Master BroAndrew
Rev AA Scutt

Table of Contents

One Two Three Four

In the world of The Land of Ho

Visit The Land of Ho

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 They found Whitey where Idris had left him all curled up in a tight ball, it looked like he hadn’t moved at all. Ginny was soon examining his wounds, saying nothing but shaking her head from time to time and tut, tutting. All the time she was gently moving him to get to his wounds he never once flinched, totally passive. This was not good for a dragon and both she and Idris knew this. She worked tirelessly for three solid hours cleaning and dressing the wounds, her tears falling on each wound in turn. Not pouring but almost measured, just a couple at a time. She also applied a smear of salve from a little earthen pot along with the tears. The little cove was well chosen by Whitey, providing him with ample shelter from the elements as well as protection from any unwelcome inquisitive animal life. It was decided then to leave him where he was for the time being. Ginny said she would keep vigil but Idris wasn’t having any of that and insisted on sharing the job of keeping an eye on their patient. This meant that in effect both stayed close by. It was going to be a long watch.

It was midnight of the third watch when Ginny detected movement in her patient, movement and a quiet groan. Whitey was alive which wasn’t a guaranteed result at the beginning. In the morning he was awake and more than a little confused. Who was this strange somewhat bossy little female, where was he, so many questions and ouch! That hurt. 

“Now then Whitey, I’m Ginny and I’m here to make you well again.”

His memory kicked in, the fight, the burn, the agony, the run for cover, though not so much a run as a stagger. There were still many questions in his mind but one jumped forward for an immediate answer. 


“Why what?” Said Ginny, a little surprised.

“Why are you doing this and furthermore, how did you know about my situation and where I was?”

She looked at him for a long minute, weighing up whether or not he was ready to know. Out of the corner of her eye she spotted Idris returning. Now’s a good enough time, she thought.

“Your brother dragon told me all about it and where to find you. He was concerned that you were badly injured.”

“He what!?”

“He was concerned…”

“He caused the injury in the first place. Concerned? Makes no sense.”

“It does to me, Bwo.”

“Idris!, and the word is Bro.”

“That’s what I said, Bwo.”

He couldn’t help himself, whether it was shock or whatever, Whitey burst out laughing, even though it hurt.

Ginny and Idris looked at each other and then joined in until the pain proved too much for Whitey who stopped laughing and let out a deep groan and lay back down again and fell into a deep sleep.

“I think he’ll mend, Idris, but he’ll never fly anything like he used to I’m afraid. That wind membrane will not replace itself sufficiently, if it does mend.”

The two of them looked down at their sleeping patient.

“What’s going to become of him?” Said Idris, more to himself.”

“He’ll be fine, trust me, he’ll be just fine. He will have a few lessons to learn though which won’t be all that easy but he’s a proud dragon and will not give up. We’ve just got to get him to the lodge.”

“That’s all?”

“Now then, Idris, don’t go concerning yourself about something you cannot do, on your own. I’m going to leave him in your care for now, I have a few enquiries to make. Now don’t go and stir things up between you two while I’m gone, D'yuh hear?”

“I pwomise.” 


Whitey made a surprisingly speedy recovery considering his injuries but the wing was never going to recover. He tried everything he could to strengthen it, exercising daily in the water of the little cove but nothing seemed to make much difference. He did manage to fly, however. He and Idris flew daily, short distances but regular. Whitey wasn’t grounded which gave him some cheer. Although Whitey had never been one for talking much, always preferring to let his actions speak for him but being laid up like he was gave him the opportunity to voice to his frustrations that had been his main driving force for so long. How he had always felt he had to prove himself because he was a white dragon and so stood out from the crowd. He felt that there was a great weight of expectation on him. This lay up had given him time to get to know his brother dragon, Idris, a little better who was different altogether, unassuming, likeable, even and yet very strong and brave and a good listener. There was something else. This strong, brave victorious beast had not only bettered him but then had returned to offer assistance, even to the point of going to the lodge looking for him. He had also brought back news of some considerable interest to his kind. Dragon hunting had been outlawed and dragons were now an endangered therefore protected species. Hmm, he wasn’t too sure what he felt about that. It would take some getting used to but then, he had a lot to get used to. Idris had given him much food for thought.


After a week had passed Ginny returned also with news.

“I’ve had a good long chat with my aunt Gwen in Windy Ho and she has agreed to come down to see you next week, by which time you should be stronger, then we’ll talk about getting you moved to somewhere more appropriate. How’s that sound?”

“That sounds bwilliant, what do you say, Bwo?”

“I’m not sure what to say, other than, it’s BRO, as in Brother.”

“That’s what I said, Bwo.”

“Idris, you are amazing.”

“Aint that wight!” Said Idris, wearing a wide dragon grin.

This time Whitey roared with laughter and he was joined by Idris and then Ginny. Each one was aware that something had happened here, something not foreseen by anyone but something special and it felt good. Strangely enough his gammy wing didn’t seem to matter all that much. He could still fly even if not as dynamically as before. But then, there wasn’t anything to prove, was there, not really.  


Sam Childs was in his office just settling himself down for his afternoon nap when there was a knock on the door. 


“There’s a young lady to see you, Chief.”

“Okay, Rock-son-of-Hud, show her in.”

By the time his visitor walked in Sam was sitting at his desk, hands in front of him, fingers interlocked.

“Do I have the honour of addressing Head Warden, Samuel Childs?”

He looked at his visitor, a young female, trim figure dressed from head to foot in bottle green, hat to shoes. She was fair with piercingly blue eyes.

“You certainly do young lady, and you are?”

“I’m Ginny Blyth.”

“And what can I do for Miss Ginny Blyth?”

“It’s Ginny, please and it’s not so much what you can do for me as what I hope I can do for you.”

“And what do you hope you can do for me?”

“You were appointed by the Grand Council, were you not?”


“Then you’ll need a friend.”


“I do hope you’ll excuse my boldness but things can happen so quickly here and get out of hand if not acted upon with matching urgency. Now, please, I am not doubting your abilities, Mr. Childs…”

“It’s Sam and do carry on.”

“Sam, thank you. I have every confidence in your abilities, you and your team, for you have a reputation that has preceded you. An excellent one too. I have enquired.” 

“You have?” My, my, he thought to himself, she is certainly direct and talks with an authority and assurance of someone of many more years than she could possibly have.

“Well now, Miss…”


“Ginny, firstly may I thank you for your offer of assistance. I really don’t know what to say to you other than thank you and add the old cliché, we’ll let you know.”  

“Thank you, Sam. And don’t leave it too long.” With that she was gone, leaving Sam Childs sitting at his desk wondering what had hit him? One thing was in no doubt in his mind. He liked her and knew he could trust her.

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