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Ace of Spades

In the world of The Tetraverse

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Ace of Spades

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Notes from the Author:

"Live, die, love. You can feel everything, don't waste this power." - Morningstar


To start, let me say that you can use this power. It's not just lore. Spiritual ascension and intertwined artwork is what makes this so incredible. Energy is a spiritual presence, not a real superpower. The characters you see are a fantasized version of the real life presence of energy. Energy is a individual thing, so I cant tell you how to feel it, so ill give you a universal guide. In short, open your mind and learn everything you can. Open yourself to failure and think using all sides. Don't forget to use logic and faith to put together all the working parts of a functional system of religion. You need to feel a ton of pain and experience infinite sorrow to make it make sense. Learn and love and feel the earth through your fingertips, the trees, the flowing water smoothing the stones in a running delta making wonderful shapes. Now, the long way to say it is absurdist, so try to make sense of this. I said this to a friend dear to me, and it helped him.

"I can see everything. I can see it all in the context of energy. I know nothing mathematically, but when i turn on my energy lenses i can see the future. I can sense it. I let my brain use what it sees and make an accurate assumption. You can too, if you look around. Feel the roof and walls inside your body; you can imagine controlling them as your own limbs, compressing and shifting. Imagine pressing your hand down on the roof and pushing down, but don't just think, feel. Gather those phantom sensations. That's what [morningstar] can do. Thats what "context" is. (energy context) I'm looking at something right now, and I could send you an image of it, but you wouldn't see what I see, so when I do something, you think I'm affecting the object, like when i pull back on a rubber band. You see me pull it back, you notice extension, but you don't see the potential to release and snap forward, or feel where I'm aiming. You don't see the impact. Because it isn't there? Or it never will be? The elastic extension of your body needs to be the environment. You need to be able to predict the earth. Everything is like jelly. There is a cause and an effect. A movement makes it jiggle a certain calculated way. A push implies a fight, that means a punch. We KNOW that, so respond accordingly. Be out of the way before they even get violent, you were never there. Sure you WERE there, but energy is outside of that. They see that you were supposed to be there because they don't have our eyes. They react like you are there, then update your body. Realize. Snap back into consciousness and MOVE. The jarring sensation is fully subconscious. You wont even realize you did it. You'll have dodged a punch from a trained fighter, because you knew the area. You could feel the vibrations in the floor. And this explanation isn't using math or knowledge, I'm telling you to feel because this is based on experience and context. Energy cant be grasped by stupid people. The eyes are grown, you already have them in a sense. You see the weird and define it, you want to understand this so much but you cant, stop trying. Go with the flow. Everything flows inwards. It all goes somewhere. Feel the ground as an extension of your feet. Notice things others can't. Try to learn music theory, it helped me, being the foundation of reality. Tempo. Rhythm has purpose in this world, it acts on a timeframe. If you can get a proper timeframe (lock into the tempo) you can control a movement because you SEE the frame. You can read it. Try feeling your body up and down, not by moving, but by sensations. Focus on each limb and gain individual semi-sentience. Invoke sensations. Then move onto objects around you, eventually you'll notice what I'm talking about. It's a personal enlightenment, I can't define it for you. We don't speak the same language." 






Well first of all let me explain some weird but small instances of extraneous information to the lore as a whole; small technicalities and stuff to explain. Starting off with energy offsprings and The Divinity. Energy offsprings are a type of resonance where the users initiate perfect resonance with the intention of creating copies of their own sets of DNA in the same metaphysical space. It has to be an intentional and mutually deliberate action. TD attempted to force-breed with Zachary through violence, but it needs to be willing. A quick backstory: The Divinity is a pretty standard woman with not much energy powers, but the durability to withstand Morningstar as a vessel, but Morningstar refuses to use her as a vessel because she cant fight well, nor does she have much potential. Back to the main story, Zachary was getting "raped" by her in a sense until he decided to just end this before it escalates by delivering a singe uppercut that injures her so bad she would die from the slightest bit of extra pain. She survived, but her current whereabouts are unknown, nor does anybody really care. Adding onto the vessel durability, remember that ms can "USE" anyone's body but the body deteriorates from the energy too fast for extended use, and that goes for ANYONE regardless of actual durability. The only situation where someone survives a full ride ms is if they're marked by GOD as a vessel, which is a sort of "tag" that enables the body to withstand such hosts. This evolutionary process turns them insanely strong and durable. Adding on, Zachary is what's considered a period, the highest class of the highest grade obtainable (excluding deity-class organisms). Being a period also means that there's still infinite versions of the individual, but they follow a constant timeline, though some details will change. Just because an individual is a period or even a deity-class doesn't mean you can withstand ms as a full ride. Zachary is however marked as a vessel, so he can actually hold ms, but ms doesn't see as much value in him as he does ace, since Zach is threadless. Following that, Zachary has multiple powers because after Hellbringer ascended the canister, the other 4 living capsules willingly chose Zach as a rivalry to the authority of ms, and share their powers inherently. Next up, Antinull. Antinull is a less than canon addition to an alternate ending. She kicks null in the head, killing him instantly early on. This defies scripture and technically doesn't exist, but the idea of it does, so it does. It's a situational paradox.


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