D3vilmade Progress Report


886 words


846 words


676 words


914 words

Sunset Plains

609 words

The Mages of Life

782 words

Slavery in Dragsa

519 words

Turtle Island

434 words


337 words


1280 words


1451 words

D3vilmade Progress so far

28152 words 281.52% completed!

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I'm a geek, always have been and always will be... and I love it!   I enjoy playing computer games, tabletop wargaming (recently moved over to Necromunda), and TTRPG's with my mates, most of whom, like me, have or still are in uniform.   My wife tolerates my habit, although if she knew how much I spend on my mini's that might change, and my kids think they're awesome... I'll make geeks of them all yet.   I've only recently found my way to World Anvil, and I've found that I really enjoy the world building that it allows. Hopefully it gives my players some joy as well as they join me on our adventures.   In the real world I've spent the last twenty years working in Logistics and Operations Management, a trade I learnt while serving in the Armed Forces. Prior to that I spent nine years slaving away in kitchens as a Chef.


Finish 2024 with an achievement — Start 2025 with a bang

We challenge you to write 10,000 words of original worldbuilding content this December. Check out the prizes and rules below!

All you need is a free World Anvil account, grab your hammer, and GO WORLDBUILD!

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