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JuJu led Fawkes around a bend in the tunnel. After four long strides, it opened into a large cavern where short snores echoed about. Many nisslings slept on grass pallets. JuJu stopped before entering and sniffed in front of where they stood. He turned to Fawkes and cocked his head.

Fawkes frowned and looked down to see what JuJu was pointing out. A rope was strung across the tunnel about two feet off the floor. Dried twigs covered a four-foot swathe that reached from wall to wall beneath the rope. Easy for a nissling to fly over but tricky for a human trying to be quiet.

Looking around the cavern again, Fawkes noticed crossbows against the walls. Each nissling slept with a four-foot spear cuddled like a toy or next to its pallet. He looked back at the rope and twigs.

If I accidentally wake them like the guards said not to do, will they be angry and attack with those very sharp-looking spears that are probably as poisoned as their little quarrels?

Fawkes waved for JuJu to go first. The huge dog jumped over and landed in the dirt. Not one paw touched the rope or twigs. And he missed landing on one of the nisslings sleeping very close to them. He looked back at Fawkes and waited.

Taking a deep breath to steady his nerves, Fawkes stepped high over the rope and stretched out his leg before letting his boot squish down on the dirt well clear of the twigs that would crunch if he stepped on them. With them being underground, the sound would echo. He was about to swing his leg over when one of the nearby nisslings rolled off its pallet. With a snore, it curled around his boot.

Oh,no! Fawkes clamped his mouth shut before the startled gasp he sucked in could rush back out with the curse word already on the tip of his tongue. What am I supposed to do now?

JuJu dropped his head and put a paw over his muzzle.

"That's not helping," Fawkes whispered. He took a breath then held it while he struggled to settle his nerves. Think! Damn it, how can I think when I'm still straddling this silly alarm?

Well, fix that, you fool! The thought may have been his but it echoed in his mind with Grandfather's voice.

Fawkes swung his other leg over until both feet were on the floor of the cavern.

The nissling hissed out a dreamy sigh and began to slowly gnaw on his captured boot without waking up.

"Oh, for — " Fawkes stared down at the nissling. A drop of sweat ran down his temple and he looked to JuJu.

"Find some leather," he whispered. The huge dog let out a long-suffering sigh then prowled away, sniffing. Another nissling let out a muffled snort and rolled off its pallet to hug its spear. With a couple of sleepily hissed yawns, that nissling settled into the dirt and started snoring again. A minute that felt like forever passed before he returned with a canvas sack that still had its leather straps.

Fawkes took the pack with trembling hands. He almost dropped it when the nissling gnawing on his boot bit down hard enough Fawkes could feel the points of its teeth as lumps. Despite this, he managed to roll it up. Slow and gentle, he wedged it between the nissling's jaws and his boot.

The nissling sighed again. It let go of his boot to curl around the rolled-up pack, still asleep.

Fawkes let out a breath in relief then hurriedly waved for the huge dog to lead on.

JuJu rolled his eyes then prowled through the rest of the sleeping nisslings. Fawkes followed closely, taking care to stay as far away as possible from the little sleepers.


JuJu led him rightward to another tunnel. This one had nothing and no one to get around or over. Fawkes entered it with great relief. Taking a turn, Fawkes stopped. The rattling of bones, more muted than earlier, echoed. Someone else was playing knucklers. Fawkes and JuJu crept closer. As they took another turn, they could see flickering light, made green from his mask, coming from another cave.

This one was much smaller than the cavern of sleeping nisslings. Four nisslings played knucklers. One of them used its hands to shake the bones. Two candles and a glow coming from yet another cave opening let them read the runes. Chained to each side of that other cave opening lay a pair of fat wolves with spike-bristle hair growing down their backs. Brine wolves. One wolf lifted its head and growled.

JuJu growled back.

The nisslings stopped their bickering over the knucklebones. They all turned and stared at Fawkes and JuJu. One stood up and snatched a spear that, at four feet in length, was a foot longer than the nissling. It puffed out its chest. With an officious air, it strode over to Fawkes, all the while keeping a wary eye on Juju. The dog ignored the nissling and the spear as he peered over its head at the two wolves.

"Eh, yousss late." The nissling said in Bexi.

Fawkes blinked. Late?

"How can I be late, I just got here?" His mind whirled, trying to figure out how the nisslings expected him. Had they missed seeing a nissling scout on their way here?

The other three nisslings cocked their heads at him then at each other. The officious nissling scratched the scales under its chin.

"Your bosss iss heress long time." The nissling waved a hand at the cave the light was coming from.

"Of course." Boss? Who else was here? Was there another boat somewhere else waiting? If I tell them I don't have a boss will they let me live long enough to try and haggle for the book? Fawkes took a deep breath. I need to play along. I better use small words.

He pointed at his wet pant legs. "Is my boss wet?"

The nissling cocked its head to one side as it looked down at Fawkes' wet pants and boots. "No--oo?" 

"I got left taking the hard way here while my boss got to take the easy way. So I am not late."

"Ohhh," all four nisslings hissed together like a little chorus.

They believed that! Grandfather did say if you're going play false, do so boldly. Guess he was right. Fawkes swallowed. The other three nisslings were not bothering to grab up their weapons yet. Can I keep them from changing their minds and going for my liver? I need to know who my boss is supposed to be. Is he some shyster or fisherman haggling for loot? What if it's one of the Hand or the wizard? Only one way to find out, I guess. Fawkes waved at the bigger cave beyond before they could change their minds or have any more time to think over his jumble of words.

"How goes it in there?"

"Ahhh, talkss."

"Supposed to be listening in."

"Whatss?" the officious nissling twitched straight up. Two other nisslings quickly kicked dirt over the knucklebones and coins then stood still while struggling to look innocent.

Fawkes, fighting the urge to laugh, stepped to the cave opening, ignoring the two brine wolves when they stood up. The four nisslings joined him, patting the wolves as they did.

JuJu and the wolves eyed each other but sniffed noses, ignoring their people. Tails slowly wagged.

Together, Fawkes and the nisslings peered into the next cave.

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