Master BroAndrew
Rev AA Scutt

In the world of The Land of Ho

Visit The Land of Ho

Completed 3681 Words

Chapter Four

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Everything calmed down in Ho for some time, no more trouble, no more strange happenings, people getting back to normal, almost as if nothing had happened but, there was a small band of Peeps constantly at the ready for when it did decide to reoccur. Yes there was peace but an uneasy peace. Among those in readiness were the three Sneep survivors, now fully accepted as Wardens as well as locals of the community. Each had taken a wife and settled down, fully integrated with the Peeps of Windy Ho. The recruits Matt and Marc were also well settled as Wardens, though the latter was still not fully qualified because of his age, deemed too young. Nevertheless, Max Temper had a good team at his disposal and he was going to need them before too long because though it had been quiet for some time he knew evil did not rest. 


 ‘Max, can we have a word?’

‘Of course, Jay, anytime, what’s the problem?’

‘Oh no problem, it’s just that we’ve been thinking, Galen, Merv and me.’


‘Well, we’re here, sittin ‘an waitin’

‘Y-e-s-? Go on.’

‘Well, why do we wait for an attack? Why not initiate our own action?’


This was not normal Warden practice nor was it normal Warden-like thinking. It came as quite a shock to the otherwise unflappable veteran. 

But, rather than quench the enthusiasm of his team he decided to go along with their idea, he was curious as to how they would execute such an audacious idea, given their quarry and given that it was total lunacy. 

‘Go on, how do you intend going about such an attack?’

‘Actually we weren’t planning on an attack, more of a reconnaissance, see what we’re up against, assess their strengths, you know, that sort of thing. Like they did in fact’


It was obviously so simple to these three, so simple Max couldn’t understand why he hadn’t thought of it himself, apart from the fact that it was courting disaster. But, he thought, how about asking The Lady? The three eager Wardens saw no reason why they shouldn’t ask Gwen, they were only too eager to do so. She was bound to be impressed.


Sitting in Gwen’s igloo home the four Wardens were watching for any signs of disapproval of their idea or acceptance from their host but got none. One thing one never did with Madam Gwen was play her at cards. She sat in silence for a while, eyeing up those present before she spoke.


‘You will need extra protection, I think, yes that can be arranged but you must wait till I say it’s time. You do nothing till I say so. Understand?’

Max was shocked by Gwen’s answer. The other three were surprised. It would be impossible to say who was more so.

‘Yes, there are some arrangements I need to make before you can even attempt what you plan. All I ask of you is to be patient, make your own preparations by all means then check back with me before anything else. Now, have you all got that, it’s vitally important?’


There were no questions from anyone, it all made perfect sense, neither was there a question as to who was in charge of things at this point. Again, it made perfect sense. Max’s trust in Gwen was total, her judgement, knowledge and special skills. He knew she had an abundance of the latter but no idea what they were. That wasn’t important because the trust he had was enough. He was also impressed by how the three adopted Peeps had taken to her and to her authority.

Before they dispersed Gwen added, ‘Be sure to take the swords and shields I gave you, they could save your lives though I don’t anticipate you actually needing them but take them nevertheless. Oh, and Max, a brief word if you please.’


There was an awkward silence before Gwen said, ‘Oh, it doesn’t matter, it’ll keep.’


The force for law and order and the protection of the Settlement was going to be proactive for once and the thought of this sent a shiver of excitement down Max’s spine. It was a new experience for him but now he was troubled by doubt, self-doubt. Was he up to it or was he now too long in the tooth for such nonsense, much better leaving it to the younguns. 


In order to complete their mission the Wardens had to cross the river Ho, go through The Curragh Wood with its lush clinging undergrowth then make their way round to the far side of the hill in order to reach the place where they believed the agents of The Darkness were gathered, a place known to the locals as The Nick. This meant negotiating The Coed-y-Curragh, a particularly unpleasant swamp. The whole area certainly was well guarded.  No one ever goes to this place, not since the Mendes tragedy of many years ago when an entire family consisting of three generations decided to try and settle there and were never heard of again. Many tales are told of their demise, none proven but all part of folk lore now. The whole of the southeast region is said to be cursed and it is to this inhospitable area our intrepid young Wardens set out for. They estimated to be away for three days. There were no plans made to cover the possibility of them not returning. This was not being over confident, just the level of uncertainty.

They made good time getting through the wood, even with its thick ankle grabbing undergrowth. Once through Curragh Wood they encountered a different proposition, the Swamp. This presented a different challenge. The first thing you noticed even before the swamp came into sight was the smell of corruption. Rotting matter vegetation, foul water.


‘Just whose idea was this anyway?’

‘Come on, Merv, we all agreed.’

‘He’s right, now quit moaning and keep moving, we’ve already used up a day and we’re not there yet.’ Jay was trying to keep his friends spirits up but they were clearly flagging. ‘Just the last few metres of the stinking swamp to get through and then we’ll be close to achieving our goal.’ 


Night time was fast closing in over the Settlement and Max couldn’t rest, he kept thinking about his lads out there, struggling through difficult terrain and the weather was looking bad. He’d also got something else on his mind, or rather, someone else. He decided that it was time he made his feelings known.

‘Come on in, Max, the door is open.’ 

How does she do that, he wondered, as he entered Gwen’s home without first knocking?

‘I’ve been expecting you.’ She said, ‘Come and make yourself comfortable, I’ll put the kettle on.’ With that she was away into her kitchen leaving him sitting, wondering if he was being wise, perhaps he’d better think again. But no, darn it, it was time.

‘There we are Max, your favourite coffee. Now, what was it you wanted to speak to me about?’

Why was he so nervous, he thought, she's only a woman, ah yes, but no ordinary woman. For one of the few times in his life Max found himself struggling to find the words he wanted.

‘There’s something I want to tell you. I’m not quite who or what you may think I am.’

Gwen was very fond of Max and hated to see him struggle like he was. She wanted to put him out of his misery.

‘Max, dear Max, it’s okay, don’t trouble yourself, I know.’

‘Y-you know?’ How could she, he thought?

‘Max, since we first met I knew you had Elvin blood in you.’

‘Er, you did!?’ This was totally unexpected, not at all what he was thinking about.

‘Yes, I knew that and also I know how you feel about me.’

‘Y-Yuh do?’

‘Yes, I do and I also have something to tell you about me before you say anything else.’

Here it comes, he thought, the knock back.

‘I am not who or what you think I am.’

‘It doesn’t matter,’ he blurted out before she could finish.

‘My dear Max, it does, believe me. Now drink your coffee and please try to understand, though it won’t be easy. You’re going to see something that may make you disbelieve your eyes but I can assure it’s true. Also, my dear, dear Max, don’t be afraid.’

He sat, staring at her, his mouth agape, lost in a sea of utter confusion. This was not going how he anticipated it to go.

As he watched her she visually began to shimmer, her outline was undulating like waves all along her shape and she was beginning to fade from his view. He had to physically resist reaching out to her so as not to lose sight of her. Then his fear of losing her changed to fear of another kind because the woman he was going to declare his love for when he arrived was growing in size until she had to bend to avoid going through the roof. Size wasn’t the only change because right there in front of him her very shape began to alter too. In what only could have been seconds he was face to face with a huge, Pearlescent Dragon. His blood froze, he sat petrified. What had just happened was, as far as he was concerned, simply not possible but then, being who he was and what he was, reason quickly returned with a why not? This changes everything.

‘Max, it is me, Gwen, only in my true form. I am sorry.’

‘No, no, no need, I’m just, er, surprised.’ 

In a matter of seconds again she was back to the form he’d come to know.

‘I’ve been meaning to tell you for a while but it never seemed to be the right time.’

‘Well, it’s as it is, isn’t it?’ He said. Stuck for word again.

"It's a long story, if you really want to know?’ 

‘Please, Gwen, don’t, if you really don't want to, he countered.

‘No, I really think you ought to know. You see, I was banished from the realm of dragons for breaking the dragons code.’ She then began to tell him how that happened and how she came to be in Windy Ho.


‘Now keep your eyes peeled and above all, be quiet.’

 Jay, Galen and Merv were now nearing the place they'd set out to reach, having got through the putrid swamp. Every nerve in their bodies on high alert. One slip now could mean utter disaster, they moved stealthily towards where the noise was coming from, their guess being the camp centre. The sounds they were hearing were guttural noises, more grunts and groans than anything remotely like speech. For all their stealth they very nearly stumbled right into the midst of a large group of grotesque creatures, all on their haunches, in a large circle, giving the impression of waiting for something. There was a real sense of evil in the air and Jay, finger to his lips, gestured that they move back and as they were doing so one of the creatures turned and looked straight at them. All three stopped, frozen to the spot but then to their great surprise the creature shrugged its shoulders and turned away back to the circle. That was enough for Jay, he gestured again to carry on moving back and not to stop. He, for one, had seen enough. They quickly made their way towards the swamp but as they were moving over the loose rocks at the foot of the hill Galen slipped and stumbled. It sounded to them like thunder and they fully expected to be overrun by those hideous creatures who must have heard them. Now they ran as fast as their legs could carry them, they were running for their lives. They struggled and spluttered through the swamp, fighting off all manner of strange and horrendous beasts large and small, their senses running as wild as they were. It wasn’t until they reached the far side of Coed-y-Curragh Swamp that they stopped to catch their breath and take stock of their flight. When they did so they realised that what they had been fighting off through the swamp were little more than swamp lizards, frogs and other such horrendous beasts, large and small. This brought on a nervous laugh from the three but their plight was not over, they had to get through Curragh Wood then back across the river. All this they achieved without incident and when they got back to report to Gwen and Max they were euphoric over their remarkable success.


‘It's wonderful to see you return safe and sound.’ Was Gwen’s welcoming words to the three brave Wardens. ‘It’s also gratifying to see that the sword and shields I provided you with helped.’

Without thinking Merv blurted out, ‘Whoar, we didn’t need them, those cowardly creatures weren’t up for a fight.’

Max broke in then saying, ‘Do you really think you’d have had much of a chance if they had seen you?’

‘What do yuh mean if, they looked straight at us.?’

‘Yes, they did, and still they did nothing,’ replied Max. ‘Why do you think that was, I wonder?’

‘Alright Max, that’s enough, they’ve come through a great ordeal and need congratulating and yes, they need to know that they had been provided with protection, part of which was to do with the fact that they had become invisible, thanks to their swords, shields and clothes which were all soaked in a solution I had prepared prior to the mission.’ 

Gwen was not boasting in any way but simply explaining the reason for their safe return, before Max turned the screw any more. 

All Galen could say was, ‘Phew, we needn’t have run so fast after all.’

‘Oh, it’s as well you did, I’d no idea how long the spell would last.’

Everyone laughed at the seemingly absurd statement made by Gwen, except for her. She knew just how true this was. 


‘So, it looks very much like they are planning something and we had better be ready.’ Max spoke and everyone heard their own thoughts put into words. Their thinking was next interrupted by a knocking on the door. 

‘That’ll be one of our esteemed Councillors, I think,’ said Gwen, ‘and it’s trouble.’

Upon opening the door Max was met with a tirade from Boss Councillor in person, being his usual blustering self. Dispersing his oversized importance and ego like barbed confetti.

‘How nice to see you Boss, do come in.’  Gwen was at her charming, disarming best. ‘Can I get you anything to drink, you must be thirsty coming all this way to my humble abode?’


‘Er, thank you dear lady but no. I have come looking for our Head Warden, Mr. Max Temper, who I see is here as I thought.’

‘Well then, that’s nice and handy. We’ll leave you two to discuss what you need to discuss. Come on boys, let’s retire to the games room, shall we?’

‘Er, there’s no need to leave us dear lady, what I have to say is as important to you all as it is to Mr. Temper here.’

‘So, how can Mr. Temper here help you, Councillor?’ Max’s cold response matched that of the Councillor only with a slight edge to it that served as a warning to anyone with a modicum of intelligence. It was not lost on the visitor.  

‘YYes, w-well, there’s been another killing. Farmer Mitchell has lost his prize bull, butchered on his own doorstep and there could be more because they were all scattered. They’re searching as I speak.’

‘It’s started then.’ Said Merv.

‘Pardon?’ Asked the Councillor.

‘Oh, nothing.’ Said Merv, ‘just thinking aloud.’

‘Yes, well then, what are you going to do about it Mr. Temper?’

‘Just as soon as you have left these premises I and my team will be looking into the matter. Mr Councillor.’ 

‘Right, then, I'd best be on my way. Keep me informed. As soon as the visitor had left the temperature in the room seemed to rise dramatically.

‘So there we have it,’ said Max, ‘the nasties are back in business and we have to sort it, though I must confess, I’m at a loss right now. I mean, how do we fight these fiends?’

‘We don’t, alone, we get help.’ 

‘Does that mean you have an idea, Gwen?’

‘An inkling of one but it could be very costly and it means I will have to be away again for a short time.’

Max looked at her and there was dread in his eyes but he said nothing.

‘While I am away there are things you can all do to prepare, I’ll leave you everything I can for your protection.’

‘I’m not sure I’m liking this.’ Chipped in Jay.

‘Think about it, what else can we do? We can’t just climb up there and attack them, though there will be some fighting I’m afraid. No, I think I know where we can get some help but it means I have to leave you for a time but, you will be alright just as long as you stay away from The Hill, while I’m away. If you should find yourselves forced to leave here, then make sure you have everything I’m leaving you with on you, without fail. Understand?’ 


The gathered looked at Gwen, only one had an idea what she was talking about and he was not happy about it. 

There was a unanimous nod of agreement. This time it was everybody, the two youngest Wardens, Matt and Marc, were sorely needed now more than ever and they would have to gain experience when it arrived.

‘When are you leaving?’ asked Max.

‘Time is of the essence.’ 

‘I’ll walk you to the door.’

‘Dear Max.’ With this she gave him a hug and left.

‘Right lads, you heard the lady. Check your gear.’ 

Both the Warden’s Station and Gwen’s abode were centres of frenetic activity once more as everyone was involved in making ready for, well, for or anything. There were mixed feelings in the camp. For the youngest, Matt and Marc, it was excitement and fear rolled into one. This would be the first time they’d see action. Matt, being older of the two, was a little more wary than his friend who was all excited one minute then full of apprehension the next. Each of the Sneep boys were just itching for a fight being full of anger at the shame and disgrace their once own people had brought upon them and everything Sneep. They were carrying a lot of guilt for their people and it needed purging. Max was feeling the responsibility of his office more day by day. He was feeling responsible for the lads of his team, the Settlement, and now more than ever Gwen. He knew this last consideration was misplaced because if anyone could look after themselves, Gwen could, nevertheless, she would always be on his mind as she has always been.


‘Looks like a storm on the way, Chief.’ Commented Merv, choosing this title to address Max with because it seemed to fit him nicely.

‘Yeah, my old bones have been telling me that. We’d better make sure everything is battened down before it hits,’


There was no build up to the storm, the full fury of it hit the Settlement in minutes which made Max very uneasy. This was no ordinary storm, he thought. There was an uncomfortable familiarity about it. Thunder that shook the foundations of the Station, lightning that turned night into day and rain that was described by Max as vicious. Still, they were warm and cosy in their Station, having been busy making renovations to it in the quiet time. The place was more like a fort now. They were not taking any of this lightly. Max was thinking about Gwen, where was she, what was she doing, who did she go to see, was she successful in getting any help. His thoughts were broken into by yelling from the outside and banging on the door.


‘Best see who that is someone, before they break the door down.’     

Young Marc had barely opened the door when two drenched figures burst in, nearly stumbling over each other.

‘We’re under attack. The fiends are approaching the Settlement. Do something, Warden, do something or we’ll all be murdered for sure!’

‘Whoa there, just sit down by this fire and dry yourselves and tell me all about it.’ Max was trying his best to calm the visitors down but not having much luck, they were in a blind panic. ‘These fiends you mentioned, can you describe them?’

‘They’re attacking, I say attacking and we are helpless!’

‘Where are they attacking, exactly?’

This stopped the panicky visitors momentarily as they had to think. Then one of them, having calmed down enough to speak rather than babble, said, ‘The settlement that’s where.’

‘Yes, but where abouts and how many of them are there would you say, roughly?’

The spokesman took a breath and said, ‘Well, I haven’t actually seen them myself but I certainly heard their blood curdling demonic screams.’ 

‘Right then, I suggest you go home and lock yourselves in and we will investigate, see what’s going on, okay?’

‘I’m not going home. I’m going to the mountains, well out of the way.’ Within that the visitors were gone as quick as they had arrived, terror stricken.

‘Remember Gwen's instructions about not going to The Hill.’

‘I remember, but who said anything about going to The Hill?’ Max felt he had to do something but didn’t want to disobey Gwen’s instructions and had no intentions of doing so, at the same time he didn’t actually know what he was going to do, just something, anything.

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