
Table of Contents

Introduction Chapter One Chapter Two

In the world of Tazrena

Visit Tazrena

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Chapter Two

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Once Rena was safe in her apartment she took a deep breath calming herself, she was still thinking about the attack and the one who saved her. Things like why did he save her, and who was he under that helmet, were just some of many thoughts racing in her head. She took a shower and changed into something more confortable deciding she would just stay in for the night. She had more than enough excitment for one day. Later when she was laying in bed she decided she would go and search for her savior tommorow he deserved more than a simple thank you for saving her. She may be on the outs with her father the king but she was still a royal and she had the means to give the mystery man anything he wanted. Rena didn't live in the palace like she was suppost to she was going through one of her rebelious stages. Although she normally had her guards with her, she had gave them the slip earlyier today hence why she was alone and unprotected, when those monsters grabbed her. She could hear her guards out in the hallway now which made her feel somewhat safer and she made her mind up to not ditch them again.

Reaper was standing in an ally accross the street from where Rena lived, it had been over a week since he saved her. He didn't know why he was back here he had walked past a few times over the week just to check on her. Always at night and always staying concealed in the shadows. Rena unknown to Reaper had went back into the catacombs twice since the ordeal in search of him. Bringing her gaurds with her, and realizing she would rather have her gaurds report back what she was doing rather than get into trouble. She was walking past the window when she had a feeling she was being watched looking out across the street she didn't see anything, but the feeling remained. She had plans tonight to go dancing with a friend. Looking at the clock she cursed and grabbed her coat running out the door. Her gaurds followed but at a distance. Reaper saw Rena leave walking quickly down the street and following her were two large elfs not even trying to hide the fact they were following her. Reaper smiled as he crossed the street and followed the two. Rena heard a noise behind her glancing back she saw her gaurds laying on the ground with Reaper walking towrds her. Horrified she ran up to him.

"What the hell are you doing attacking my gaurds?"

Surprised by that Reaper responded.

"I thought they were following you, I was only keeping you safe."

"Well now I can't go dancing, pick them up and bring them back to my place."

Rena walked past Reaper and without looking back headed home. Reaper just stood there shocked, no one had ever taken that tone with him or given him orders like that. The women had spunk he had to give her that. Sighing he grabbed the two he had knocked unconscious by their jackets, and dragged them back. He dropped them outside her door in the hallway where she stood with her arms crossed and a pissed off look on her face.

"Come inside ill make us some coffee."

Causiously he followed her into her apartment and to the kitchen where a small dinning table was. Her apartment was nice but odd, the area it was located in meant she didn't come from money but the furnishings inside were laden with silver and gold. Even the small kitchen table had golden legs and a intricate abstact design on top of silver. He stood against the far wall and waited till she made the coffee when she was done she set two cups on the table and sat down. Reaper took his but remained standing, back to the wall.

"You can sit down."

"Nothing personal but I don't know you well enough and I rather be standing when your gaurds run in here."

She smiled and brushed the hair out of her face.

"They won't touch you and they are not allowed in here without permission."

"No offense but gaurds that stand in the hallway will never here a tracker come through your window, and you will be dead before you can give them permission."

"Why are you worried about my safety?"

Staring into her clear blue eyes he found himself deciding to trust her for the moment atleast.

"I don't know."

She looked unconviced but continued.

"Can you take off your helmet so I can see you?"


"Why not?" She asked confused.

"Are you telling me you don't know who I am? Just from the design on my chest you should recognize one of the most wanted beings on this planet. Not to mention the reward to anyone who finds out who I really am."

Reaper saw a filcker of fear as she put the pieces together but to her credit she hid it well.

"Well now that I know who you are it makes even less sense you saving me down in the catacombs. Or tonight for that matter when you thought I was in trouble. Don't you know who I am?"

"Rena, middleclass elf based on location and apperence, but the amount of money inside this apartment is confusing for someone of your standing."

Rena paused trying to decide if she should tell Reaper who she was. From the rummors and news stories he was supposted to be a very brutal being who slautered innocents and hated royals. Knowing never to judge a book by its cover and the fact that he had done nothing but protect her thus far she didn't want to start what ever this was off with lies. She was tired of lies, it was lies that brought her here, living in a middle class apartment in hiding to get away from the politics and lies of the palace.

"My name is Princess Rena of Elder House Daughter to the King." She said giving her full title.

Reaper didn't even twitch he just stared at her using the scanner from his helmet, he knew she wasn't lieing.

“Then why do you live here?”

“There were a lot of drama in the castle and personally, I hate drama. I was just tired of the lies and back stabbing.”

“As hard as you think you had it your still a princess, you should see how the dregs under the foot of power live. Hell most of them are living in the catacombs not because they like the smell of the dead but because the royal guards kill innocents for any reason at will.”

Rena couldn’t defend what was happening to the lower class she knew it was wrong, but to go against the upper class, meant you got either a knife in the back or poison in your dinner. They were cowards that way.

“So now that I have trusted you with my secret of who I am and what I’m doing here why don’t you sit, you can trust me, no harm will come to you here.”

Reaper took the seat opposite Rena so he could also face the door. Although he seemed to relax he kept his hand on his blaster under the table in case the guards came in. They talked for a while, or Rena talked and Reaper stuck to one syllable answers. When suddenly a knock came at the door. Rena ran to get the door it was her father. She let him in and led him to the kitchen intending to introduce him to Reaper but he was gone. No sign that he had been there was left. She turned to meet her father.

“Hello father what can I do for you?”

“What can you do for me?” he repeated stunned. “You can start by telling me what the hell happened tonight your guards reported that you were attacked.”

Smiling she responded

“No it was a simple misunderstanding, seeing as no one knows who I am here, a bystander saw my guards following me and thought they meant me harm they were only trying to protect me.”

“Who was this bystander?”

“Honestly I don’t know.” Which wasn’t a complete lie since she didn’t know his real name and deciding it was best to leave his description out.

“I don’t like this you will return home tonight.”

He said it in his king tone meaning it was not up for debate as he turned and left. A group of his guard stayed behind to help her pack. Within a few hours she was back in her apartment in the castle. Still mad her freedom could be taken away so easily. She was even mad at Reaper since if he hadn’t attacked her guards she wouldn’t be back here. She had been pacing the room for a few minutes at this point when she felt a breeze from the cool night air. She turned to see her window open. The window which was closed only moments before. Before she could move a huge hand covered her mouth to prevent her from screaming and a soft voice calmed her panic instantly.

“Don’t scream it’s just me. I wanted to talk with you since I left without saying goodbye.”

He released her, she went to the window and closed it before turning around.

“You’re the reason I’m here because you attacked my guards,and now I’m stuck back in this place.”

Her tone was a little harsh but she wasn’t really in the mood for the company of the person she was mad at.

“And don’t sneak up on me like that, why are you even here?”

Reaper could tell she was upset with him her anger was rightly placed he should of just left her alone and never thought about her again. What one should do and what one does in life are rarely the same thing. Knowing he wanted to spend time with her and that he could trust her, seeing as she didn’t tell her father about him. He did one of the most stupid things in his life. He removed his helmet and set it on the chair in the corner. Turning back to face Rena she was standing there mouth open with a shocked expression on her face. Rena wasn’t sure what shocked her more the fact that he had trusted her or that he was stunning, his long blond hair was pinned back in war braids his eyes a deep blue. Realizing she was still staring and hadn’t said anything she composed herself.

“Why did you do that?”

Taken back Reaper stepped forward standing right in front of her, reaching up he brushed her hair back and cupped her chin. Then without warning he claimed her mouth with his. Then just as abruptly released her but remained standing close looking down at her.

“So I could do that, you also asked me to remove my helmet. So I’m choosing to trust you. Whether or not you betray me is up to you.”

Rena’s cheeks where still flushed from the kiss and she could feel her heart racing. Than being bolder than she felt she looked up losing herself in his gaze and pulled him down for another deep kiss.

Seconds later the door blew open as if the gods themselves destroyed it. It was followed by the deafening noise and light of a stun grenade. Reaper was momentarily disorientated since he didn’t have his helmet on. As soon as he righted himself he saw a full team moving through the doors weapons on him. He moved for his helmet knowing with it on, he would at least have a fighting chance. Just as his hand touched his helmet a blast ripped through his back. Their weapons were set to kill not stun and as he fell the table tipped providing the precious seconds he needed to secure his helmet and get his blasters out. As the guards moved into the room it was a bottle neck that Reaper took full advantage of, dropping the first two with blast around the side of the table and using that confusion to grab Rena and pull her to him. Standing up he kept Rena in front of him as a shield knowing they couldn’t shoot with her in front of him.

“Back slowly out of the apartment or the Princess dies.”

Reaper sounded calm as he held her against his chest, and pointed a gun at her head. Rena was more pissed off about the whole situation of her father’s guards breaking in. Fear that Reaper would harm her didn’t even cross her mind she knew he had trusted her and she even under this intense situation and felt safe as he held her.

“Do as he says if I get hurt my father will have you all killed.”

Rena said hoping Reaper had a plan after they left.

As soon as the guards were in the hallway Reaper pulled the trigger stunning the Princess he swung her limp body over his shoulder set his grappling hook as he jumped out the nearest window. Within seconds he was on the street which he crossed and disappeared into the dark alleyways before backup could arrive. Five minutes later he was in the catacombs and another ten he was safe in his so called home. Reaper was winded and breathing heavy considering he just made the 15 minute journey at a sprint with the princess over his shoulder. He laid her down gently on his bed. This one room he had called home for a long time it was small and at times uncomfortable, but it was safe. Which was worth it to be able to sleep without jumping out of bed at every noise in the night. Reaper knew Rena would be mad when she woke but the situation required he move fast with no time for explanations and she would only have slowed him down.

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