In the world of Adventures in Valerick TTRPG

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The city of Kalesh, lying deep into the nation of Susma, the kingdom of Kingdoms. It is the jewel of the Kaleshin Principality, the seat of one of the twelve Caliphs. Bordering the Great Bala Desert to the east and south, as well as the Teeth of the World to the North, the city and the principality, though wealthy and lands of opportunity, are not unfamiliar with danger. Gnoll warbands from the Teeth and even from parts of the Bala mount raids regularly particularly during the short rainy season. Yet despite this, Kalesh and the surrounding territory are of great importance. Kalesh is oft referred to as, 'The Nowhere on the way to Everywhere", referring to its location, being the convergence and meeting point of major trade routes into Susma to the south and west, Valewyr to the North and East, and then Rohara to the North and west.

Many are those whom make a name for themselves in some way or another here, be it as heroes, scoundrels, or skilled mercenaries. This is a place given to starting tall tales, growing reputations, and on rare occasions, being the birthplace of true legends. Some minstrels even call Susma, but particularly this region and the dangerous lands surrounding it in three directions, the proving grounds for Exemplari.

Many debate why this is, however the simple truth is that Kalesh is a boiling pot left atop the fire. By the Ascended, in many ways the whole Kaleshin region is. Such is its nature. So it should not be so surprising that with the right ingredients interacting and coming together, the right mix of individuals at the right moments of time can see something born of it that becomes much larger than the sum of its parts. Such is how even this story begins.