and placing it on his finger. SJ watched as the blood stopped flowing freely from his wound, and Carlito went to remove it again.
"Keep it until you are healed," SJ said.
Carlito didn't reply as Francis let out a long, deep moan as his life left him.
They both stood looking at the armour-clad draconian for some time before either spoke again.
"We better clean up and loot the place, then get out of here. I doubt anyone will come, and that could be as problematic as Francis, but I need time to recuperate fully. That's the hardest fight I have had in a very long time," Carlito said.
SJ nodded silently in response as she turned from Francis and started to look at the room properly. There was nothing of value, so she left and began to search the other rooms in the building. Carlito eventually joined her in the study, which was the only place, including all the rooms upstairs, where anything of value could be stored.
After combing it, SJ discovered several parchments that may hold details the tower guard may find beneficial.
"Right, let's go," Carlito said. "I don't think there will be anything else worth taking."
"Okay," SJ replied as they left the study and headed towards the back door. Opening the door, SJ saw Merv's body, where he had landed after his brief flight from upstairs. Carlito walked over and bent down to loot the body, but his movement was not as free as it usually was. It was apparent the fight had taken a lot from him.
"Are you ok to travel?" SJ asked.
"Yeah. I have had worse. I am just tired. I am going to head back to the Griffin. I suggest you go home for now."
"I am going to take everything we have discovered to the tower tomorrow," SJ said, pausing to look at him. And thank you for today."
Carlito smiled as he turned and, in an instant, disappeared, activating his shadow step.
SJ stared at the space he had just entered for several moments before she shrank and took off. As she rose above the building's roof, an ecstatic voice boomed into her mind.
"Hi honey, I'm home," Dave shouted enthusiastically.