Confidential 001: Lambda's Assumed Contract Provisions

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The Butterscotch agency handbook is a 138 page document detailing all sorts of things. Fire escape plans, general code of conduct, rough team assignments, what to do in case of enemy attack, and so on. You know... secret agent stuff... OK, maybe you don't know.

However, Lambda has its own provisions. An exhaustive list is long and far beyond the security levels of anyone not on an enforcement team, investigation team, administrator, or Lambda. Such is the way all teams work, each having its own secret information.

What has been gathered from the observation of Lambda members are the following:

  1. Nearly nobody on Lambda has mentioned anything related to safety. Safety is a huge topic and point of concern for most teams. Safety is paramount, from those who handle power tools to those who actively scout enemy territory. Team Lambda seems to have a different stance. It's is a line that runs askew to safety, but shows that they are not afraid to disregard it if they feel circumstances allow it. Where others say "Safety first!", Lambda emphatically says "Don't die!" Safety is a secondary concern, and if it means friendly fire or collateral damage so that the members may live, then so be it. Most other teams never need to make such a decision due to the aforementioned reliance on being safe in the first place. It is thought that Lambda's emphasis on survival may come at the cost of mission success. This is something that certain teams actively frown upon.
  2. They do not have restrictions against jewelry or makeup. In fact, members seem to be required to paint the nail of their middle finger on each hand some bright color that stands out. The reason for this is not officially known, but you can clearly see when one of them is flipping you off.
  3. They actively place wagers against each other and have some notion of provisions related to how they can tip the scales in their favor. While other teams do this as well, Lambda appears to be the only team observed referring to previously written guidelines about it.
  4. It's not sure if this one is written or not, but it seems that whenever possible, Lambda members stay on the portion of the base allocated to them. Any other teams with allocated areas come and go often and at will, often visiting spaces allocated to other teams while doing so. Lambda does not do this, though there appear to be several unspoken yet well-known reasons why. It would not be strange for some conditions to have been added to their rules. 
  5. Lambda's rules reference barfight etiquette, one of the most mission-irrelevant topics ever discussed. Oddly enough, this is the only thing that anyone from Lambda has outright confirmed.
    • In the event of a bar fight, at least 1 of the following must be done, increasing by 1 with every 2 additional team members present:
      1. Do not start the bar fight! You may defend and/or counter attack, however, Lambda members may not initiate a fight. TL:DR: Don't start the fight... finish it.
      2. if lambda is engaged against: break 1 bottle menacingly. You do not necessarily have to use it as a weapon.
      3. if lambda are bystanders: break 1 item in the bar. If you are attacked, people will suffice.
      4. if lambda are bystanders: take the bartender's tip jar. If the bartender is also a bystander then the tip jar should be returned after the fight or when it is safe for the bartender to receive it. If the bartender instigated the fight, then you may keep the tip jar.
      5. If possible, vacate the premises before law enforcement shows up. Nobody likes giving statements. This rule may be forgone if there was a death that lambda was not responsible for and testimony is required.
      6. Don't kill people. It ruins the mood.

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