Chapter 12: Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

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Astarion POV mid chapter


The sky was darkening. By the sounds coming from camp, the scouting group had returned while Nyx walked back, after leaving the bog behind (and parts of herself) in the nearby stream. She could pick out distinct voices while she hung up still wet gear on the surrounding tree branches around her tent. She could hear their greetings and asking after Tav to discuss their findings as Nyx made her way to the campfire.

Nyx found the whole gang gathered around when night fell and Gale lighted the fire with an effortless flick of the wrist.

Seems the town hall is in session, Nyx glanced over all the faces. Everyone looked in good health and spirits. She smiled inwardly, these people reminded her more and more of her own nomadic caravan group. A pang of nostalgia bloomed in her chest.

Nyx spent her adolescent years with a nomadic caravan group, known as the Tufani. Its people came from all walks of life with a binding similarity; they were the outliers and outcasts of society - some even reformed criminals. Keetjah, the founding matriarch, welcomed anyone under her banner as long as they contributed to the group and kept their noses clean. The eccentric mix of people in this camp reminds her very much of Tufani - which included some of her longest standing friends, and her family-by-association.


Nyx approached the log where she'd left Clive, she saw Karlach sitting on the other log nearby. Clive likely ducked out when the town hall began, Nyx surmised and silently took a seat. Most of the others were standing around the camp listening to the main speakers. Tav was speaking with Wyll and Lae'zel. Wyll seemed to be more at ease with his recent transformation, and with everyone treating him the same as always likely helped with that.

Wyll was looking at Tav, but raised his voice so that everyone else could hear, "We've determined that the goblins have an encampment leading to the mountains." He pointed in the general direction of the discovery.

Lae'zel moved to stand next to Wyll and took a breath to speak. "It seems to be a fore camp to their main base of operations.", Lae'zel elaborated with an upright posture, her hands held behind her back.

Sign of respect, Nyx observed and grinned to herself, Tav is growing on Lae'zel, which the later would likely protest to.

Wyll nodded in agreement and continued, "They are holed up in an abandoned temple with plenty of activity throughout the day. We also noticed some Drow."

Drow!, Nyx's ears perked up.

Gale added, "They all seemed to be branded with the 'Absolute's' mark, like the other goblins we've encountered. The drow seem to be the ones in charge of the goblins, and whatever they're up to at the temple."

Humans, dwarves, goblins, ogres, and now drow recruited under the banner of this 'Absolute'? Lolth is a jealous goddess and will not be pleased, Nyx mused.

Tav played with the braid dangling over the front of her shoulder as she processed the information.


Tav looked up, "And what of the Githyanki creche?", she asked Lae'zel.

"We have yet to establish the exact location of the creche. There were signs of my people in the mountain pass beyond the goblin camp. Those along with the older ones I noticed at the", she paused frowning, searching for the word, "Toll house, suggests that the creche may be within the mountains themselves."

Tav looked down and chewed her bottom lip, mulling it over.

Looking back up she shared the 'swamp party's' findings for the day, "We found a letter in the hidden cache at the swamp docks."

Astarion lilted from the shadows, "Don't forget about the part we're we almost got bludgeoned and drowned by the cursed treant, my dear." Firelight playing on his sharp features.

The 'scouting party' made a variety of surprised noises and impressed faces.


Nyx set her mouth in a line, I succinctly remember being the one that was almost drowned by the cursed oak. Still got the bruises to show for its efforts.

Gale smirked intrigued, "Do tell us everything."

"Later,", Tav replied with a smile, bringing the conversation back to the letter’s correspondence and not the 'great escape'.

"The letter revealed that the Emerald Grove's Second Druid has been converted to the side of the Shadow Druids. They're the ones who instigated the Rite of Thorns that'll expel the refugees, using Kagha as frontwoman. They mean to take the Grove in Halsin's absence.", Tav summarized.

Gale and Wyll's had mirrored expressions of eyebrows climbing into hairlines. Lae'zel and Shadowheart didn't seem interested either way.

Hmm, something they can agree on?, Nyx snickered mentally. Then Nyx heard something behind her.

By the abyss! Can't we just have one night without something intruding upon camp?!, Nyx rose and flung around in the same motion, hand on her hunting knife, her long skirt swirling around her legs.


She couldn't see the rest of the group, fire at her back, but they had all stopped talking when she turned around. Nyx's eyesight adjusted quickly, and she scanned the tree line. She saw movement low on the ground.

"Something is circling camp. Looks like an animal.", Nyx stated to the others, not taking her eyes of the tree line.

Wolves?, Nyx wasn't sure yet.

A gasp of excitement escaped Tav, and she called out, "Scratch!"

Tav scrambled next to Nyx, who gave her a dubious look. Before Nyx could caution her against assumptions, Tav called out again.

"Scratch buddy! Is that you?", Tav was on her haunches, talking into the darkness.

Nyx remained at the ready. Then a loud happy bark came from the trees. Nyx focused on the direction of the bark, and indeed it was a dog shaped silhouette between the underbrush. Nyx relaxed her stance and Tav took it as a sign.

"Come here boy! Come on Scratch!", Tav stretched out her hands before her, beckoning in the general direction Nyx pointed her to.

Scratch emerged from the shadows, tongue lolling as he approached Tav and received plenty of his name’s sake in return. Nyx smiled at the exchange and scratched one of his ears too.

Several of the others joined to greet the latest recruit, smiles all around.


It was getting a bit crowded, and Nyx moved to make some space for herself.

Nyx sidled next to Karlach, "So, who won?", she asked and crossed her arms.

Karlach gave her a questioning look. Nyx hooked a thumb over at Clive.

A face splitting grin appeared, "He won by a landslide." Karlach guffawed, drawing momentary attention from the rest of the group. "I never stood a chance!", she finished laughing and Nyx grinned at her. "But", Karlach said more seriously with a pointed finger, "I'm not gonna give up that easily. Now I know his tactics."

Nyx raised her eyebrows and made a surprised face.

Tactical, insults? ... Sure, why not?

"I take it that round two is inevitable then?", Nyx ventured.

"Fuck yes.", Karlach stated, fire in her eyes.

Okay. Wow, Nyx blinked and nodded slowly, pursing her lips. She can't say she was looking forward to it.

In true Karlach fashion, she got distracted by Scratch, forgetting any further conversation.


Nyx noticed people dispersing to their tents. They'll likely join up again later for dinner. Nyx took the opportunity to gather up her backpack. She confirmed with Gale that enough of last night's deer remained for tonight when combined with other rations they have, freeing up her time for other things.

Next person she sought out was Shadowheart to ask whether Karlach had spoken to her about her shoulder. Shadowheart replied that 'Karlach had not spoken to her about any such thing'. Nyx asked Shadowheart whether she'd be willing to give Karlach's shoulder a once over. Nyx explained it had been dislocated during the confrontation with the treant and that Nyx had reset it. Shadowheart was mightily displeased at the idea of Nyx setting Karlach's shoulder. Seemed that Shadowheart retained her low opinion of Nyx's healing abilities.

What was I supposed to do? Leave her like that?, Nyx wondered.

Fortunately, Shadowheart agreed to checkup on Karlach; 'especially since Nyx did the resetting'. Nyx rubbed her eyes and sighed internally, Whatever. Nyx got what she hoped for out of the conversation nonetheless, even if she had to endure being chastised over her field medicine.

Nyx returned to her tent after her successful rounds. She gathered writing implements and a notebook from her backpack and stowed the pack in her tent. There was a spot she found the previous night with a lovely view that she wanted to visit again.


--- --- ---


Since tasting her blood, Astarion could think of little else. It was so very hard not to. Drinking her blood was an entirely different experience to that of any of the animals Cazador had only every allowed him to feed on. It affected him differently too, he was stronger, faster, could hear clearer, smell better, and he was more alert to his environment. Even from such a small blood meal, yet he could have drained her dry and his hunger would not have been satiated.

He was more aware of her general presence as well. Her scent reminded him of her blood, its rich aroma and woody taste, like the forest itself. It was a constant reminder. This led him down a spiral of thoughts between being vexed at himself for needing her blood in the first place and the terrible, longing desire to have more.

And it was too easy to pick out her scent in the air. He knew almost exactly where she was for the entire day, regardless of the disgusting swamp or bog smells that befuddled the other scents in the air. It was only the vile Gur's scent that was strong enough to detract from hers. Astarion scowled at the memory in the dark as he stood between the trees. Before he could ruminate, the wind changed; carrying her scent with it and she filled his mind again. He remembered the taste of her warm blood on his tongue, and he absently touched his lips with his fore fingers. His hunger grew.

He hadn't hunted tonight, Well, not for animals.

However, he was on Nyx's trail for the second time today. He followed it through the trees and up a steep incline.

Where is she going?, he wondered with a smirk. She seemed to like wandering off. At first, he thought it rather foolish for a such skittish little faun, but he recently realized she never was one.

He was getting closer; her scent was getting stronger.


He found her sitting at the top of a natural lookout point. If he'd squinted, he could see the Grove from this vantage. As usual, she had not heard him yet and he did so enjoy sneaking up on people. Before he did, he watched her for a moment. Like he had watched so many others before.

She looked to be writing in a book, her skirt was spread out in a circle around her.

The wind gusted again, wiping up some of her dark hair that was styled into a loose braid, cascading down her back. She shifted to hold the paper down that the wind had disturbed and waited for it to pass to continue writing in the book.

What secrets does it contain?, he smiled to himself and stepped from the shadows.


Just as he sucked in breath to speak, she made a small motion of her head.

"Writing in the dark is bad for your eyesight, my dear.", he lilted, and she startled. She never once made a sound when she did, much to his dissatisfaction. He also noticed that the startle seemed less intense this time as well. He momentarily considered the notion that she may have heard him before he spoke, but disregarded it as unlikely. She shifted.

She responded sarcastically without looking up from her book, "Sneaking up on people in the dark is bad for your health, so I hear." She tapped her knife in the small of her back with the end of her pencil for good effect.

He chuckled. She seemed to be in better spirits than this morning. He slid over to sneak a peek at her writing.


She didn't even attempt to hide it.

How disappointing, he pouted.

She looked up at him with raised eyebrows and a smirk, "It is rude to read over another person's shoulder too, so I hear."

He feigned being affronted at the accusation, "Perish the thought, darling.", and placed his hand on his chest drifting to stand more to her side.

She held the notebook out in front of her and squinted at it. "Hmm, it needs something. I can't quite put my finger on it.", she tapped her chin with her pencil.

The book was in full view on her lap, it seemed to be a drawing accompanied by smaller diagrams and notes. Unexpectedly, she simply handed it to him. "What do you think?", she asked.

He reached out to take the book, she schooled her expression, but her eyes shone with laughter. That look she got of being amused by something, but unwilling to share.

Astarion studied the page, it was a detailed recording of the cursed treant they had encountered that day. She had drawn a sketch, a remarkable likeness to the creature, with observations on its appearance, behaviour, and abilities. Some of the phrases had question marks; specifically, on whether cursed oaks could swim or jump. He smirked. He proceeded to briefly page through the front of the book. It was a personal bestiary of sorts.


He handed it back to her, "I'm disappointed, darling.", he lulled.

She narrowed her eyes at him with amused suspicion. He continued.

"There is nothing in it about me.", he lilted looking hurt.

She barked out a laugh her hand over her mouth, and he smirked down at her. She lifted her hand from her mouth to speak.

"Technically, I do have a section on vampires in my previous notebook.", she corrected him gesturing with the book in her other hand.

"Oh", he said with a tilt of his head, he wasn't talking about that. "Quite the intrepid adventurer, my dear. However, I wasn't referring to vampires.", he paused for a moment, "I was referring to myself.", he finished lazily gesturing to his chest.

She seemed even more amused by the clarification when he had expected her to blush. He could see her thinking about something as she regarded the book again.

She looked back at him out of the corner of her eye and nodded, "Ah, I see what you mean."

Of course you do, my dear. I am the only thing that you ought to be drawing. He waited expectantly for her reply.


"A murderous glint in the eye", she pointed at him with her pencil, mischief in her eyes.

She looked away before he could show his disapproval at her for being so purposefully obtuse. He was well aware she was smarter than she pretended to be sometimes. He sighed dramatically instead.

He watched as she adjusted the drawing to the effect that the cursed oak looked to have glowing eyes. She held up the notebook for him again.

"There, see? Much better.", she added with a smug grin.

He tsked at her, "You've lost your chance at capturing true beauty, my dear."

She smiled at him this time, "I'm afraid you'll have to find an artist with more talent than me to capture your beauty then.", she made a flourish with her hand and added, "I am dismal with portraiture at best."

He regarded her for a moment, he was inclined to believe the statement rather than it being deception. He'd only seen animals and creatures in her book; mostly animals. "Truly disheartening, my dear, but fair enough", he lulled at her.

He did manage to get her to admit that he was beautiful. It was a step in the right direction.


--- --- ---


Nyx wondered whether all vampires were so vain. It was a strange concept to her, being so much aware of your own physical beauty. Even more so in his case, seeing as he doesn't even have a reflection to look at. She never put much thought into her own appearance other than making sure she was clean and appropriately dressed. She enjoyed wearing cute clothes every so often, but makeup and jewellery never appealed to her. It either made her skin itch, got in the way, or got caught on something, which was why she securely fastened her hair to her head when venturing out or went hunting.

Speaking of which, Nyx was getting annoyed with the loose strands of hair in her face and eyes, especially when the wind picks up. She had made a hasty braid earlier when she heard the others returning to camp. She put her nature study book down and started to undo her hair.


Astarion moved to sit next to her. Her skirt creating some welcome distance between them. She was not quite sure what to expect after allowing him to feed on her last night. He watched as she redid her hair. She saw how his eyes flitted more than once to her neck. The attention made her somewhat uncomfortable; she doesn't want to be associated with food, especially not her blood.

Another reason to get the 'skittish little faun' idea out of his head. I understand that he is a predator, but I am not prey. He must go look elsewhere for that.

She casually redid her braid to the side of her head looking down at her skirt. It was the same side he was sitting on, effectively covering her neck as she brought the braid over her shoulder. He did seem to notice the subtle message of the movement and smiled slyly before looking away to the view.

Good. If it becomes more trouble, I'll address it openly, but until then, Nyx turned her attention to the view as well and enjoyed the breeze without it poking at her eyes with her hair.


Did the cursed oak stop at the bridge, because it could not swim or it wasn't allowed to?, she mulled and picked up her notebook again.

Controlling influence over cursed oak? Not permitted to leave demarcated area?, she scribbled in the free space, drawing an arrow to the notes on swimming and jumping.

She looked up at the view again, admiring the rolling hills that dropped off into cliffs and gave way to the ocean in the distance.

"I won't mind learning how to draw landscapes.", she said out loud, Astarion turned his head. "Then I'll be able to expand on my nature studies with habitat scenes.", she mused with her pencil on her lips squinting at nothing in particular.

Astarion shifted, "Dinner is served, darling."

What?, she thought and blinked at him. He had a knowing smile on his lips.

She frowned, but before she could work out what he was on about she got the faintest whiff of Gale's cooking. Her stomach grumbled loudly in response, her eyebrows rose, and she pressed her lips together.

"Heh, it seems my stomach would agree.", she chuckled a little embarrassed, with her hand on her belly. She collected herself and stood. Astarion rose in a smooth motion.

"I'll be late for 'dinner', darling. I need to take a bit of the edge off first, so to speak, before I join." Astarion lulled at her, "Put in a good word for me, my dear, when they notice my absence? If you don't mind.", he smiled more predatory.

She snorted, "Such as?", with a hand on her hip.

"Oh, I'm sure you'll think of something.", with that he turned, winked at her over his shoulder and melted into the shadows.

"Good hunting then.", she said by way of greeting.

Excusing a vampire from dinner? When no one knows he is one? Jerk, she shook her head amused and made her way to camp.




Gale, Nyx and Karlach were first to get their share for the evening. The others trickled in one-by-one or in pairs as they laughed and discussed various topics. Seated around the campfire, it didn't take long for an absence to be noticed.

Tav frowned and looked around, "Where is Astarion?"

Gale swallowed and remarked, "He'll show up sooner or later."

Shadowheart said around her spoon, "I think I saw him going in the same direction as Nyx earlier."

All eyes were on Nyx, Oof, busted. In record time no less.

She chewed on her food a little longer than usual to buy herself time to think of something plausible, keeping her expression neutral.

She swallowed and shrugged, "We discussed a few things, then he said he had stuff to do. He wasn't being very forthcoming as usual."

There were nods from Wyll and Karlach, a few rolling eyes, but no one made a fuss.


It was not as suave as Tav's deception, but it seems they bought it, Nyx thought at her somewhat clumsy cover story, Or non-story for that matter.

Although it wasn't a lie, it was deceptive enough to make her feel slimy. Nyx doesn't like to lie. She doesn't lie on principal, but she's also learned that the world doesn't work in absolutes. So, she can sell a lie once or twice in, when necessary, especially when she has had time to prepare for it. But lies are sticky things. Lies are like spider webs, it doesn't take much to get yourself tangled in them with no way out. Best to go for short half-truths or omissions, or in this case truthful vagueness.

Then again, it too reminded her of the shenanigans that she and her friends got up to during her time with the nomad caravan. She smiled at the memory and listened to the conversation turn to the events of the day.


Tav socially arm wrestled the 'scouting group' to tell their story first, but only after promising that the 'curse oak' story would be told the following night as there wasn't enough time for both stories, lest no one get shut eye tonight.

Wyll and Gale were detailing their covert operations regarding 'Camp Gob' with corrections and amendments made by Lae'zel and Shadowheart as the story progressed. Lae'zel stressed her annoyance at the others insisting they take a sneaky approach, especially when it involved covering themselves in mud, branches, and magic for camouflage. Shadowheart quipped that they all made very convincing bushes and shrubs with Lae'zel being a particularly thorny bramble. The context of which being lost on Lae'zel.

The rest of the time involved moving in for closer observation without being spotted and 'borrowing' plenty provisions along the way. Gale had a very close call by almost being 'marked' by one of the goblins when it went to relieve itself. Wyll had to dissuade the goblin by casting a stinking cloud on Gale's hideaway. Gale almost passing out in the process of waiting for the goblin to eventually leave to find a, less pungent, place to go about its business. This had everyone in stitches by the time Astarion did turn up at the opposite side of the fire.

"Decided to join us after all? The food is likely cold by now, if there is any left.", Tav directed at Astarion after she wiped the tears from her eyes and had enough breath to speak.

Astarion deflected, "But it was such a lovely night for a stroll, darling."

Tav shook her head and smiled at the statement.

Gale chirruped, "Eh, there's plenty of food left", gesturing dismissively. "You might have to fight Karlach for it though.", Gale gestured with his bowl in her direction.

"Hey!", Karlach protested, "I can't help that I burn through fuel like the hells, because I'm running on hot all the time."

The banter continued, and Astarion's late arrival remained a non-event.

Nyx had her bowl in front of her mouth to drink the rest of its contents. She met Astarion's eyes over her bowl. He winked at her again. She smiled behind her bowl and mirrored Tav's head shake.

Sly silver fox, she acknowledged.

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