Master BroAndrew
Rev AA Scutt

Table of Contents

One Two Three Four Five Six

In the world of The Land of Ho

Visit The Land of Ho

Completed 1814 Words


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‘Now then Cuz, how’re you feeling?’ 

The muted growl he got from Idris told Windy all he needed to know. His venture into the world of the Peeps and their strange customs during his first shape change in a long time had cemented his opinion of these odd creatures and it was going to take something dramatic to change this.

‘Oooo! Is my head on?’ He moaned, curled up in the dark recess of the cave.

‘Rest assured my friend it is where it has always been.’

‘Ooo, never again.’

‘That’s the ticket, you’ve only been amongst them once and already you’re sounding like a native.’ Windy couldn’t hide his amusement while at the same time feeling a little sorry for his suffering cousins. A valuable lesson learned, he thought. 

‘Don’t ever let me do that again.’

‘You were doing alright, I thought but then you went a bit too far with the Karaoki. The effect of all those bottles, I guess but you made yourself so popular everyone wanted to buy you a drink. The locals, I suspect, will be wondering today what happened unless they are used to seeing a drunken transitioning dragon singing, bottle in claw. Maybe that’s the norm. Let’s hope so.’

‘Just tell me something, will yuh?


‘Are we back on the island?’

‘Oh yes. Safe and…what was that?’

‘What was what?’

‘I thought I heard something outside. You just stay where you are while I go and check.’

‘Make sure you’re not seen, or we’ll be having tourists coming out of our ears once they know there is a big blue furwy dwagon on the island too.’ 

‘It’s okay, don’t panic, they won’t see me.’ With that Windy became invisible and went to the entrance of the cave.

Standing outside was the slight figure of a young woman dressed in Green, green hat to green shoes and on her arm hung a covered basket.

‘Am I right in assuming that I am addressing one Windy Blue, the Arctic Dragon? My name is Ginny and I’m here to see Big Red, oh, sorry, Idris. Is he in?

Windy was so taken aback that the shock brought on involuntary visibility. And, he could be seen and by someone he didn’t know but who knew him. 

‘Oh, I apologize. I didn’t mean to shock you. An aunt of mine told me about you. You may remember her, Madam Gwen, Windy Ho?’

‘Madam Gwen, ah yes, Madam Gwen, my favourite Peeps.’

‘Who is it Windy?’

‘A friend, Idris, a very good friend.’

‘Do come in, Miss?’

‘It’s Ginny to my friends.’

Idris seemed to forget his condition at the sight of his good friend from the mainland. The only Peeps he liked because she was different somehow, maybe because she could shape-change too.

‘It’s lovely to see you, a sight for sore eyes for sure.’

‘I brought you a little something’, she said, handing over the basket.

‘That's very kind of you but you didn’t come all this way just to give me a pwesent.’

Without hesitation she said.

‘I, we, need your help.’

‘Oh?’ Immediately Idris and Windy knew this was trouble, big trouble.

‘Now I know that you and the Settlement Peeps don’t exactly see eye to eye but…’

‘Don’t see eye to eye?!?’

‘Now steady on Cuz, hear the lady out before you blow your horns completely off.’

‘So sorry, do continue.’

‘I do know how you feel, Idris but they really mean no harm. They are just like children in some ways, not knowing any better. Now they face a great terror and you are the only ones who can help them.’

Ginny began telling her listeners all about the great terror coming down from the North, an evil entity sworn to destroy all things Peeps and anyone else for that matter. It is pure hatred for all living beings. How her Aunt had dealings with a small sample of something similar some time back, of a local nature. And how Windy also played a part in the solving of that problem.

‘Ah yes,’ said Windy. ‘I thought, or had hoped that was resolved?’

‘Oh yes, that was but what we face now is something entirely different. We face a collective of hatred that has been building up over a long period of time, something that flexed its muscles, if you like, back up North but now is ready to vent its fury in full. This evil can’t actually act on its own, however. It needs agents. When it found it couldn’t use its original agent up north it had to find another. It has been collecting these ever since, until now.’

‘These agents, who or what are they?’

‘They are a mixture of dissatisfied, very bitter lost souls who have chosen to follow a very dark path. They have become shapechangers of the worst kind, very violent, quite merciless, well, basically devoid of feelings other than bitterness.’


When she had finished the room was silent. Two dragons in deep thought and little Ginny waiting patiently for their response.

Windy Blue was the first to speak. 

‘You can count on me, young lady, I’ve dealt with their kind before, as you know.’

‘Woa! Not so fast. Count me in too.’ Added Idris.

‘My Aunt was right about you, you are real gems.’


She then outlined her strategy which included the Wardens of Oakwood and their leader, Sam Childs, a good man to be trusted completely. They would need some preparation if they are to stand up to the evil ones. This she’d take care of personally. But first she had to go to a meeting of the Council but didn’t think that was going to play such a big part in the operation

She then realised that she was going to be late so had to dash. She thanked them both and promised to be in touch with any details. Then she was gone.

‘Well now, what do you think of that, Cuz?’

‘Duh you know, I was getting a bit tired of just being a touwist attwaction. It’s time for a bit of action.’

‘Well said.’


Time was of the essence, there was so much to do, to prepare and Ginny and the Wardens were going to be very busy for the next few days. They had to be kitted out with the right equipment and Ginny knew exactly what they needed and it was totally non-regulation . She thought better of telling them that some of it was quite experimental, like the invisibility helmets. After all, she hadn’t had to prepare for a major conflict before so everyone, except Windy Blue, were relatively new to the game. Rather fun, she thought and then the responsibility struck her. Best crack on.

She found the Wardens were very willing once they understood the situation. There were four of them, including Sam Childs. He was supported by his second in command, Rock-son-of-Hud, he had giant blood in his veins which is why he stood a good head above the rest. Windy and Idris had, unbeknowing, met him when they visited the inn in their disguise. Then there was Syd Pincher, an ex-cat-burglar, reformed, he claims. Sam had found his skills particularly useful from time to time. The last one was a bit of a dark horse, little was known about him but there were rumours. His name was Archid and it was said of him that he was an ex-assassin who was kicked out of the Guild due his dyslexia, which was thought problematic for his chosen profession. But, he was a good lad, loyal to the man who gave him a chance, his Chief. Ginny thought they were a likeable bunch of rogues but understood the Settlements’ uneasiness about them.  


For the next few weeks everything was reasonably quiet in Oakwood. The market was not as busy as usual though ticking over but The Carve Up Inn was doing good business, an outward indication of the tension present in the community. Everyone from the road sweeper to the High Council were feeling the strain, just waiting for something to happen. That woman had predicted great terror but as yet nothing remotely upsetting had occurred.

‘Dyuh know what I think, I think she were on summat, that’s what I think.’

‘Is that what you think?’

‘That’s what I think.’

Nobby Wynn, the local know it all was holding court in the bar of the Carve Up. Waving his empty mug around majestically, hoping for a refill. The locals looked upon Nobby as something of a celebrity, always good for a story or two, the wilder the better. As a result he often succeeded in getting his refill. It was different on this occasion. The people were wary, not sure what or who to believe with this threat hanging over their heads. Was it true or wasn’t it? Could they believe the young lady with the big glasses? Nothing had happened and everyone’s nerves were being stretched to the limit. Something had to give.


‘FIRE! FIRE! The spell had been broken with that chilling shout, announcing perhaps that most feared call for a community like Oakwood, a Settlement consisting mostly of wooden homes, very few brick buildings. A fire would spread very rapidly. In this instance every able bodied Peeps was a firefighter and in a matter of just a few minutes the whole place resembled a huge busy ant colony. Bucket chains were organised guaranteeing a constant supply of water from the two wells that served the community and the river Ho itself. Because the fire was so widespread it was difficult to determine where it had started. Sam Childs was able to establish that it was started on purpose due to a definite pattern and it was aimed to travel from the outskirts inward. As had been the case with all the recent felonious acts there was no hard proof other than what appeared obvious to Sam’s experienced eye.


‘It’s started,’ said Sam to Ginny.

‘Were there any casualties?’ she asked.

‘None, fortunately.’

 ‘How much damage?’

‘Ah, well, three families are being accommodated by others while repairs are done. Very lucky really.’

‘No, my friend, not luck. Good teamwork from a good community, worth fighting for.’

‘Do we know where the culprits are coming from, I mean, can’t we pre-empt them somehow?’

‘Do you know what you are suggesting, Sam Childs?’

‘I’m just thinking that all this waiting stuff is a good way of sapping the confidence and resolve of the community.’

Ginny thought for a minute.

‘I think it’s time to call on our helpers. Leave this to me. I shall be away for a little while, do not worry about me. Stay alert and wear your armour and carry your weapons at all times.’ With that she was gone.

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